Yup he sure is!
Hey Bob, didn't make it to London as you know and meant to ask you if you got those Alamo figures you told me about in the end?
And when is the next chapter due mate?{bravo}}
Hi Bob: According to Marshall De Bruhl in "Sword of San Jacinto, Houston mounted his white stallion Saracen about 4pm which was killed by cannon fire, mounted another horse which was killed, wounded in his right ankle and mounted a third horse. I don't think I have seen Houston on a white stallion by any toy soldier maker including Trophy. TommyHi Rob
How are you doing?
Well in answering your question-hopefully The Battle of San Jacinto will shortly be coming to a screen near you ^&grin
Intend doing a follow-up to the fall of the Alamo but its proving a tough call as very few-if any- TS manufacturers have dealt with Sam Houston's victory. I've already got the K&C mounted figure of old Sam
But to do the story full justice I also need him as a single standing figure plus a couple of his lieutenants such as "Deaf" Smith; T J Rusk and of course Mosley Baker who coined the phrase "Remember Goliad! Remember the Alamo!" As nobody currently makes them I've sent out some enquiries to see if I can get a few commissioned from scratch plus a few mounted Texians. If that fails one could always fall back on converting some of the current Alamo figures to fit the personalities I would need.
I'm sure that there must be more than a few Texan enthusiasts who have modelled San Jacinto but I personally have not seen any dioramas of the battle. I know how to stage it but just need a few celebrity figures to keep it historically accurate. Keep watching.
Hi Rob
How are you doing?
Well in answering your question-hopefully The Battle of San Jacinto will shortly be coming to a screen near you ^&grin
Intend doing a follow-up to the fall of the Alamo but its proving a tough call as very few-if any- TS manufacturers have dealt with Sam Houston's victory. I've already got the K&C mounted figure of old Sam
But to do the story full justice I also need him as a single standing figure plus a couple of his lieutenants such as "Deaf" Smith; T J Rusk and of course Mosley Baker who coined the phrase "Remember Goliad! Remember the Alamo!" As nobody currently makes them I've sent out some enquiries to see if I can get a few commissioned from scratch plus a few mounted Texians. If that fails one could always fall back on converting some of the current Alamo figures to fit the personalities I would need.
I'm sure that there must be more than a few Texan enthusiasts who have modelled San Jacinto but I personally have not seen any dioramas of the battle. I know how to stage it but just need a few celebrity figures to keep it historically accurate. Keep watching.
Hi Bob,
Since I grew up in in a small Texas town not far from Houston, I most certainly look forward to your San Jacinto diodrama. I know it will be breathtaking!
As an aside, you might be interested to learn my wife, Diane Rusk Wade, is the great great grandaughter of Thomas Jefferson Rusk. Like myself, Diane is very much looking forward to your diodrama, especially since it may include T.J. Rusk as an active part of the story.
Warmest personal regards,
Bob: There was a large reenactment of the battle this year. TommyThanks for your post Pat-Wow! I had no idea your good lady wife was related to T.J. Rusk. I will certainly have to be particularly careful to get the story correct now that I'm walking in the tall shadow of her illustrious ancestor. Although he was a South Carolinian he played a hugely influential role in Texas' Independence.
San Jacinto I think will be a great diodrama to undertake and I have already mapped out the first opening scenes when Erastus Smith on his way back to Bexar came upon Joe escorting Susanna Dickinson and escorts them back to Houston's camp at Gonazales. It was her who confirmed that the rumours that the Alamo had fallen were true. However, I'm short of a single standing figure of old Sam to complete the scene. Currently in hand.
The actual battle itself was all but over in less than eighteen minutes with very few casualties suffered on the Texian side, but the history behind the build up to the battle I have always found to be as fascinating as the Alamo legend. As Joshua Chamberlain of the 20th Maine once said "History is not a Dead Sea, but rather a fast flowing river" I'll second that!
Hi Bob: According to Marshall De Bruhl in "Sword of San Jacinto, Houston mounted his white stallion Saracen about 4pm which was killed by cannon fire, mounted another horse which was killed, wounded in his right ankle and mounted a third horse. I don't think I have seen Houston on a white stallion by any toy soldier maker including Trophy. Tommy
Thanks for the info Tommy I'll add those specifics to my scenario. Not only have we not seen Sam on a white steed we ain't seen very much of Sam or any of his famous cohorts in any TS form whatsoever.
I used to live in Beaumont Texas, and passed the San Jacinto Battlefield every time I drove to Houston. I wonder if there is any truth to the legend of the "Yellow Rose of Texas" - the story being a lady of ill repute kept Santa Ana occupied in his tent the night before the dawn attack, assisting Sam Houston in completely surprising the Mexican Forces.
Louis thanks for your comment. Although I have traversed many of your Eastern and Southern States and thoroughly enjoyed California three times I never have managed to visit Texas. I need to rectify that soonest. As far as whether the mulatto lady is fact or fiction who knows? But it makes for a great side-bar story and I do have various "femme fatales" 60mm figures I could use in such a scene for the dio...but heavens I would have to be very discreet on how I present it ^&grin^&grin
Thanks guys
Very well done. In the first photo of this set, there is a figure I do not recognize. Looks like a Sapper that is welding an axe raised up like a club. Is that a custom figure?
The figure you refer to in picture 1 is a W.Britain's Napoleonic Sapper Collectors figure from a few years back. I gave him a mini repaint in particular the helmet plume to fit in with his colleagues as General Santa Anna equipped part of his Mexican army with old uniform stock from France which consisted primarily of ex- Napoleonic kit. So as far as picture authenticity goes the Nap Sapper fitted the scene.