"DEGUELLO!" The Fall of the Alamo (1 Viewer)

Great chapter Reb, some of your best photos yet, with the ladder scaling.
I am enjoying the h-e-double hockey sticks out of this thread. What a great job. -- lancer
Not much I can say Reb that hasn't already been said and once again thanks for sharing it.......The Lt.
Ooooooh Reb,

I'm sorry it's finally nearing an end. I have enjoyed your thread immensely.


Who says it ends. The next chapter has the spirits of those gallant Texicans fighting forever, for it only truly ends if we, as Americans ever forget...Michael
Just got caught up to date on your Alamo diorama and story Bob. Just outstanding. Its always a pleasure to view your creations.

Thanks again guys for all of your kind comments. I would also like to express my appreciation for all the assistance and advice from Ed (eborris) who is THE Alamo expert of the forum.

Rod-Main buildings and walls are Barszo's and I use two cameras a Sony-cybershot fitted with a wide optical lens and a Canon SureShot for close-ups.

Mike-Fear not- I sketch/delineate on an artist board all the scenes that I need to portray linked to the Alamo history (what little we know) purely to see if they will work before I place/dress the buildings/walls and figures into the scene. Subsequently, it appears I can stretch it out for at least another six chapters. Bearing in mind posting 10 pictures at a time is pretty time consuming as really all the chapters should be viewed as almost happening at the same time i.e.
Crockett's men awaiting the final assault
De Le Pena's regiments charging the main gates
The slaughter in the Long Barracks
The assault on the Alamo flag.

Again guys very much appreciated and am chuffed that some of you are enjoying the thread.


That's good news!

Do us a favor and stretch out a few more extra than 6 more you're hoping for.

You know I'm hooked on this thread.

Keep them coming.

That may be!....but hurry up with the last chapter - you've got Waterloo to do next :eek::p:D:D

Really good and enjoyable. Thanks. :)


I think you mean Rorke's Drift Jeff :rolleyes:

Along with everyone else Reb, I would like to extend my thanks for taking the time to compose, photograph, edit etc..etc...so that we can also enjoy your great dios from the comfort of our homes.
I think you mean Rorke's Drift Jeff :rolleyes:

Along with everyone else Reb, I would like to extend my thanks for taking the time to compose, photograph, edit etc..etc...so that we can also enjoy your great dios from the comfort of our homes.

Hmmmm....Now could Reb's thread on the popularity of the Zulu War contain just the slightest wee hint as to where he's going next with his Diodramas..??
Hmmmm....Now could Reb's thread on the popularity of the Zulu War contain just the slightest wee hint as to where he's going next with his Diodramas..??

I never thought of that Harry and he was in the ModelZone shop and was discussing Zulus with the owner. :eek::eek: Can you imagine the Diodrama :eek::eek::eek: :cool:
I have just read this listing again, as I just returned from a business trip to San Antonio. The Alamo was great, it has changed quite a bit since I was last there(1972). The Kings X store was nice.

I was talkng to one of the guards there and he stated that the long term plans (20 years or more) for the Alamo was to rebuild the walls. This would require the purchase of the buldings across the street from the plaza. I am not sure if it will happen or not, but if it happens a 70 year old TS collector will be there.:D
The Fight for the Alamo Flag Part II

With the Mexican attack now on two fronts of the Convent the brave defenders were gradually beaten down one by one and annihilated by Torres and his remaining men. He had now fought his way to within grasping distance of the rebel banner.

On the lower level roof Torres was now supported by Lieutenant Damasco Martinez and his contingent of troops. Martinez wearing his distinctive red spotted bandana tied around his head urged his men forward to assist Torres now practically fighting by himself.


Only two defenders were now resisting the Mexican attackers the mortally wounded Squire Daymon and Jesse Bowman a giant of a man who was furiously tangling with two of the wall scalers-having no time to reload his guns Bowman picked up one of the Mexicans over his head to throw him off the roof to the plaza below whilst viciously kicking the other in his leg.

Torres calmly and coldly shot Bowman through the heart.


As Bowman fell to the ground Torres grabbed hold of the Alamo flag


But Daymon was not quite dead yet and with his final effort aimed his last loaded pistol and fired at the Mexican officer who was tearing down their flag.


Martinez saw Torres grab the flag and then fall


Quickly turning he shouted down to his color bearer

"Rapidamete mi amigo que necesito ahora neustros colores nacionales"


Martinez and his color bearer now placed their colors into position watched by the dying Torres who raised his sword in salute to his country's flag. For a brief moment no one now moved on the convent roof-but the flag that now flew in the early morning breeze was red, white and green-bearing the emblem of the angry eagle and serpent of Centralist Mexico.


Martinez having taken the rebel banner from the now dead Torres's hand passed it to his color bearer and told him to go and present it to His Excellency Santa Anna


Down in the plaza Santa Anna's troops paused in their advance and wildly cheered their national flag now proudly flying above the mission. They now all felt victory was indeed close and would surely be theirs. Morale now running high they began to move toward the area where the last bastion of defenders were still fiercely resisting-

The Alamo church!

You never cease to amaze me Bob,

That was a great chapter, "The Flag", great story fantastic poses for it too.

You are a vivid story teller and first class hobbyist.

I'm really looking forward to the next chapter, "The Church".

Thanks for the entertaining thread.

I have just read this listing again, as I just returned from a business trip to San Antonio. The Alamo was great, it has changed quite a bit since I was last there(1972). The Kings X store was nice.

I was talkng to one of the guards there and he stated that the long term plans (20 years or more) for the Alamo was to rebuild the walls. This would require the purchase of the buldings across the street from the plaza. I am not sure if it will happen or not, but if it happens a 70 year old TS collector will be there.:D
Not to mention that they'd have to reroute the streets around there as they go through the north and west portions of the compound.
You never cease to amaze me Bob,

That was a great chapter, "The Flag", great story fantastic poses for it too.

You are a vivid story teller and first class hobbyist.

I'm really looking forward to the next chapter, "The Church".

Thanks for the entertaining thread.


I agree very entertaining. Great story and pics.

Bob, 2TU again! :)


Great job as always Bob, you've done it again!!!!!!

All the above is true This is some of the most stunning work to date. I never thought I could be this interested in the Alamo. Your skill have improved more ,if this is possible. You have included the detrius and confusion , the fog of war in the shots. Very well met!:)
Stirring, stunning, startling, stupefying, splendid mate.
More exceptional layout, use of poses and photography. Encore, Encore.:cool:
Stirring, stunning, startling, stupefying, splendid mate.
More exceptional layout, use of poses and photography. Encore, Encore.:cool:

The only thing I can add to the above assessment is a question: why is it that the best U.S. Civil War and Alamo diodramas are made by an Englishman?:p:D
Stunning Bob,simply superb work.We will toast your work at the bar in June!;)


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