"DEGUELLO!" The Fall of the Alamo (1 Viewer)

Hey Bob - you're getting not too bad at this kinda stuff.
You've obviously been practicing.

WOW - Once again Reb !

Great stuff - I was very impressed with some of the photos in this segment - really cool :cool:

You are the ALAMO MAN !
Excellent, once again, your dioramas and story telling are second to none.
My friend, I ran out of English words for describe you dioramas photographs, so I will say in Portuguese.

Maravilhoso, Reb as suas fotos sao divinas, impressionante, sensacional


Rod I thank you and my Portuguese is not as good as my Spanish so apologies if this is not quite right:-

Muito obrigado meu amigo, mas nunca esquecer que a sua fe dios sao tambem a minha inspiracao!

Rod I thank you and my Portuguese is not as good as my Spanish so apologies if this is not quite right:-

Muito obrigado meu amigo, mas nunca esquecer que a sua fe dios sao tambem a minha inspiracao!


You are very welcome my friend...você é muito bem vindo.

My friend, I ran out of English words for describe you dioramas photographs, so I will say in Portuguese.

Maravilhoso, Reb as suas fotos sao divinas, impressionante, sensacional



I can't say it in Portuguese Rod - but I reckon this thread has been pure dead brilliant by the way, innat....

Thanks Reb for some more items to put into the scrapbook.

I can't say it in Portuguese Rod - but I reckon this thread has been pure dead brilliant by the way, innat....

Thanks Reb for some more items to put into the scrapbook.


Thanks Harry and the rest of you guys for your very kind comments. Interesting one of the members (no names no pack drill) sent me an e-mail and asked me if I was ever a big comic book fan:D.

In fact I think he hit the nail on the head with this dio-like a lot of you on here comic books heavily influenced me as a kid until you eventually grow out of them-but do you:confused:

These diodramas are just another version of comic books/graphic novels but instead of drawing pictures we are using our figures to depict the artwork.
Interesting view which I had not considered before.

A lot of action going on in this diorama.
I think it looks great! I also like that it is very colorful due to the soldiers uniforms. "DEGUELLO!" The Fall of the Alamo was done very well.
Is this a permanent set up? If not, it should be.
Remember the Fall of the Alamo!:D
Reb, this is one of the best dioramas I have ever seen! Congratulations on a job superbly done!


As the bloody slaughter in the Long Barracks and the fight for the Alamo flag subsided Col.Jose de la Pena's regiment approached the mission's gate situated in the South Wall.


The Mexican force smashed into the few Texans and Tejanos defending this position. Both sides knew if the gate was breached it would allow access to two Mexican columns massed outside the perimeter to enter the compound


Some of the most ferocious hand to hand fighting took place here. With defenders rifles and pistols emptied it was knife against bayonet.


With their backs to the gates the Texians used sword; pistol butts; rocks; fists and teeth in a frenzied and desperate fight to keep the gate shut.


But for every Mexican taken down another took his place-As the last defenders fell the soldados rushed forward to the gate urged on by their officers.


Clearing the dead bodies of the Texians the large wooden gate was swung open. Morales column and a contingent of lancers poured into the mission-there were now more attacking Mexican forces inside the walls of the old mission than there were outside. Like a ship rapidly taking on water the Alamo compound filled with a continuous flow of Mexican troops.


As the four columns converged like a devouring flood they passed the last piece of artillery manned by the Texians on the South Wall.
Seeing the mob of blue-uniformed enemy moving toward the chapel compound the artillerists having loaded the cannon positioned the barrel at it's maximum deflection and aimed into the mass of blue below them.


The gunner moved his linstock to light the fuse just as their position on the lower level of the low barracks was over-run by Morales men who had scaled the walls as soon as they had entered the main gate.

The muzzle of the cannon spewed ball and flame with a fearful roar.


It was a lucky hit landing amongst the gun-powder kegs stored with the two small cannon originally placed there to defend the gate-a piece of burning powder bag ignited the black powder.

The blast scattered Mexican bodies and severed limbs, it cut a bloody swath through the throng of soldados-But the main body continued their advance without a falter or even a concern for their dying comrades.


The Tennessee boys at the chapel area watched as the Mexican army continued it's advance toward them and they must have known they were the very last of the 189 Alamo defenders left alive. William Garnett the old Virginian Baptist Preacher sword in one hand and the good book in the other loudly quoted a passage from Jeremiah

"Take vengeance of thine enemies sayeth the Lord and the sword shall devour them and his wrath be sated"

Captain Harrison murmered "Amen" and then added

"Men remember Colonel Travis missives- LIBERTY or DEATH!"

The last stand of the Tennessee Mounted Volunteers was upon them.

Bob,i got to tell you mate that explosion shot is one of the best i've ever seen.Funny just last night my father in law was asking me about dio's and i was telling him about your amazing scenes,and next day here's another one!!:eek:.

Wonderful work Reb,absolutely stunning.Your scenes are better than are dispalyed in most museums,congratulations mate.

Aaaaaaaaaaaah Bob,

Just like A-Rod's return yesterday............You've just hit a home run!!!:cool::cool::cool:

Great story line and you really put some effort into your terrain and poses.

I especially like the cannon volley photo with the soldados flying in the air.

Poor Tennessian Volunteers, there are just too many soldados to withstand,


while you can't change history and give the defenders a "win",

you are doing a masterful re-enactment of the truth.

Looking forward to the next chapter, now excuse me while I re-read this one.

Oh yea, Bob, I was kind of expecting to see a well in thic chapter, lol.:D:D:D
Every episode you post is nothing short of sensational Reb, but I think you have outdone yourself with that explosion :eek:

I recant my last comment Bob.

I do see that the well has made an appearance (twice).

The explosion fixated my eyes so strong on it,

that I didn't notice the well to the left of it.

It's a great prop addittion and again,

Absolutely outstanding Bob and absolutely the best installment so far. The artillery explosion is just amazing and as Randy said its worth the price of admission by itself! I am going to hate to see this story end, but alas . . end it must. You sir have certainly helped us to Remeber the Alamo!!


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