Thanks for the comments guys-I enjoyed putting it together it was a real blast and I personally like the ending rather than the duke blowing the Alamo to smithereens which we know never happened.
Jeff throughout the dio I used dozens of specially commissioned pieces from here and from the States-just using what's available from off the shelf would make it impossible to tell the story as I have done.
There is also a good number of conversions especially with the Mexican troops. As some of the guys on here are only too aware I have a good chum who is an absolute artist in converting with museum standard of painting on anything Napoleonic. So Alamo Mexicans fitted the bill for his particular skill-the Alamo women and kids I bought just before sitting down to have a beer with you last March-they needed quite a bit of converting from Russian peasants into Spanish-but nothing is impossible with this hobby of ours that can't be fixed with some metal putty and Vallego paint

I'm particularly pleased in how the ladies turned out ranging from expressions of fear to defiance.
But of course the main bulk of the figures were K&C and Conte (which you can't get in the UK now for love nor money) I have had RC's sets for about 5 or 6 years bought them as a job lot but never used them just stored them in the loft but when K&C released their superb series-I thought this whole heroic Texan saga just has to be told as a story so rather than just post continual single photographs of the action which don't really tell the viewer very much except confuse them-well 8 or 9 chapters later on you know the rest.
Thanks for your interest-now let me at those Zulus cos there's a splendid story just waiting to be told there
