Delivery day!!!! (1 Viewer)

I am about to go home and open up a box of 24 AWI figures that just arrived!!

That's not a delivery, that's an army!!
:smile2: Mike

Well, it sounds like you have a good AWI collection going. As you know, the militia are the best out there due to the variety of pose, variation of color and depth of the release. But then, you can say that about most of First Legion's lines. I feel the same way as you about the other ranges. I find myself tempted to buy a couple representatives from each, even though some ranges are not even periods that I am really into. That is a sign of a great figure though, when you buy it and it is outside your favorite era!


I am staying the course with just FL AWI . . . it just gets too crazy expensive otherwise . . . disciplined, must stay disciplined . . .
:smile2: Mike
Hello fellows, been away on vacation the last few weeks back in Virginia, not only did I get some rest but also picked up the winter Panzer, and the 4 new winter Germans as well as the 2 great coat Germans and some Opel riders!!! so a big thanks to George from Minuteman shop, he worked his schedule out around mine to help me out since I was flying out early, glad to meet him, a really nice gent, (even the wife thought so:smile2:)...Sammy
Hello fellows, been away on vacation the last few weeks back in Virginia, not only did I get some rest but also picked up the winter Panzer, and the 4 new winter Germans as well as the 2 great coat Germans and some Opel riders!!! so a big thanks to George from Minuteman shop, he worked his schedule out around mine to help me out since I was flying out early, glad to meet him, a really nice gent, (even the wife thought so:smile2:)...Sammy

Nice to have you back Sammy! What do you think of the winter Pz.III?
Nice to have you back Sammy! What do you think of the winter Pz.III?

Thanks Frank, glad to be home, as far as the winter Panzer hands down my favorite tank/vehicle so far, then again I'm guilty of leaning towards winter stuff, but a absolute beautiful tank in everyway, painting, detail, color, the weathering on it as well, grade A+++!!! and also think I have a new favorite individual figure, the winter German sitting on the crate with rifle in lap(got them with bases) the smock under the winter clothes, as well as the turned up collar is perfect and the detail in his face is some of the best I have seen, the winter campaign is gonna be awesome can't wait for the next round...Sammy
An oldie but a goodie thread, anybody got any parcels headed your way?? I just put in a order General Paulus...Sammy
Hi Sammy I'm really looking forward to receiving the next batch of German Barbs and I also ordered TER005. Hopefully it will all be coming this week or early next. Oh yeah I also ordered ordered 2 of the ACW confederates.
I just put in my order for FL Confederate Soldier shot. Looking forward to receiving the package the beginning of next week.
Cool thread!!!, Friday I will be recieving the Stalingrad Tractor Factory Admin Building.

Neil :salute::

I have seen some great dios/photos of the factory building, I think Frank used it in some great shots awhile back, I'm sure you will be happy with this purchase as well, post some pictures if you have a moment...Sammy
Hi Sammy I'm really looking forward to receiving the next batch of German Barbs and I also ordered TER005. Hopefully it will all be coming this week or early next. Oh yeah I also ordered ordered 2 of the ACW confederates.

Hey Joe, if you can please post some pics of the terrain 05 piece, I really like the looks of those buildings but haven't seen them in person, I did get the ruined walls section last year and thought that it was a great set, sounds like you got some good sets coming your way...Sammy
Hey Joe, if you can please post some pics of the terrain 05 piece, I really like the looks of those buildings but haven't seen them in person, I did get the ruined walls section last year and thought that it was a great set, sounds like you got some good sets coming your way...Sammy

I should get it Monday, Tuesday at the latest. When I get a chance I'll take a couple pics of it.
Just ordered Union Dismounted Cavalry Flag Bearer. Looking forward to the package arriving early next week
Just recieved my General Paulus for the WWII Stalingrad set which I hope to add him to a new diorama soon, a very good likeness and sculpt, also will be getting my German Field gun artillery loaders this week as well, not a bad week...Sammy
Just recieved my General Paulus for the WWII Stalingrad set which I hope to add him to a new diorama soon, a very good likeness and sculpt, also will be getting my German Field gun artillery loaders this week as well, not a bad week...Sammy

Dude nice score the Gen Paulus fig is awsome!!! one of my favorites you will be HAPPY!!!!!!^&grin
i can't wait for General Walther Von Seydlitz to go with. I just recieved the Tractor Factory admin
Building. I dont have pic's yet but it is well AWSOME!!!!!!! when my son get's back I will have take
some pic's of this masterpiece FL created. But anyway Awsome Score :salute::
Dude nice score the Gen Paulus fig is awsome!!! one of my favorites you will be HAPPY!!!!!!^&grin
i can't wait for General Walther Von Seydlitz to go with. I just recieved the Tractor Factory admin
Building. I dont have pic's yet but it is well AWSOME!!!!!!! when my son get's back I will have take
some pic's of this masterpiece FL created. But anyway Awsome Score :salute::

Look forward to seeing the tractor building, I to have always like that terrain piece, but haven't pulled the trigger on it yet, (yet) being a cautious word:) ...Sammy
Anxiously awaiting my new Germanics that I had on preorder. I will relive the excitement of opening new figures vicariously through you guys till they arrive. :eek:
Hi All ,
I just noticed the Elite Co's of the French 18th are now shipping {sm4} . I don't think i can resist treating myself to this Line Infantry Sapper , the facial sculpt is off the chart he looks Battle Hardened and ready for action . The detail is just incredible even down to the cockerel-headed pommel of the Sappers Sword . I know the detail is lost on some who just don't care that much or some who don't know but for us and there are many that love this kind of stuff its very much appreciated . You know there are plenty of guys who line up trying to find something wrong with new releases and not just with FL but across the board and that's GREAT I think we need to hold all manufactures to task and keep them on the right track ( no need for corner cutting ) . Lets face it these are not toys and no one is getting bags of these guys for 10 bucks and shooting rubber bands at them . But how many guys are extolling manufacturers who work very hard to get it right ...and get it right alot and there are several who do thier homework very well . Anyway I love this figure and hope to have him in my collection by friday and maybe a few more :redface2: .. Best regards guys Gebhard




Hi All ,
I just noticed the Elite Co's of the French 18th are now shipping {sm4} . I don't think i can resist treating myself to this Line Infantry Sapper , the facial sculpt is off the chart he looks Battle Hardened and ready for action . The detail is just incredible even down to the cockerel-headed pommel of the Sappers Sword .





Great looking figure. I think you nailed it on the head when you described this figure as having a "battle hardened" look. One of the best facial sculpts to date. Well done FL.
I just placed a small order today, picking up my first U.S. Para!!!!! (006) and General Seydlitz for my Stalingrad Germans, also just recieved some great diorama accessories from JG Minatures/Hudson Allen studios, hope to post some pics of the dio that David (TM Terrain) later this week...Sammy

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