Hi Rob/Brad
Funny you brought this up as I have for sometime being "toying" with purchasing a set of K&C's Cazadores that were released earlier this year. They were a Mexican light infantry rifle company that were supposedly based on the British 95th Rifles and they too wore a green uniform. Apparently there was one company at the Alamo and by all accounts were pretty good marksmen. Rob remind me to take a close look at them at December's show. In the meantime here's a couple of pictures that ended up on the cutting room floor
This K&C Mexican officer had a "hat" conversion to a head bandana. Always liked the way he turned out. You can see an original in the background walking along the inside of the wall
Side view of bandana man extreme left of this picture. The guy between the ladder rungs wearing the sombrero is in fact a Del Prado Mexican bandit fully converted and painted to represent one of Santa Anna's NCO's and he is holding one of the defenders head in his left hand
Top down shot of part of this quite large dio
Guys sorry that'll have to do until after the London show ^&grin And on that subject Rob did you know the best tasting Tequila I have ever swigged is also called "Cazadores" but as a drinking man I bet you knew that already ^&grin