Dispatches are up!! (2 Viewers)


I think that is the clincher for me, the importance of the battle in world history and it's Britishness (forgive the word), your use of the word 'evocative' is perfect, the figures conjour up strong feelings for that summer of 1940.

I have just started hunting the net for the Normandy Tilly and it seems pretty hard to find (I am aware only 250 were made), but I did find a new one for $99 which seems a bargain...think I am going to have to buy it today!


Chris, I couldn't have said it better! . When I first heard they were to be released I just knew I had to have them . The sheer emotion, History changing element and the fact that it was Hitler's first major defeat and the very start of the long road to Victory, well it was as my American friends call a no brainer! . And Chris even if you can't find the original Spitfire you can still get the American Eagle squadron version which is really nice.

Chris, I couldn't have said it better! . When I first heard they were to be released I just knew I had to have them . The sheer emotion, History changing element and the fact that it was Hitler's first major defeat and the very start of the long road to Victory, well it was as my American friends call a no brainer! . And Chris even if you can't find the original Spitfire you can still get the American Eagle squadron version which is really nice.



As I type to you I can see my whole K&C blueprint for the future changing before my eyes! Now I am of the opinion "how can my collection NOT have the RAF series in it! So now not only have you inspired me to build that 'British in Normandy' diorama, but now and RAF one too (ot two I guess, 1940 and 1944)! If only K&C had a 'refer your friends' points scheme, you could earn a handful of points off me!


As I type to you I can see my whole K&C blueprint for the future changing before my eyes! Now I am of the opinion "how can my collection NOT have the RAF series in it! So now not only have you inspired me to build that 'British in Normandy' diorama, but now and RAF one too (ot two I guess, 1940 and 1944)! If only K&C had a 'refer your friends' points scheme, you could earn a handful of points off me!


Happy to help Chris! ^&grin I don't want to cost you more Chris, but watch the film Battle of Britain and you'll order everything in one go and worry about the price later!^&grin

My friend James ( forum member ' Eazy' )blames me for some of his purchases, and when my wife questions me on how much I'm spending I blame James!^&grin:wink2:

I'll suggest your scheme to Andy and see what he says!:wink2:


Happy to help Chris! ^&grin I don't want to cost you more Chris, but watch the film Battle of Britain and you'll order everything in one go and worry about the price later!^&grin

My friend James ( forum member ' Eazy' )blames me for some of his purchases, and when my wife questions me on how much I'm spending I blame James!^&grin:wink2:

I'll suggest your scheme to Andy and see what he says!:wink2:




It is uncanny that you typed that. After reading your last message, I thought to myself I need to get in the BoB mood and as it has been years since I saw it, I started downloading the movie!

You are an inspiration and a mind-reader!

So thats the trick is it...a scapegoat..."Hun, no it's not my fault, Rob is online again making me buy things!" {sm4}


It is uncanny that you typed that. After reading your last message, I thought to myself I need to get in the BoB mood and as it has been years since I saw it, I started downloading the movie!

You are an inspiration and a mind-reader!

So thats the trick is it...a scapegoat..."Hun, no it's not my fault, Rob is online again making me buy things!" {sm4}



There's a growing list of wives and Girlfriends I must avoid meeting! {eek3}:wink2:

You have to love the Battle of Britain film don't you, got to be one of the best War films ever. Everytime you hear a Nazi pilot shout ' Spitfire' !! I'm out of my seat shouting 'Go on my son' !!! Well not quite, but for an Englishman I get quite emotional :wink2:


There's a growing list of wives and Girlfriends I must avoid meeting! {eek3}:wink2:

You have to love the Battle of Britain film don't you, got to be one of the best War films ever. Everytime you hear a Nazi pilot shout ' Spitfire' !! I'm out of my seat shouting 'Go on my son' !!! Well not quite, but for an Englishman I get quite emotional :wink2:


Haha, perhaps they could set up their own forum, that would keep them off our backs a little and allow them to vent their anti-Rob feelings!

There are few things these days that us Englishman (even those of us in Canada) can get proud or emotional about in terms of national pride!

Guys, along with the fuel bowser, how cool will the Mickey mouse Tilly look with the Typhoon too!

Already there Rob collected the Mickey Mouse Tilly + Austin K2 Ambulance this week ^&grin
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Haha, perhaps they could set up their own forum, that would keep them off our backs a little and allow them to vent their anti-Rob feelings!

There are few things these days that us Englishman (even those of us in Canada) can get proud or emotional about in terms of national pride!


'A forum where they vent anti Rob feelings'...now there's an idea!^&grin

Another exciting thing about the RAF range Chris is that its pretty new compared to the others, so still lots of scope for the future.


'A forum where they vent anti Rob feelings'...well...I won't say any more!^&grin:wink2:

Another exciting thing about the RAF range Chris is that its pretty new compared to the others, so still lots of scope for the future.




I am sure every member of this forum would join up just to offer wonderful character references and sing your praises!

That is another good point, it seems that everything I collect is retired and I have to use eBay for (which can be fun), it would be nice to look at the dispatches with a new heightened level of anticipation!!!

Rob...you have done good as they say, I must put up a new shelf and mark it 'Reserved - RAF".

Thanks mate.

Happy to help mate, let's us know how your collecting goes

'A forum where they vent anti Rob feelings'...well...I won't say any more!^&grin:wink2:

Another exciting thing about the RAF range Chris is that its pretty new compared to the others, so still lots of scope for the future.


Since I've set out to get the new Typhoon I feel the need to add the Spitfire first as they would make a great pair.Was it not the Spitfire that stopped the Luftwaffe
dead in their cockpits during the BoB and the Typhoon stopped the Panzers dead in their tracks ! {eek3}
Since I've set out to get the new Typhoon I feel the need to add the Spitfire first as they would make a great pair.Was it not the Spitfire that stopped the Luftwaffe
dead in their cockpits during the BoB and the Typhoon stopped the Panzers dead in their tracks ! {eek3}

They certainly would make a good pair PA, and they did both play a great part in Allied Victory.

What a month! The Waterloo French are INCREDIBLE, I am fully sold and will definately be getting some of these! The Aussie bayonetting the Turk is one of the best sets I've seen in a long time, this is another ABSOLUTE must-have! No Civil War or Albatrosses, but thats ok! ^&grin
I have just had a quick look at the squadron codes for the Typhoon. 247 squadron the china/british squadron with ''rise from the east'' as its motto due to its ties and substantial donations from the then british colonies in the east.

Squadron code ZY was adopted from 1942-49. formerly flying Hurricanes when it got Typhoons it mullered german targets before D-Day and operated heavily all the way into germany until the end of the war. A clever bit of research to do this squadron with the links from the UK and China for K&C
I have just had a quick look at the squadron codes for the Typhoon. 247 squadron the china/british squadron with ''rise from the east'' as its motto due to its ties and substantial donations from the then british colonies in the east.

Squadron code ZY was adopted from 1942-49. formerly flying Hurricanes when it got Typhoons it mullered german targets before D-Day and operated heavily all the way into germany until the end of the war. A clever bit of research to do this squadron with the links from the UK and China for K&C
Great info. I am really impressed with the Typhoon. Looking forward to it as it will probably be the first Allied warbird I get.^&grin -- Al
All and all a very nice dispatch. The upcoming Typhoon and ground crew look amazing. The new Napoleonics look great too, the standout is the drummer for me. The retirements look like trouble as I still want to get the Battle of the Bulge Schwimmwagen and Funky :redface2: radio truck. It seems to me that the traditional D-Day releases have been a little light this year with only the Priest and some crawling GI's. I wonder if we're getting anything else this year before summer is out? :confused:

'A forum where they vent anti Rob feelings'...now there's an idea!^&grin

Another exciting thing about the RAF range Chris is that its pretty new compared to the others, so still lots of scope for the future.



Another good IPHONE App..................................{sm4}
The typhoon looks pretty cool , I am going to pass on the fuel truck
and throw the $$$ towards this beasty.
My thoughts:

Surprised there weren't more D-Day figures. Not a complaint...just assumed there would be more split over June and July. Same thing with ACW...but I imagine it can't be too much longer.

Although I'm not a Nap collector happy to see more for those of you that collect it.

I'm impressed with the support the Lighthorse figures. Some great sculpts in there - I've said it before but I'm not sure anyone does cavalry as well as K&C.

But the Typhoon is what really blows me away.

The polystone warbirds have been my favorite line. I've long drooled over the wooden birds and appreciate that K&C has made affordable versions that look as great as these do.

I didn't think anything could top the Luftwaffe releases so far, but this might be it. And looking at the ground crew - it's hard to see a figure pictured I can say no to. Love the guy sitting on the wing. I will probably have to part with something to create another airfield.

Bowsers continue to tempt. REALLY hoping for some kind of Allied anti-air piece.

Thanks Andy for giving us a sneak peak of the Typhoon. I'm actually glad I have a "breather" month between this and the P-47 (at least my wallet is).

It will be interesting to see how the rest of the year shakes out in terms of aircraft. I've reposted this from Andy many times, but here's the last list he had of upcoming warbirds:

"On the immediate upcoming production schedule we have

(VIII) Messerschmitt 262 (PRODUCED as of this post)
(IX) P47 Thunderbolt (Due in May as of this post)
(X) Hawker Typhoon

And let’s not forget…
Junkers 87 “Stuka”
P38 Lightning
F4U Corsair
F6F Hellcat
Messerschmitt 109 “E”
Mitsubishi Zero"

We're through the immediate "production schedule" and the year is only half through. I imagine we'll see the WWI planes this year. And I'd have to imagine we'll see some but not all of the above WWII planes in 2011 (to do all would mean 1 per month, maybe more). I think most of us are hoping for the Stuka. The Pacific oriented planes like the zero interest me - particularly whether we'll get Japanese ground crew etc.

But if Andy didn't release another plane this year after the Typhoon as a I'd still have nothing to complain about as a collector.

A final thought/question for Andy/the board:

Do we think we'll see an RAF stretcher bearer set? I ask because I have the ambulance, and I've been on the fence about whether to pick up the retired FOB stretcher bearers to go with it, or perhaps sell the ambulance to make room for more aircraft. An answer would really help with my purchasing decision.
Another good IPHONE App..................................{sm4}

You could be on to something there...perhaps there could be a picture of Rob holding a huge pile of valuable K&C models and the more the ladies shake the phone, the more he drops. What do you think? Maybe that way they will 'feel' like they are attacking the hobby, without having to do it for real???

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