Do you you believe? First legion holds a challenge for King and Country? (2 Viewers)

first legion vrs king and county,does first legion hold a challenge for K&C

  • Yes i do believe there is compition between the companys

    Votes: 55 64.7%
  • No i thin K and C can handle any competion with great ease

    Votes: 30 35.3%

  • Total voters
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I agree with what you are saying.I personally have tried to move away from all that as I've found it spoils my enjoyment of this forum. Although I don't collect FL I don't think I've ever slagged of an item of theirs on this or their thread. I have always been a flag waver for K&C and proud of it, but that is a world away from wanting to make war on other producers, surely we are all adult enough to see that. Oh well, as I say each to their own and above all enjoy what you buy, thats the main thing. Peace, love, Pasta and Ola Jordon to all:wink2:



Thats because of what Brad says everyone or, a small number, constantly dive in with personal insults when you critique a product rather than seeing there is a fault or, accuracy issue. FL have done it and K&C have done it and, will do it again and again. Its how people accept this thats the issue. I am surprised at all the praise to people here when some have been the main protagonists that I have seen in exactly this type of behaviour.

Its down to personal preference what type of painting style you like but, if you can support the critique sensibly and with fact then people should not resort to name calling because a flaw has been highlighted. I also have always found amusing is that many who do all the muck throwing have all been K&C collectors at one stage or another.

Your beginning to scare me with this dancing thing!!!!!


I agree with what you are saying.I personally have tried to move away from all that as I've found it spoils my enjoyment of this forum. Although I don't collect FL I don't think I've ever slagged of an item of theirs on this or their thread. I have always been a flag waver for K&C and proud of it, but that is a world away from wanting to make war on other producers, surely we are all adult enough to see that. Oh well, as I say each to their own and above all enjoy what you buy, thats the main thing. Peace, love, Pasta and Ola Jordon to all:wink2:


Your beginning to scare me with this dancing thing!!!!!


The other night the missus said, ' You're not really taking this seriously are you, you're just looking at what she's nearly wearing'!!^&grin^&grin


Have you seen the Aviva adverts about the dancing?? I laugh at them everytime I see them as I can see you and the good lady in your front room!!!!


The other night the missus said, ' You're not really taking this seriously are you, your just looking at what she's nearly wearing'!!^&grin^&grin

Not yet Mitch, but will look out for them.:wink2:

Better get this back on thread else I'll be in trouble. :rolleyes2:




Have you seen the Aviva adverts about the dancing?? I laugh at them everytime I see them as I can see you and the good lady in your front room!!!!
I hear you!!! FL are great rah rah K&C are great Rah rah.... There are challenges out there??? now, we are back on thread content.

Not yet Mitch, but will look out for them.:wink2:

Better get this back on thread else I'll be in trouble. :rolleyes2:


I buy product from both companies and really like both their products.So they do compete for my toy soldier dollars.I agree with Mitch and do not think they mix well together.Mike B.
I can, but refuse to pay F/L's price point. If K/C started to produce $300 trucks and $60 infantry figures, then there would be a more fairer comparison and legit choice, but because of F/L's price point, they will never compete for K/C's market dominance. It's like asking Ford/GM buyers if they think Cadillacs are a challenge to their usual choices. DUH! No, there are not enough average folks out there with the money to pay so much more regardless of perceived improved quality of product ..Michael
Do you believe that first legion can challenge K and C with their figures and vehicles?

Dear "SgtKillroy1944":

I have only seen photos of First Legion's figures as far as I can remember, but per their photos they look splendid indeed. However, King & Country I believe has nothing to fear from Frist Legion at this time. I also think there is no need to stir up trouble with the devoted fans of First Legion.

"Iron Brigade"
Now with K&C figure prices over $40 each, closing in on FL prices, who cares! My purchasing habits have shrunk to near zero.
I find that if I can,t afford to buy all that I want, like I did a few years ago, I loose interest. I,m really not one to buy just this or that and be happy.
Not trying to start the raising cost issue, just stating my current attitude.
I can, but refuse to pay F/L's price point. If K/C started to produce $300 trucks and $60 infantry figures, then there would be a more fairer comparison and legit choice, but because of F/L's price point, they will never compete for K/C's market dominance. It's like asking Ford/GM buyers if they think Cadillacs are a challenge to their usual choices. DUH! No, there are not enough average folks out there with the money to pay so much more regardless of perceived improved quality of product ..Michael

Fair enough point Michael. Good point. I would pass without hesitation on the $300 Krupp trucks, as I did on a $369 Typhoon- both of those products seem to be an anomaly price point wise. Tanks are $300 with FL right now and FIgarti as well. KC's tanks are steadliy inching closer with the jagdpanther weighing in at $289 or whatever- granted it is much bigger.

It will be interesting to see if FL can hold the Tank prices. I can say this without any hesitation that if FL does modern forces- I'm in for another armor company at $300/pop.

Regarding individual figure prices, well, I will stay mute on that point, suffice to say I, as well as every other collector here on the board, has to make their own decisions.

One other thing, somewhat off track- Sgt.Killroy is a teenager so be easy on him. We know we all maybe make posts that could potentially stir the pot- I do not believe that was his intention in the least.
Front line figures are smaller in size,yet cost more. When you compare all of the vast assortment of figures,vehicles,diorama buildings King&Country produces versus FL....There is no comparison for me!!! On that note there are others I am sure who would say differently but that is my opinion ...
To answer the original question, yes, these two companies are challenging each other for our hard-earned money. But then, there are a whole bunch of other manufacturers out there who are doing the same and yet we don't really fight about them.

Do I think that First Legion and King & Country are out to remove each other from the marketplace? Not at all. Do I think that there are members who will debate the merits of each company till the end of time? Yes indeed!

So, since we all really knew these two answers before the questions were even raised, why bother with such a poll?

I think just because some may know an answer or not want it raised should not restrict the question being asked. Its a fair question especially, in relation to the move from FL to a wider distribution method which, shows that the original was not sufficient and, rather restrictive.

I don't think Matt or Andy will be losing sleep over either companies pricing or stratagy in the slightest only, a very small number of collectors who feel it necessary to defend to the death whatever each one does or says.
Front line figures are smaller in size,yet cost more. When you compare all of the vast assortment of figures,vehicles,diorama buildings King&Country produces versus FL....There is no comparison for me!!! On that note there are others I am sure who would say differently but that is my opinion ...

Again, it's not a comparison question or a volume question but a competition question, which I think Noah (Fusilier) has answered.

When I read through these type of threads, I'm reminded of the scenario where you find a Home Depot hardware store, with a Lowes just two blocks down...or a super-Walmart, and super-Target, one minute apart. By design, capitalization and free market often intrinsically work to the benefit of the consumer (makes another price competitive, elsewhere); gentlemen, these are truly monumental times we're in, from a collector standpoint. In the formula of competition, thus we see the trend to raise the bar, where the consumer has an expectation in the quality of product. Look how far A,B or C company standards have come, to represent a hallmark piece worthy of any museum collection, availability status quo; for me to bask among the ethereal comfort of my blended collection, in my over-sized curio-cabinet, in my warm, humble abode...all good things...Ollie.
So, does that mean you agree or, disagree with the question???

When I read through these type of threads, I'm reminded of the scenario where you find a Home Depot hardware store, with a Lowes just two blocks down...or a super-Walmart, and super-Target, one minute apart. By design, capitalization and free market often intrinsically work to the benefit of the consumer (makes another price competitive, elsewhere); gentlemen, these are truly monumental times we're in, from a collector standpoint. In the formula of competition, thus we see the trend to raise the bar, where the consumer has an expectation in the quality of product. Look how far A,B or C company standards have come, to represent a hallmark piece worthy of any museum collection, availability status quo; for me to bask among the ethereal comfort of my blended collection, in my over-sized curio-cabinet, in my warm, humble abode...all good things...Ollie.
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Yes, FL hold a challenge to KC. Look at their Crusades & Civil War their AWSOME!!!. (Soon to be
purchased). And now I read a T-34 in the works, this hobby just gets more exciting :p
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I think K&C is still dominant in the WW2 era in both product and sales just by the fact that they put out a lot of releases in this era. I think that it will be very difficult to break that dominance. However, I think in most of their other eras in which competition exists, they may be losing some ground or never were the top sellers. I think Britains currently rules ACW and in Napoleonics and Crusades, K&C may be losing some ground to First legion with the latest price increases.
Again, it's not a comparison question or a volume question but a competition question, which I think Noah (Fusilier) has answered.


To be in competition does it not mean to be on the same level and playing field ?? If brand `A` makes two dozen different categories of miniatures to include vehicles, buildings, and aircraft with `New` releases coming out on a monthly basis and brand `B` offers less than one third of brand `A`as far as different ranges are concerned both companies are clearly on different levels. It seems logical the bigger company with more product lines, volume and sales is the one watching the smaller company trying to gain their portion of the market share. {sm2}
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