Diorama Scenery Bases (1 Viewer)

Thank you Simon for inspiring me. I need to create a base for my Alamo diorama but I'm still trying to figure out the layout and what angle will be viewed on the shelf.
Thank you Simon for inspiring me. I need to create a base for my Alamo diorama but I'm still trying to figure out the layout and what angle will be viewed on the shelf.

Alex Snap!

Intend making my next project an Alamo set-up. Sometime ago I picked up a number of Conte Alamo Mexicans sets at a bargain basement price. Never did anything with them although impressed with the poses and uniforms, however, the new and excellent K&C Alamo releases have got the juices flowing.
I too was a little baffled on where to pitch the dio as you would need a heck of an area to cover the whole of the Alamo in 54mm scale.
But I purchased a new publication called "The Illustrated Alamo" where the guy has built a 1/48 scale model based on old drawings/sketches and has reproduced in stunning photography as near as darn it what the Alamo looked like in 1836. Subsequently I've almost decided the area I'm going to have a go at-the South East corner with the chapel/powder magazine/barracks and finishing at the South pallisade which was where Crockett and his boys valiantly defended until overwhelmed from the rear.
I can thoroughly recommend the book (reasonably priced) which I'm sure will give you plenty of inspiration. It definitely did me!

Excellent shots and instructions which impressed the hell out of me and Spitfrnd that's a superb illustration of my advice to you- give it a go because the satisfaction of looking at a finished dio you have personally built is immeasurable and nobody will know how many early attempts get binned cos it quickly moves you up that learning curve and before you know it you'll be posting on here and giving advice to novice dio builders. Best of luck
That looks like the perfect book to create an Alamo diorama. Thanks UKReb for posting that. My diorama probably won't be very accurate because I only have 21 x 34 inch display space and I want to use every single piece of the K&C Alamo series.
HI Simon, thanks for the pics to demonstrate your project.

I don't go in for full on dioramas as such but I would like to make some backgrounds for my tanks displays such as walls etc.

Could you show me/us how to make that stone wall out of foam?
Alamo projects sound very cool, and I guess a lot of the building works would lend themselves perfectly to foam construction.

Oz, I didn't take any pics of the wall being carved up, but I'll do a couple of small sections and put some pics up.

A quickie on walls:

A couple of scrap bits of foam (1" thick)


Just a tad too thick, so I sliced 5 or 6 mm off the thickness


Then cut out a very rough shape. Not worried about the exact cut, as this will get 'roughed up' next:

Next up, outside, as bits of foam go all over the place, and take a rasp file to it, rounding off all the edges and roughing up the sides:

Rasped a few irregularities in to the foam:


So far, this has only taken 5 minutes or so.

Next up, I've taken a ball point pen to mark in the stonework. By pushing the pen in to the foam and going around each 'stone', the indentations will stay and you can round off the edges quite easily.

Finished marking out the stonework. This took 15 or 20 minutes:


Also used the corner to do a little clump of rocks in the same way:


Then, first coat of paint. I've used a cheap black acrylic as the base coat, working it in to all the crevices between the rocks.


I'll get more done once this has dried and I can chuck a splatter of further paint on it.
The reason I went for the open trench was cause I thought this type of shot would be pretty cool.





Simon, first of all, thanks for the tips and the nice pics. We always learn something new. I would like to ask you a question about the German soldiers getting shot on the trenches…who made this figurine?

Cheers Rod,
The figure is HJB, 1 or 6 (I believe, + 3 vehicles)) in 1/32 - 1/30 ish. Same style of bright paint as a K&C, but some of the proportions are a little out - only so-so quality (IMHO). Unfortunately, there is a lack of shot, wounded, dead figures, so he was called in for service. Hobby Bunker used to stock them, not sure if they still have any. I think they stopped producing some time ago.

More good stuff, I was going to ask about walls but you saved me the question. Thanks again.

I'll hopefully finish painting them up tonight, but I would thoroughly recommend buying some foam and start messing around with the stuff. :)
Nice work Simon. I appreciate your photos and instructions for diorama scenery. I got wood and foam but my chainsaw won't start. :(:eek: John
Nice work Simon. I appreciate your photos and instructions for diorama scenery. I got wood and foam but my chainsaw won't start. :(:eek: John

Everytime I see a large piece of foam, I see a picture of you with your chainsaw and the picture drawn on a big block of foam.
Inspiring stuff :D
I just daren't try your method:p:eek:
This may be a dumb question but where do you get your foam? Is is the same stuff that comes formed in different shapes as a packing material?
In the UK, it's a real pain to get hold of, as it's not commonly used in the construction industry, but I understand it's a fairly common material in the States. I've been told Home Depot and similar stock it.

It's not the same as the stuff you get as packaging material. It's far denser and ususally comes in sheets between 1/2" - 3" thick, blue or pink in colour (seems to be negligable difference between the colours). It is far denser than the stuff a new TV or VCR comes packed in.

Hope that helps,
I would also check in model train shops because some of them carry it but make sure its the right kind of foam.
This may be a dumb question but where do you get your foam? Is is the same stuff that comes formed in different shapes as a packing material?

Check in Home Depot, or any ware house. They have in different sizes and thickness...here in Canada they are Pink or Blue.


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