Dispatches are up!! (1 Viewer)

BLAH BLAH a Typhoon and some NAPS and a VW no STUKA.........................................................................................................but they all look great well done K+C,Andy my birthday is in September that gives you plenty of time to make that elusive STUKA,great dispatches love the NAP with the beard great figure.

Yes,yes Wayne NA234 really beautiful piece
Oh goody...

the numbering for the new NAPS continue on from the Gordon Highlander Standard Bearer, NA227, being French Line Infantry NA228 - NA236, so we still have more to fit in between NA211 Gordon & Scots Grey and NA227 :)

I wonder what the missing army could be ????? :confused:

I'm a little disappointed that the WW1 Albatrosses are still not included in dispatches, but there are some excellent releases this month. The AK VW is on my list and will surely be snapped up fast...
The Hawker Typhoon + ground crew & Mickey mouse fuel truck will be on my shopping list ^&cool
Looks to be a fine looking plane and may be a good complement to the wooden K & C one I have :)
The Hawker Typhoon + ground crew are better than what I could have imagined, its absolutely brilliant! {bravo}}
did I miss something or is the Typhoon not on this months dipatches ??????
Beautiful Tiffie and related ground crew. KC did it right with THE perfect color scheme and rockets. Now all the Normandy Tigers will have to keep their eyes to the sky.:wink2:^&grin^&cool -- Al
Beautiful Tiffie and related ground crew. KC did it right with THE perfect color scheme and rockets. Now all the Normandy Tigers will have to keep their eyes to the sky.:wink2:^&grin^&cool -- Al

You can imagine it can't you Al, all those Panzer crew who were once invulnerable sat in their Tigers , now never knew what was going to swoop down upon them and blow them back to Berlin with a whoosh!. Can't have been good for morale!{eek3}

This Typhoon is spot on and looks great in the D Day stripes, I think this is going to be my purchase of the year^&cool


now you have your officer for the Desert Staff Car :smile2:

Wrong team though right?? ^&confuse BTW- Excellent work John on that repaint. Nothing more than I can add that hasn't already been said but you are a truly talented individual. Thank you for making the hobby so much more enjoyable for us collectors. :)

BTW- Dare I say I thought this would be the first dispatches in recent memory where there weren't any NEW Germans released- BUT- I believe that AK76- Feldgendarme is a "first look" (we've seen the other guys in last months dispatches right??). Just can't seem to break away from Deutscheland. {sm4}
The Hawker Typhoon + ground crew & Mickey mouse fuel truck will be on my shopping list ^&cool

You're right, they're fantastic pieces. I ordered RAF027 .Unfortunately not RAF029.
How cool is that!!! Nice one K&C!



Wow ! {sm2}{sm2}{sm2}
I've resisted the KC aircraft line so far, but I think the Typhoon and fuel bowser may have just been the tipping point.

The Typhoon is a must have for my aviation collection. Awesome plane in this size!

On a side note, where is the P-47? Wasn't it supposed to be released in May?

Typhoon is a must have for me along with a couple of the WW1 Turks!
How many units will be produced?
p.s. By the way, my wife said -,, yeah nice,, and it is only occasionally{sm4}

Yes, This Typhoon is A beautifully done aircraft.This is a "MUST HAVE" which would make it my first RAF aircraft, But what a grand first it will be !
Oh dear, {eek3}

has anyone check the cost of the new figures???

The Egyptian Campaign foot figures are $37 but the new NAP foot figures are $42,
oh well "such is life"

AND we have had the explanation from Andy about this already, so no use complaining !


These new French line infantry are superb^&cool and I would love to have them all.
Fantastic soldiers K&C but unfortunately this price has just priced me out.
God knows what they will cost in the UK. :(
Perhaps if I am ever in the US in the future I'll pick them up at the Dollar price.
Until then I will just have to look at the pictures.

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