"DEGUELLO!" The Fall of the Alamo (1 Viewer)

I thought the scenes in Bobs Gettysburg thread sometime back would not be bettered,but here he has done it himself.I think that explosion scene we have just seen is the most realistic effect i have ever seen on a diorama.

Wow, you have captured the look of the real thing.

Thank you for sharing your work with us.

King's Man
Bob, I have to say it was well worth the wait; this just has to be among one of the best photos on the forum of late.


Bob,can i ask how long this scene took you from start to finish mate?.It's simply stunning.

Tonight, I finally was able to view the entire series from start to finish. It took me a little over 2 and 1/2 hours. I enjoyed every picture. Thank you for the whole series. I admire your work and look forward to your future chapters.;);)
The hastily built defenses of the chapel compound were literally swept aside by the multidirectional tide of Mexican troops which resulted in their units becoming hopelessly mixed and the officers almost losing contol of their army.


Harrison had ordered Crockett to fall back with half a dozen men as a last ditch line in front of the chapel to protect the women and children hiding in the Bapistry.
Micajah Autrey who had joined Crockett in Nacogdoches on their journey to the Alamo tore open a cartridge with his teeth the taste of the bitter grainy powder in his mouth was like the taste of death itself prompted him to murmer to Crockett
"They are going to kill us all David"
Crockett remained silent


Now amidst a desperate fight the defenders attempted to hold their line but their fate was the same as their colleagues when defending the South gate-as every Texican fell there was no one to take his place, so each Texican death left larger gaps in their lines.


The air was full of the sounds of sharp reports of rifles, the whistling of bullets, the cursing of the men, the groans of the dying and the arrogant harangues of the Mexican officers.
Private Gregario Sparza a Tejano defender using a honed machette sword threw himself into the melee of bodies. He would give his life protecting his wife and four children who were hiding inside the chapel behind him.


Harrison's meagre line fought like fury but he knew his men were fast losing ground being pushed back to the chapel facade. Harrison and the Preacher shouted above the noise of the battle encouragements to the Tennesseans.


But the disorder now was frightful with different groups of soldiers firing in all directions-one was as likely to die by friendly fire as by an enemy's. Those Mexicans who could not get near to bayonet a live enemy stuck dead ones lying beneath their feet while others fired repeatedly into the defenders corpses.


For some of the Texicans it was now too much-they had held out for thirteen days waiting for the promised support from Sam Houston and James Fannin-neither had arrived. They now had a choice either make a hopeless last stand or vault over the southern palisade and try to reach the river.
It was time to save themselves!


Those who dropped over the palisade started to scatter but that was precisely the moment the Mexican lancers had been waiting for. The horsemen easily caught the fleeing men and impaled each one on their lances. Some cried out "Don't kill me" but the lancers did not understand the language of the gringos and running them down was good sport.

Ironically the Independence of Texas had been declared four days before and these men had died for a Republic whose existence they never knew.


As the defenders were driven back- rooms adjacent to the low barracks became exposed. One in particular was barred and locked which attracted a large group of soldados who were now more intent in looting-believing there to be a cache of loot within they frantically began smashing and chopping through the locked wooden door


And behind that door, delirious with fever possibly typhoid lay James Bowie. Soaked in sweat and roused from a fretful sleep by the sounds of combat he struggled to sit up. Resting a pistol on his arched knee he watched as the wooden door slowly splintered and cracked.

Bob, I was going to ask what you have been doing for the last month? :p But I can see your latest and the best (imho) instalment must have taken you ages to set up and photograph for our amusement – so you are excused! ;):D

Seriously, if I had a hat I would take it off to you. Thank you. :)

Poor James,

We know his fate, so the next chapter will have a chilling opening.

Bob, it's almost at an end.

I want to thank you for the entertaining dialogue and the enormous amount of time you have spent putting together this large scale diorama.

I'm not sure people that don't post photos or only do small vignettes realize the work you have spent on this for our amusement.

I do.

This is a great chapter, thank you for all the work you have spent arranging buildings, posing figures and editing photos.

Always the best.:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

Those are incredible shots. I am hoping you will take on the new Honour Bound Shores of Tripoli Barbary Pirates series. You could easily make that another Oscar winner.

Once again Bob, just fabulous . . . absolutely fabulous. And the award for excellence goes to . . . kudos Bob.

Only outstanding, another great story line with excellent pictures, two thumbs up!!!!!!!!!!!!
Absolutely brilliant stuff BJ.
I'm astonished and INSPIRED by the continuing excellence of your diodramas - and tempted to emulate them in my own inimitable fashion.

I echo all the comments of my peers. I had been wondering what you had been up to as I was having withdrawl symptoms. Now the clock starts ticking until the next installment. It is hard to say which installment has been the best. I mean how does one improve on perfection?:cool:
Wonderful work mate,absolutely superb.Your script bring these already excellent scenes to life with a bang,keep it up mate your work is one of the most enjoyable things around here.

Fabulous as always! Looking forward to the next chapter...

I can see the final chapter now, the 82nd airborne parachuting in to save the remainder of the beleagured defenders. Automatic weapons should even up the odds some.
I can see the final chapter now, the 82nd airborne parachuting in to save the remainder of the beleagured defenders. Automatic weapons should even up the odds some.
I seem to remember a Twilight Zone episode where a modern tank crew on manuevers hit a time warp of some sort and ended up at Custer's last stand. Perhaps an armored unit from Fort Hood could lend Crockett and gang a hand?:p -- lancer
I seem to remember a Twilight Zone episode where a modern tank crew on manuevers hit a time warp of some sort and ended up at Custer's last stand. Perhaps an armored unit from Fort Hood could lend Crockett and gang a hand?:p -- lancer
Or an air strike from the neaby air base..

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