Do you you believe? First legion holds a challenge for King and Country? (1 Viewer)

first legion vrs king and county,does first legion hold a challenge for K&C

  • Yes i do believe there is compition between the companys

    Votes: 55 64.7%
  • No i thin K and C can handle any competion with great ease

    Votes: 30 35.3%

  • Total voters
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To be honest who really care,s i don't think Andy is loosing any sleep and im certainly not,collect what you want and from who you want.
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Yes – FL is a challenge to KC and the US dealer agreement will intensify this. However, I suspect FL is no more a challenge than any other manufacturer – after all it is simply competition.

I also disagree that FL is only for those with deep pockets.:rolleyes2::rolleyes2:

I can buy an FL crusader for c.£45 or a KC for c.£39; the price differential is marginal and the FL are far more detailed. As space becomes an issue I have learnt that I would rather have less, but more detailed figures on display.

Finally, why does someone only have to collect only one manufacturer – the largest single display I have is my W.Britains AZW range and they are the least expensive of my collection and they are great.

Yes – FL is a challenge to KC and the US dealer agreement will intensify this. However, I suspect FL is no more a challenge than any other manufacturer – after all it is simply competition.

I also disagree that FL is only for those with deep pockets.:rolleyes2::rolleyes2:

I can buy an FL crusader for c.£45 or a KC for c.£39; the price differential is marginal and the FL are far more detailed. As space becomes an issue I have learnt that I would rather have less, but more detailed figures on display.

Finally, why does someone only have to collect only one manufacturer – the largest single display I have is my W.Britains AZW range and they are the least expensive of my collection and they are great.


Yes I keep trying and can't stick to just one manufacturer, I am bad on focus...^&grin. Possibly going to take a look at the AZW range you mention...;).

I can buy an FL crusader for c.£45 or a KC for c.£39; the price differential is marginal and the FL are far more detailed. As space becomes an issue I have learnt that I would rather have less, but more detailed figures on display.

well a matter of quality Vs Quantity

Yes – FL is a challenge to KC and the US dealer agreement will intensify this. However, I suspect FL is no more a challenge than any other manufacturer – after all it is simply competition.

I also disagree that FL is only for those with deep pockets.:rolleyes2::rolleyes2:

I can buy an FL crusader for c.£45 or a KC for c.£39; the price differential is marginal and the FL are far more detailed. As space becomes an issue I have learnt that I would rather have less, but more detailed figures on display.

Finally, why does someone only have to collect only one manufacturer – the largest single display I have is my W.Britains AZW range and they are the least expensive of my collection and they are great.

It is what it is, challenge or no challenge, K&C collectors will continue to buy the product they like in droves and FL will continue with what they are doing, I seriously never think about it.

I wonder if this thread is starting to go round in circles^&grin


Not really or, not yet. With the quality V Quantity comment we are just about getting to the nitty gritty of the issue before us and, between the two companies collectors.

It is what it is, challenge or no challenge, K&C collectors will continue to buy the product they like in droves and FL will continue with what they are doing, I seriously never think about it.

I wonder if this thread is starting to go round in circles^&grin

It is what it is, challenge or no challenge, K&C collectors will continue to buy the product they like in droves and FL will continue with what they are doing, I seriously never think about it.

I wonder if this thread is starting to go round in circles^&grin


I'm in agreement with Rob on this. I don't see what more there is really to say. I wouldn't want to see this descend into a quality issue, i.e. people defending their favorites, because that wasn't really the purpose of this thread, the question being does one company present competition to the other, which has been answered.

As far as thinking about the issues that keep manufacturers up nights, for better or for worse that should be invisible to us, as long as we recognize that nothing is easy for all of them and requires substantial investments of money, time and their lives.

Good reminder by Scott. Perhaps those points should show up as a sticky at the beginning of each section of the Forum where experience shows friction is likely to result.


Not really or, not yet. With the quality V Quantity comment we are just about getting to the nitty gritty of the issue before us and, between the two companies collectors.

Mitch ,
Reading your posts on this thread I can't help but get the impression your genuinely disappointed that this has not turned into something worse . Just what in your mind is the "nitty gritty of the issue before us and between the two companies collectors" please enlighted us were all sitting on the edge of our seats .

I think you are wrong.I think an open mature discussion about the problems that have occured (long before I joined the forum) between FL and K&C collectors (note collectors not companies) would be a good thing but, the mature part is the real problem. I think many of the comments in here have the double meaning that are clear when reading what is said by parties here in their own manufactures threads and elsewhere (the northern forum thats is so free in speech) about the products. Should you wish to PM we can continue this. However, having had several PM's about FL with you and others I cannot see where this would get anyone as you have rather set theories about your choosen product

Mitch ,
Reading your posts on this thread I can't help but get the impression your genuinely disappointed that this has not turned into something worse . Just what in your mind is the "nitty gritty of the issue before us and between the two companies collectors" please enlighted us were all sitting on the edge of our seats .
I think this thread has pretty much run it's course and it appears to me that all that is left is the issue of trying to dig stuff up that isn't there. I am locking the thread as I think everyone has now had their say on the subject.
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