Delhi Durbar/Indian Army various makes (2 Viewers)

Hi Guys,

Here are a couple of shots of my Gurkhas. Not from the Durbar series but they did participate so I like to include them.

All the best



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Hi Dave,

Apparently there is no end to your fabulous collection! It is a very special treat to see some of it. Thanks for the great photographs. The Gurkhas are wonderful and special figures. I'm glad they are part of your collection. :)

Warmest personal regards,

Dave, love the Gurkhas. Do you have a list of all of the units that marched in the Durbar? We're there any soley British units that marched?
Hi Jrsteel,

I do have a list of units that were there and there were many solely British Units who took place. I will give you a run down later because I'm off to drop the kids at school and then to the gym:(

I will say that one unit that gave The Viceroy Curzon fits was there, The 9th Lancers. He absolutely hated this unit because of an incident resulting in the death of an India servant and the lack of suitable punishment. I have read in two sources that he wanted to ban them and was trying to find a way to send them packing but because they had many officers with Royal connections he was unable to do very much about it but he did succeed in making the units lives pretty bad for quite a while.

I will give you guys more details later.

All the best

Hi Guys,

I will post the list I have for units stationed in India and from there as seperate posts since the list is extremely long. I will also tell you all that I am waiting on two books and will be able to give more details when they arrive.

So here are the Regular Units.

Regular Cavalry

Governor General's Bodyguard *
Governor's Bodyguard, Madras
Governor's Bodyguard, Bombay
1st Duke of York's Own Lancers (Skinner's Horse)*
2nd Lancers (Gardner's Horse)
3rd Skinner's Horse
4th Lancers
5th Cavalry (Bombay)*
6th Prince of Wales's Cavalry
7th Lancers
8th Lancers
9th Lancers* (Hollow Cast Mounted Band)
9th Hodson's Horse* (Bengal Lancers)
10th Duke of Cambridge's Own Lancers (Hodson's Horse)
11th Prince of Wales's Own Lancers
12th Cavalry
13th Duke of Cambridge's Own Lancers (Watson's Horse)
14th Murray's Jat Lancers
15th Lancers (Cureton's Multanis)
16th Cavalry
17th Cavalry
18th Tiawana Lancers
19th Lancers (Fane's Horse)
20th Deccan Horse
21st Prince Albert Victor's Own Cavalry (Frontier Force)
22nd Cavalry (Frontier Force)
23rd Cavalry (Frontier Force)
25th Cavalry (Frontier Force)
26th Light Cavalry
27th Light Cavalry *
28th Light Cavalry
29th Lancers (Deccan Horse)
30th Lancers (Gordon's Horse)
31st Duke of Connaught's Own Lancers
32nd Lancers
33rd Queen's Own Light Cavalry
34th Prince Albert Victor's Own Poona Horse
35th Scinde Horse
36th Jacob's Horse
37th Lancers (Baluch Horse)
38th Central India Horse *
39th Central India Horse

Regular Infantry

1st Brahmans
2nd (Queen's Own) Regiment of Rajput Light Infantry
3rd Brahmans
4th Prince Albert Victor's Rajputs
5th Light Infantry
6th Jat Light Infantry
7th (Duke of Connaught's Own) Rajputs
8th Rajputs
9th Bhopal Infantry
10th Jats
11th Rajputs
12th Pioneers (The Keat-i-Ghilzai Regiment) * (Bengal Infantry)
13th Rajputs (The Shekhawati Regiment)
14th Ferozepore Sikhs
14th Ludhiana Sikhs*
15th Ludhiana Sikhs*
16th Rajputs (The Lucknow Regiment)
17th The Loyal Regiment (Purbiah’s)* (Band )
18th Infantry
19th Punjabis
20th Duke of Cambridge's Own Punjabis
21st Punjabis
22nd Punjabis
23rd Sikh Pioneers
24th Punjabis
25th Punjabis
26th Punjabis
27th Punjabis
28th Punjabis
29th Punjabis
30th Punjabis
31st Punjabis
32nd Sikh Pioneers
33rd Punjabis
34th Sikh Pioneers
35th Sikhs
36th Sikhs
37th Dogras
38th Dogras
39th Garhwal Rifles
40th Pathans
41st Dogras
42nd Deoli Regiment
43rd Erinpura Regiment
44th Mharawara Regiment
45th Rattray's Sikhs *
46th Punjabis
47th Sikhs
48th Pioneers
51st Sikhs (Frontier Force)
52nd Sikhs (Frontier Force)
53rd Sikhs (Frontier Force)
54th Sikhs (Frontier Force)
55th Coke's Rifles (Frontier Force)
56th Punjabi Rifles (Frontier Force)
57th Wilde's Rifles (Frontier Force) *
58th Vaughan's Rifles (Frontier Force)
59th Scinde Rifles (Frontier Force)
61st Pioneers
62nd Punjabis
63rd Palamcottah Light Infantry
64th Pioneers
65th Carnatic Infantry
66th Punjabis
67th Punjabis
69th Punjabis
71st Coorg Infantry
72nd Punjabis
73rd Carnatic Infantry
74th Punjabis
75th Carnatic Infantry
76th Punjabis
77th Moplah Rifles
78th Moplah Rifles
79th Carnatic Infantry
80th Carnatic Infantry
81st Pioneers
82nd Punjabis
83rd Wallajahabad Light Infantry
84th Punjabis
86th Carnatic Infantry
87th Punjabis
88th Carnatic Infantry
89th Punjabis
90th Punjabis
91st Punjabis (Light Infantry)
92nd Punjabis
93rd Burma Infantry
94th Russell's Infantry
95th Russell's Infantry
96th Berah Infantry
97th Deccan Infantry
98th Infantry
99th Deccan Infantry
101st Grenadiers
102nd Grenadiers
103rd Mahratta Light Infantry
104th Wellesley's Rifles
105th Mahratta Light Infantry
106th Hazara Pioneers
107th Pioneers
108th Infantry
109th Infantry
110th Mahratta Light Infantry
112th Infantry
113th Infantry
114th Mahrattas
116th Mahrattas
117th Mahrattas
119th Infantry (The Mooltan Regiment)
120th Rajputana Infantry
121st Pioneers
122nd Rajputana Infantry
123rd Outram's Rifles
124th Duchess of Connaught's Own Baluchistan* (Britains is listed as the 24th)
125th Napier's Rifles *
126th Baluchistan Infantry *
127th Baluch Light Infantry*
128th Pioneers
129th Duke of Connaught's Own Baluchis
130th Baluchis
1st Gurkha Rifles (The Malaun Regiment)
2nd Prince of Wales's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles) *
3rd Gurkha Rifles
4th Gurkha Rifles
5th Gurkha Rifles (Frontier Force)
6th Gurkha Rifles
7th Gurkha Rifles
8th Gurkha Rifles
9th Gurkha Rifles
10th Gurkha Rifles
Here is a list of the auxilary or Reserve Units

Auxiliary(Reserve Cavalry)

The Assam Valley Light Horse
The Bihar Light Horse
The Bikaner Camel Corps *
The Bombay Light Horse*
The Calcutta Light Horse
The Ghazipur Light Horse
The Goraldpur Light Horse
The Oudh Light Horse
The Punjab Light Horse
Queen's Own Corps of Guides *
The Surma Valley Light Horse

Auxiliary (Reserve Infantry)

The Agra Volunteer Rifle Corps
The Allahabad Rifles
The Assam Bengal Railway Battalion
The Baluchistan Volunteer Rifle Corps
The Bangalore Contingent
The Bengal and North West Railway Battalion
The Bengal Nagpur Railway Battalion
The Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway Regiment
The Bombay Volunteer Rifles Corps
The Calcutta and Presidency Battalion
The Calcutta Presidency Battalion
The Cawnpore Rifles
The Chota Nagpur Regiment
The Coorg and Mysore Company
The Coorg and Mysore Rifles
The Dehra Dun Mounted Rifles
The East Coast Battalion
The East Indian Railway Regiment
The Eastern Bengal Company
The Eastern Bengal Railway Battalion
The Great Indian Pensinula Railway Regiment
The Hyderabad Rifles * Britains did the 3rd Hyderabad Contingent Infantry unsure if this was an amalgamated unit for the Durbar)
The Kolar Goldfields Battalion
The Lucknow Volunteer Rifle Corps
The Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway Rifles
The Madras Guards
The Malabar Volunteer Rifles
The Malwah Bheel Corps
Meywa Bheel Corps
The Midlands Volunteer Rifle Corps
The Moulmein Volunteer Rifle Corps
The Mussourie Battalion
The Nagpur Rifles
The Naini Tal Volunteer Rifles
The Nilgri Malabar Battalion
The Northern Bengal Mounted Rifles
The North West Railway Battalion
The Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway Battalion
The Poona Rifles
Queen's Own Corps of Guides *
The Shillong Volunteer Rifles
The Simla Rifles
The South Andaman Volunteer Rifles Corps
The South Indian Railway Battalion
The Yercaud Volunteer Rifle Corps

What a wonderful list of information! Thank you for all the time and trouble to which you have gone to provide us with this information.

I have a question, however. Some of the units on you list are followed by an asterisk. Exactly what does the asteisk indicate? Does it indicate that the unit participated in the Grand Procession? Does it indicate that a toy soldier manufacturer has produced figures of that unit? Does it indicate something else?

No matter what the asterisk indicates, the list is priceless! Thanks again for providing it!

Warmest personal regards,

Here is a list of the Support units that participated.

Military Police and Frontier

The Assam Rifles
Burma Military Police

Support Arms

Mountain Artillery * (No 1 Kohat Mountain Battery Punjab Frontier Force)
1st Sappers and Miners
2nd Queen's Own Sappers and Miners
3rd Sappers and Miners
Indian Submarine Mining Corps


The Army Bearer Corps
The Army Clothing Department
The Army Hospital Corps
The Army Remount Department
The Army Veterinary Department
The Indian Medical Corps
The Indian Ordinance Corps
Supply and Transport Corps

I think that all of these units particpated in one way or another Some were there for support and others would have fielded a parade element along with their principle commanders and their spouses. This was the biggest event to hit India for quite a while and would not have been missed.

i will post more information as I get it I hope this is helpful and will generate some discussion.

All the best

Hi Pat,

The asterisk came from my trying to develop a list of units that were done by the Britains Company and is not complete. I am still trying to sort out some of the information I have on older Britains sets and will try and finish that soon. Now that I have a complete catalog from the Marlborough Company I will go though the list again and indicate the sets the have produced and I hope to do this for other companies like Beau Geste and Nicholson and Clash of Arms and maybe a few of the older companies like Star, Nostalgia and Shamus Wade. But finding the information for the companies gone bye is difficult and time consuming. My hope is some one on the forum will have a catalog from one of these companies and will provide me with the information.


All the best

Wow what a list! What I'd like to do is get a bunch of Britains & Tradition castings and paint them up as different Indian Army units. I'd imagine Osprey has some volumes dedicated to the colonial Indian Army?
Hi Jrsteel,

Osprey does have a couple of books (2) dedicated to the Indian Army and one to just the Gurkhas. They may others but these are the only ones I am sure of.

All the best

Hi KV,

Yes I think you are right I would imagine it was amazing. From the things I have read they had a lot of activities going on as well as the parade so to get it all coordinated must have been a massive undertaking. I can just imagine what it was like making sure all the units were in the proper order of march by seniorty or Royal Connections so there werent any insults or bent noses or worse International Incidents because of all the Indian Royalty that was there etc. There were award ceremonies and several Knighthoods confirmed and of course the formal Ball for the Ladies. I cant even imagine the amount of coordination Curzon and his Staff had to complete just to get the parade to go with out any snags. Mind Boggling to say the least.

All the best

Hi Guys,

Here is another picture of a couple of fellows I'd like to get more information on. The Sergeant in Yellow is a Skinners Horse made by someone called DC Stewart the other trooper is un identified so if anyone has any info or guesses on these fellows I sure would appreciate the help.

All the best



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Hi KV,

I'm sure you can have some if you can figure out who makes them.

Pick up anything of interest yet this week? I nabbed one old figure from the UK and may have found another interesting set from Trophy that I am watching Time will tell.

How about you?

All the best

Gentle Friends,

The time has come for me to make another attempt at posting a few pictures of my collection. Today, I hope to show some of my Delhi Durbar collection to interested persons. Once again, I apologize for less than skilled photography, but I think most of you "will get the picture."

The photograph, which I hope appears below, features my W. Britains Durbar Elephants.

Warmest personal regards,



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Gentle Friends,

Posting my picture of the Britains elephants seemed to work smoothly. Let me try another. If I succeed, you should see the Gold and Silver Guns of Geakwar of Baroda. Both sets were produced by W. Britains.

Warmest personal regards,



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Gentle Friends,

How about a Beau Geste Delhi Durbar Elephant? In the picture below, you should see the BG Kashmir Elephant. Flanking the Kashmir Elephant are the Hunting Cheetahs of the Nizam of Hyderabad (W. Britains set).

Let's see if I can succeed in posting this picture.

Warmest personal regards,



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