"DEGUELLO!" The Fall of the Alamo (4 Viewers)


I love this latest musical installment. Most of the figures are unknown to me. Are they conversions? The fiddling Davy Crockett is an especially nice touch. I see that he was accompanied by a bagpiper too

Happy New Year!


Thanks Randy and a Happy New Year to you too.

A little surprised you didn't recognise the figures as most of them are K&C Alamo with one Britain's & a Conte.

Crockett is a King's X release and he was a surprise Christmas present from a fellow Yankee forum member who we both know well from our Canadian days. Thought the least I could do to acknowledge my appreciation of his benevolence was concoct a little scenario to introduce Davy fiddlin' on the wall.

Thanks also Mike and Denver the buildings/walls you asked about are from the Barzso Adobe sets.


Now that you've resurrected this theme, how about the other one about 18th century wilderness. That was actually my favorite of the ones you did.


What a nice way of bringing the year to a close Bob with another of your oustanding photo dioramas which have given us so much pleasure throughtout the year Reb. The photos once again are a sight to behold an surpass what yu've provided us with this pass year. Looking forward to what your have in store for us during this coming year and wishing you nothing but the best my friend for the new year.........Joe
Beautiful work!!! But I do have a question, the figure with the bedroll on his back, I do not recognize. That the Britain character mentioned in your post?
Beautiful work!!! But I do have a question, the figure with the bedroll on his back, I do not recognize. That the Britain character mentioned in your post?

Yeah! He is a Britain's figure. I picked him up from a private dealer at the London show a couple of years back-he had no box but I believe him to be part of the Lewis & Clark set. Maybe a Britain's forum member can add some more info for you.

Bob, late to the show with this one. Wonderful work my friend, just excellent. You are without doubt king of realistic action scenes, seriously when it comes to realism on this forum I believe you are the best practitioner of it.


WOW !!!!!!...I dont have enough superlatives to cover this one!!..Absolutely Stunning, you have taken the Art of Diorama making up to another level. The exploding Powder kegs scene is just unbelievable, maybe you will tell me one day just how you make those explosions so
realistic..Would look great with my future ACW Dioramas!!....Thanks for sharing.

Regards Steve
Hey Bob, been a while since we saw some posts on this excellent thread, any plans for more mate?

Hey Bob, been a while since we saw some posts on this excellent thread, any plans for more mate?


Hi Rob/Brad

Funny you brought this up as I have for sometime being "toying" with purchasing a set of K&C's Cazadores that were released earlier this year. They were a Mexican light infantry rifle company that were supposedly based on the British 95th Rifles and they too wore a green uniform. Apparently there was one company at the Alamo and by all accounts were pretty good marksmen. Rob remind me to take a close look at them at December's show. In the meantime here's a couple of pictures that ended up on the cutting room floor

This K&C Mexican officer had a "hat" conversion to a head bandana. Always liked the way he turned out. You can see an original in the background walking along the inside of the wall


Side view of bandana man extreme left of this picture. The guy between the ladder rungs wearing the sombrero is in fact a Del Prado Mexican bandit fully converted and painted to represent one of Santa Anna's NCO's and he is holding one of the defenders head in his left hand


Top down shot of part of this quite large dio


Guys sorry that'll have to do until after the London show ^&grin And on that subject Rob did you know the best tasting Tequila I have ever swigged is also called "Cazadores" but as a drinking man I bet you knew that already ^&grin

That will have to do? No, that will not have to do! ^&grin

We'll be counting the days. Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.......
Number one interest of mine . . . . American Civil War. Number two interest of mine . . . The Alamo. Bob, I have always enjoyed your series on this battle and the Fall of the Alamo . . . just incredibly well done and it will always be one of my all time favorite threads.
:smile2: Mike
Bob...thanks for the bonus pics...the Alamo diodrama thread of yours has always been my favorite of all your work...
Hi Rob/Brad

Funny you brought this up as I have for sometime being "toying" with purchasing a set of K&C's Cazadores that were released earlier this year. They were a Mexican light infantry rifle company that were supposedly based on the British 95th Rifles and they too wore a green uniform. Apparently there was one company at the Alamo and by all accounts were pretty good marksmen. Rob remind me to take a close look at them at December's show. In the meantime here's a couple of pictures that ended up on the cutting room floor

This K&C Mexican officer had a "hat" conversion to a head bandana. Always liked the way he turned out. You can see an original in the background walking along the inside of the wall


Side view of bandana man extreme left of this picture. The guy between the ladder rungs wearing the sombrero is in fact a Del Prado Mexican bandit fully converted and painted to represent one of Santa Anna's NCO's and he is holding one of the defenders head in his left hand


Top down shot of part of this quite large dio


Guys sorry that'll have to do until after the London show ^&grin And on that subject Rob did you know the best tasting Tequila I have ever swigged is also called "Cazadores" but as a drinking man I bet you knew that already ^&grin


lets say I'm aware of it mate^&grin:wink2:, maybe we should get all the guys on Tequila shots at the bar in December, that'll lead to some interesting afternoon purchases!:wink2:
Hello Bob, forgive me as I have over looked this thread:( but as good as your civil war thread this one is just as nice, some wonderful scenes and battles, congrats again on another great thread, so you have ACW,Alamo, how about some WWII dios?:)...Sammy

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