Do you you believe? First legion holds a challenge for King and Country? (3 Viewers)

first legion vrs king and county,does first legion hold a challenge for K&C

  • Yes i do believe there is compition between the companys

    Votes: 55 64.7%
  • No i thin K and C can handle any competion with great ease

    Votes: 30 35.3%

  • Total voters
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Private 1st Class
Jan 16, 2011
Do you believe that first legion can challenge K and C with their figures and vehicles?
This thread will lead to nothing but trouble,nuff said.{eek3}:rolleyes2:
I don't mind responding. I love both and collect a lot of both. They are different but both make terrific products. The bigger question is how much of a threat they are to my retirement savings! I hope they hold their value just in case!
They are both great at making Toy soldiers in there own style. Lets leave it at that. Simmo.

Gentle Friends,

I believe Simmo expresses great wisdom. These two great companies have avid and supportive fans. Usually discussions of the relative merits of the products of these two companies lead to heated and sometimes nasty interaction between these groups of fans. Therefore, I strongly recommend great caution in what is posted on this thread. If passions begin to run high and hostility begins to emerge, this thread will quickly be closed.

Warmest personal regards,

Not voting on this one, lets keep the peace.

This is a rhetorical question. Obviously any company that makes a product that some -one will buy instead of your product is a challenge.
Pepsi is a challenge to coke as are companies that make tea and coffee.
This is a rhetorical question. Obviously any company that makes a product that some -one will buy instead of your product is a challenge.
Pepsi is a challenge to coke as are companies that make tea and coffee.

Good point and that the why I see it
As Neil said its all about the wide choice we enjoy these days, other companies don't have to be a challenge they can compliment, very much like TG. FL make some very nice stuff but are of differing size to K&C and as such would not go with my collection , this is why I don't buy them, the figures themselves look good.

I don't see what all the hand wringing is all about. The question is can they compete with K & C, not whether you liked them more, not to mention it's an anonymous poll.

Moreover, they are competing. That's a fact. They compete in the Crusader, ancient world and WW II ranges and who knows what else (since more FL ranges will be forth coming). FL is taking money away from K & C, just as Figarti, HB and TG does. That's a fact of life.

What I also find amusing is how fans of one company or the other rush to the barricades when they feel their favorite brand has been insulted, a position I would understand if they had a financial interest in the company, which they don't.

Enjoying what each company makes is not a mutual exclusive endeavor: you can like both. Many people have varied collections; it's not a crime.

In the end Simmo's advice is best.
I think approached in a mature manner this is the question, that must have been at the heart of all the childish mine is better than yours on here since FL first released some sets.

It does seem that in this hobby and, I have said it time and time again, that there is a massive problem between the two manufacturers collectors. I have products from both manufacturers and, can see good points and bad points with both. It grinds people that you can find fault with either, design or paint style with FL far more than with some of the King and country collectors but, I think thats down to the characters of the people who take umbridge with critique of the sets in question.

I cannot see the point in being on a forum all about toy soldiers if you are unable to take comments about a choosen brand that may be negative. for me, there is a bit of the kettle calling the frying pan black as there are a number of problems for me, with both manufactures and, its not restricted to just these two.

I am always amused at the angst between the two as they are completely different in what they are trying to do. I could understand more, but, still be amused, if this question was aimed at other manufacturers which, are more compatible with each other. However, size alone precludes any sort of mixing before we get into any of the individual thats better painted than yours.

For me, an interesting question and, a perfect excuse to put to bed the stupidity that comes from the two sadly entrenched camps about their products.

FL will continue to grow as have CS and TG which, is a good thing for the hobby as we all want manufacturers to do well. Will they challenge K&C i would think all the main 1/30th manufacturers are challenging K&C but, as they are still going strong then there seems enough collectors to satisfy everyone.

Will any of the manufacturers ever become as dominant a force as K&C have been? for me, its unlikely, as there are a number of factors that have made K&C as big that are not in the hobby now that were when they began producing. The main one from looking at the hobby at that time was a change in what collectors were wanting and, matt painted figures were the way forward. K&C were in the right place and right time and, filled the void and, it took others a long time to appreciate this to K&C's benefit.

You would also have to have K&C shut up shop and stop manufacturing for any of the other makers to profit in such a way and, even then I could not see any of the main manufacturers taking over as dominantly.
One of the more interesting questions asked lately IMO
Re: First Legion & King & Country”

Hi guys,

Here’s my two pennies worth… I think this hobby (and business) is fortunate to have so many excellent companies producing an amazing variety of incredible figures, vehicles, aircraft, diorama accessories plus much, much more all in their own uniquely original style.

Even in these difficult times all of us (on the manufacturing side) continues to devise, design and produce all kinds of new product to suit all levels of purchase, pocket and interest.

So, guys, each to his or her own… enjoy the work of your favourite manufacturer or manufacturers… stay happy, healthy… and have fun while you’re doing it.

Best wishes and happy collecting to one and all,
Andy C.
Brad, I don't see a lot of hand wringing to be honest mate, I think people are just a tad cautious as some of these threads tend to be tinder box like!:wink2:

Collect what you like I say, whatever floats your boat. {bravo}}


Several have posted that they're not going to vote. Why not? It's an anonymous poll. As I do with many polls, I just vote and move on. This is really not that big a deal.


Thats because of what Brad says everyone or, a small number, constantly dive in with personal insults when you critique a product rather than seeing there is a fault or, accuracy issue. FL have done it and K&C have done it and, will do it again and again. Its how people accept this thats the issue. I am surprised at all the praise to people here when some have been the main protagonists that I have seen in exactly this type of behaviour.

Its down to personal preference what type of painting style you like but, if you can support the critique sensibly and with fact then people should not resort to name calling because a flaw has been highlighted. I also have always found amusing is that many who do all the muck throwing have all been K&C collectors at one stage or another.

Brad, I don't see a lot of hand wringing to be honest mate, I think people are just a tad cautious as some of these threads tend to be tinder box like!:wink2:

Collect what you like I say, whatever floats your boat. {bravo}}


Several have posted that they're not going to vote. Why not? It's an anonymous poll. As I do with many polls, I just vote and move on. This is really not that big a deal.


I see what you mean Brad, I thought you meant more the FL V K&C type thing, yep good point.

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