Dinner tonite (3 Viewers)

Ah what improvised delights we created on a simple hexi stove.... Cooking with compo ...Good idea ......One dixie and a spoon...washing up definitely miniable.......here is something that will make you go green with envy...the Yanks had...wait for it...a fresh Bread Roll...in a sealed tin.... in one of their ration packs...how about that...now that would have been real beaut to mop up the curried bully with...the Brits had the best idea,,,,,,a Mars Bar in the ration pack...it use to melt and get all sticky....BUT....the upside was.....it made a good choc-iee brew and that was improved with the bottle top of rum we got each night...( only the non drinkers carried the rum ration) ......we used to dine out in style did we not JB ?.... Happy Days..... TomB

I think all of the "Mars Bar" packs - got siphoned off before they got to us Tom. Never ever saw one. Maybe for "Export Only" ????? Bread in a tin - eh???? What will they think of next? Remember the Oatcakes? - they were good with condensed milk - to make a kind-of porridge. - or mend a hole in a boot!!!{eek3}

Oxo cubes made a good drink too - or mix them in with any kind of soup, to add a bit of oomph!

I can remember getting thick chock bars - which when melted in very hot water - and mixed in with a squeeze of condensed milk ( from the tube again) made a good thick, hot drink. We always tried to get any sort of hot water to begin with ( from a tap - if available) as it reduced "cooking time". Sometimes we made it on any hot exhaust pipe of vehicles. [( Generators) were a good source of cooking heat - if you removed the asbestos bandage from the pipe first.]. Saved the hexxy for "emergencies".

Yes - we used to get a "tot", every now and again, when on "ops" - and mixed in with any aforementioned hot drink - helped you get to sleep in some cold, wet and uncomfortable places.

Though - if you tell anyone that now - they just don't believe you.
Not that I would ever eat them but they do sound pretty disgusting: taking the parts nobody wants and putting them together. Yuck!

Hope you take B.L. Reed's advice Sammy.

My take on a Hoibes Henndl, a half a chicken, grilled. In Bayern, it'd be served with a bread dumpling, (Semmelknödel) and red cabbage. I substituted boiled potatoes and green beans. And of course, a liter of good Märzenbier.

Now that looks good. I assume you have good senf on hand. Senf is better with schnitzel, but I use it on
more. Good Bavarian Senf that is. Also for a salad I like the white radish salad served in Munich beer halls
as an appetizer mostly. You may have to grow your own radishes as the white Asian raddish sold in supermarkets
[here at least] don't cut it. Simple to make-whisk vinegar with the vegetable oil, salt, and pepper. Toss the radish
with the vinaigrette and sprinkle with chives. Sometimes I add a touch of horseradish if served with beef.

"Da Radi muaβ weinan", as they say. I get some sometimes, and just slice it and sprinkle it with salt. I used to have a spiral slicer but lost it. It's very tricky to do with a knife.

Not that I would ever eat them but they do sound pretty disgusting: taking the parts nobody wants and putting them together. Yuck!

Hope you take B.L. Reed's advice Sammy.

Amen to that brother. Only eat fresh meat and veg these days with the meat straight from our local butcher. Only buy free range Chickens too. Killing them to eat is one thing, but having them suffer cramped filthy conditions for weeks and weeks first is not acceptable.

Amen to that brother. Only eat fresh meat and veg these days with the meat straight from our local butcher. Only buy free range Chickens too. Killing them to eat is one thing, but having them suffer cramped filthy conditions for weeks and weeks first is not acceptable.

Well I am the local butcher so can't get it much fresher then that!! :)...I believe the wife is cooking boneless marinated chick breasts on the grill tonite with baked potato, rolls..a good dinner for a cool night coming here in Tucson...Sammy
...... Only buy free range Chickens too.....

Statistically speaking range free chicken isn't the best alternative. Plus, for anyone
that has grown up on a farm knows that chickens eat anything. And I mean anything.
Pig crap is a special treat. Or dog. Do your research before you jump on the PC wagon.
Then there is the matter of economics. It is impossible to feed the world with strictly
range free/organic, feel good food........Whatever rocks your boat.


And it doesn't taste any different either. Ah, the wonders of Marketing.
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Statistically speaking range free chicken isn't the best alternative. Plus, for anyone
that has grown up on a farm knows that chickens eat anything. And I mean anything.
Pig crap is a special treat. Or dog. Do your research before you jump on the PC wagon.
Then there is the matter of economics. It is impossible to feed the world with strictly
range free/organic, feel good food........Whatever rocks your boat.


And it doesn't taste any different either. Ah, the wonders of Marketing.
Mr. Reed I intended this thread to be fun, easy going and to share with other members different foods, dinners, ideas etc.. Please do not turn this thread into a doctors visit, or some a bunch of links on this or that, if you want to start a health food for thought kind of thread please do, only on treefrog can a dinner thread turn into a debated topic...Sammy
Mr. Reed I intended this thread to be fun, easy going and to share with other members different foods, dinners, ideas etc.. Please do not turn this thread into a doctors visit, or some a bunch of links on this or that, if you want to start a health food for thought kind of thread please do, only on treefrog can a dinner thread turn into a debated topic...Sammy

You can't separate health from food. We are what we eat. Regardless if it is couched as fun.
People have a right to know whether you like it or not.
You can't separate health from food. We are what we eat. Regardless if it is couched as fun.
People have a right to know whether you like it or not.
Look here good mate, I don't need your 2 cents worth of nutritional facts every time I post here, if that's going to be your mo you can kindly remove yourself from this thread, again it's just a general topic on what's for dinner not a Dr. Phil episode on what is good for me and what isn't, now if you can excuse me Bl. I'm gonna go have some of my delicious (should I dare say it?) non range, non organic, non hormone injected chicken breast cooked on a out door gas grill, links to follow I'm sure...Sammy
.........., if that's going to be your mo you can kindly remove yourself from this thread,.....
Won't happen.

I'm gonna go have some of my delicious (should I dare say it?) non range, non organic, non hormone injected chicken breast cooked on a out door gas grill, ....
Ah good, you read my links. Bon appetite.:salute::
Look here good mate, I don't need your 2 cents worth of nutritional facts every time I post here, if that's going to be your mo you can kindly remove yourself from this thread, again it's just a general topic on what's for dinner not a Dr. Phil episode on what is good for me and what isn't, now if you can excuse me Bl. I'm gonna go have some of my delicious (should I dare say it?) non range, non organic, non hormone injected chicken breast cooked on a out door gas grill, links to follow I'm sure...Sammy

To make this an official/standard Treefrog debate, I have to ask, what scale is the chicken breast and is it historically accurate?
To make this an official/standard Treefrog debate, I have to ask, what scale is the chicken breast and is it historically accurate?
Doesn't matter Alex, if its food, soldiers, etc. there is always a member on the forum that will tell you how or what to buy/ eat/ read and their way is always much better...Sammy
Doesn't matter Alex, if its food, soldiers, etc. there is always a member on the forum that will tell you how or what to buy/ eat/ read and their way is always much better...Sammy
I didn't tell anyone what to eat or buy. I merely gave some facts, so people could make up their own minds.:salute::
Doesn't matter Alex, if its food, soldiers, etc. there is always a member on the forum that will tell you how or what to buy/ eat/ read and their way is always much better...Sammy


So true and so sad at the same time.

BTW, dinner tonight will be a bone-in ribeye (cowboy cut), baked potato and a wedge salad from Sundance Steakhouse in Palo Alto.

Great thread, keep it going.
To be perfectly honest, I give a rat's *** about Mr. BL Reeds comments on health, nutrition, etc.
Just found this thread and it's a subject I love.
Nothing better than share some enjoyable recipes.
Thanks for starting the thread, Sammy :salute::, and I'll be soon joining in here.
"The Baron" showed some treats there I'd give a chunk of money for right now ^&grin
To be perfectly honest, I give a rat's *** about Mr. BL Reeds comments on health, nutrition, etc.
Just found this thread and it's a subject I love.
Nothing better than share some enjoyable recipes.
Thanks for starting the thread, Sammy :salute::, and I'll be soon joining in here.
"The Baron" showed some treats there I'd give a chunk of money for right now ^&grin


Agreed, especially the beer!

To be perfectly honest, I give a rat's *** about Mr. BL Reeds comments on health, nutrition, etc.
Just found this thread and it's a subject I love.
Nothing better than share some enjoyable recipes.
Thanks for starting the thread, Sammy :salute::, and I'll be soon joining in here.
"The Baron" showed some treats there I'd give a chunk of money for right now ^&grin
Looking forward to your input Konrad, and your correct about the Barons earlier post, ddeeeelish!!!!...Sammy

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