Done With E-Bay....Period (5 Viewers)


Feb 27, 2011
As many have already covered E-Bay's policies that are pretty much Biased in favor for Buyer's and strong arming seller's to "COMPLY"...................I pulled the plug on that Circus last month.
Myself Trying to be "Fair" and charge a buyer $10.00 shipping for an item that actually costs $15.00 to ship and then get dinged 10% of that going to E-Bay from your charged shipping costs you "Lose Money"
Then they offer the "Top Rated Seller" program which drops final value fees from 10% to 8%. Great.....but once a buyer has the nerve to buy an item and 2 days later sends an inquiry to E-Bay
stating that they have not received their item, E-Bay holds this against the seller. Anything above a 2% Defect rate knocks you out of the Top Rated Seller Status, no matter if you ship same day
to the buyer with tracking info uploaded !!!!! Now strictly dealing with customers on a Military installation I answer the following questions 10 times a day or more:
Wow, did you make these all yourself ? Why don't you have modern era figures and Vehicles ? Striker....Bradley, Abrams, etc........Where are the Vietnam figures and vehicles at ?
The saga continues................................
I don't want to make you crazy, but there are some awful sellers, too. I could pitch up some anecdotes your way, but the stories would likely strike you as a bunch of tales. My problems with sellers invariably involve the description, although there are some fellas that are simply jerks. I can live with the latter, but I don't necessarily enjoy the encounters. The difficult part about posting this message is that there are guys on ebay, sellers, who are truly the salt of the earth. That said, they are the minority and get screwed, themselves, all the time. Were it not for regular dealers who auction sets off on Ebay, I wouldn't buy anything there at all. My thinking on the subject is evolving in such a way as to reject a possible twenty or thirty percent savings in favor of simply paying RRP for the darn things via a regular e-tail channel (rather than Ebay). In short, I hate the place so badly that I'm willing to pay more so that I get what I ordered. In the world of collectibles, relationships are more important than saving a few $$$. In the end, you'll come out ahead relying on folks that you can trust.

First let me say I don't depend on selling things on ebay to fiance my hobbies any longer. I only sell now if I want to get rid of something. Therefore my new philosophy is "the customer is not always right, I am". You don't like something TS. I had some one claim some phoney damage. Instead of refunding him right away I told him take it to the post office for the insurance, then send it back at your cost. Did everything to make it not worth his while and he just went away. Same with shipping you think I charge to much, don't buy it. I'm not takeing a loss on shipping. With this new way of doing business I don't need that extra beer at night to go to sleep!
Hi guys
I sold a jagdtiger to a guy in China which I didn't even think I had that country on my ebay list to sell to
so the postage was £75.00 and the tank was £150.00
he said the postage was to dear for him so I paid £25 of the postage
it took 2 weeks for him to pay
He got the parcel within a week and then I got a message from ebay saying he wanted a refund due to defect
I emailed him and he said there was a scratch on the under side of the track and would except a partial refund of £10
I said ok but still waiting for him to except the money through ebay,my paypal account is on hold for £200 UNTIL HE EXCEPTS THE MONEY AND CLOSES THE CLAIM
Hi guys
I sold a jagdtiger to a guy in China which I didn't even think I had that country on my ebay list to sell to
so the postage was £75.00 and the tank was £150.00
he said the postage was to dear for him so I paid £25 of the postage
it took 2 weeks for him to pay
He got the parcel within a week and then I got a message from ebay saying he wanted a refund due to defect
I emailed him and he said there was a scratch on the under side of the track and would except a partial refund of £10
I said ok but still waiting for him to except the money through ebay,my paypal account is on hold for £200 UNTIL HE EXCEPTS THE MONEY AND CLOSES THE CLAIM

Now all this sounds a bit iffy Scott :mad:

A week to China is amazing, I posted a parcel Royal Mail International Tracked and Signed to a mate in Corsica, France and it took over 3 weeks

Hope you get your money released soon

All the best

Now all this sounds a bit iffy Scott :mad:

A week to China is amazing, I posted a parcel Royal Mail International Tracked and Signed to a mate in Corsica, France and it took over 3 weeks

Hope you get your money released soon

All the best


Cheers Scott
Hi guys
I sold a jagdtiger to a guy in China which I didn't even think I had that country on my ebay list to sell to
so the postage was £75.00 and the tank was £150.00
he said the postage was to dear for him so I paid £25 of the postage
it took 2 weeks for him to pay
He got the parcel within a week and then I got a message from ebay saying he wanted a refund due to defect
I emailed him and he said there was a scratch on the under side of the track and would except a partial refund of £10
I said ok but still waiting for him to except the money through ebay,my paypal account is on hold for £200 UNTIL HE EXCEPTS THE MONEY AND CLOSES THE CLAIM

The kind of the same BS that I am done with ! Good Luck with this situation ! Hope it works out for you :salute::
Cheers Scott

You seem to forget that "Lunch" in France, for lots of "workers", - begins at around 10.40am - ( wash hands - and prepare for departure to place of eating etc, )

Then, depart for said at NOON (on the dot!) - even if customers are still in a shop!!!{eek3} Don't think I'm joking - stay away from the door - or get killed in the rush!!

Then - lunch commences - to finish at approx 2.0pm-ish ( or so).

Then, when work re-commences - a bit later on (can be MUCH later) - it doesn't exactly zoooooom!

Result - if "your stuff" waits for another day to be processed - then "C'est la vie"!:cool:

Lunch is not just another meal in France - it's a quasi-religeous experience NOT to be tampered with.

Commerce - Pah!

Euro not doing well???? Quelle surprise!

You seem to forget that "Lunch" in France, for lots of "workers", - begins at around 10.40am - ( wash hands - and prepare for departure to place of eating etc, )

Then, depart for said at NOON (on the dot!) - even if customers are still in a shop!!!{eek3} Don't think I'm joking - stay away from the door - or get killed in the rush!!

Then - lunch commences - to finish at approx 2.0pm-ish ( or so).

Then, when work re-commences - a bit later on (can be MUCH later) - it doesn't exactly zoooooom!

Result - if "your stuff" waits for another day to be processed - then "C'est la vie"!:cool:

Lunch is not just another meal in France - it's a quasi-religeous experience NOT to be tampered with.

Commerce - Pah!

Euro not doing well???? Quelle surprise!


Explains a lot of things's amazing they have any sort of order in Calais:mad:


Hi guys
I sold a jagdtiger to a guy in China which I didn't even think I had that country on my ebay list to sell to
so the postage was £75.00 and the tank was £150.00
he said the postage was to dear for him so I paid £25 of the postage
it took 2 weeks for him to pay
He got the parcel within a week and then I got a message from ebay saying he wanted a refund due to defect
I emailed him and he said there was a scratch on the under side of the track and would except a partial refund of £10
I said ok but still waiting for him to except the money through ebay,my paypal account is on hold for £200 UNTIL HE EXCEPTS THE MONEY AND CLOSES THE CLAIM

Hi Scott

Have you had a positive result yet?


I have bought a few items from Forum Members on Treefrog.
However, I have not tried to sell anything.
Is there another alternative to EBay ??
I have bought a few items from Forum Members on Treefrog.
However, I have not tried to sell anything.
Is there another alternative to EBay ??

not really...

Amazon has just a smattering of toy soldiers...

not really the clientele you're looking for...

Treefrog does consignment...

you might contact them...
eBay used to be such a great place to shop.

I haven't bought anything thing in a while. There aren't the bargains that there used to be. or it is all buy it now at full retail.
Hi Scott

Have you had a positive result yet?



Yes mate
He finally sent the message to ebay he would except the money and the case was closed:salute::
Funny he didn't leave feedback
Yes mate
He finally sent the message to ebay he would except the money and the case was closed:salute::
Funny he didn't leave feedback

Glad it's been sorted Scott {bravo}}


eBay used to be such a great place to shop.

I haven't bought anything thing in a while. There aren't the bargains that there used to be. or it is all buy it now at full retail.

It does depend on what you are looking for - I think, but yes - the bargains of yesteryear don't seem to be there any more. I also look very much closer to home - these days - as sky- high International postal charges, plus almost obligatoryInsurances etc, ridiculous Customs duty and associated British additional postal charges - have just killed this form of purchase.

An example: I was looking at an old Britains Cavalry piece from a vendor in the USA - just yesterday - neded a bit of work as was damaged and paintwork needed some attention. (Ironic that it was originally made in GB!).

Original asking price $US - $9.99 ( No Bids - when I last looked).

International postage to UK = $41.30

I figure that customs would raise a charge - as they have consistently done so for my last 3 USA purchases. Say it's $5. (estimate)

Then add in our dear GPO charge for handling ( NOT delivery though - Go Fetch it!) - that's US$12.51

So........ the original asking of $9.99, becomes &$9.99 + $41.30 + $5 + $12.51 = a whopping total of $68.80

And for an $9.99 broken TS.

e-bay from overseas? - Forget it! jb
It does depend on what you are looking for - I think, but yes - the bargains of yesteryear don't seem to be there any more. I also look very much closer to home - these days - as sky- high International postal charges, plus almost obligatoryInsurances etc, ridiculous Customs duty and associated British additional postal charges - have just killed this form of purchase.

An example: I was looking at an old Britains Cavalry piece from a vendor in the USA - just yesterday - neded a bit of work as was damaged and paintwork needed some attention. (Ironic that it was originally made in GB!).

Original asking price $US - $9.99 ( No Bids - when I last looked).

International postage to UK = $41.30

I figure that customs would raise a charge - as they have consistently done so for my last 3 USA purchases. Say it's $5. (estimate)

Then add in our dear GPO charge for handling ( NOT delivery though - Go Fetch it!) - that's US$12.51

So........ the original asking of $9.99, becomes &$9.99 + $41.30 + $5 + $12.51 = a whopping total of $68.80

And for an $9.99 broken TS.

e-bay from overseas? - Forget it! jb
I truly feel for fellow collectors that live in places such as the U.K. , where added VAT taxes, etc drive up the cost of collecting !
I truly feel for fellow collectors that live in places such as the U.K. , where added VAT taxes, etc drive up the cost of collecting !

No big deal really - as I can usually find what I want from e-bay UK.

By the way - I made a small error in my calculations yesterday - the US postage was $47 - and not $41.30. (I confused it with another lot)' So the total would have gone well over 70 bucks - if I'd have won the auction for a single old British made figure - at the asking price!

I'm sure I can't be alone in avoiding purchases from other Countries now. Just takes longer to find stuff - as the pool of items on offer is now much smaller. Thankfully - we are still in the European Union (for now), so we don't get clobbered with extra taxes if we buy stuff from there. (I still buy flats from Germany - so tax-free purchases from there). But if we ever exit from there - the same conditions will apply - and trade is bound to suffer the same fate as (say) our US trade.

I'm sure this works both ways though - and UK stuff costs more - because of all the "extras on top" in other countries too.

But - if that's the way it is - then that's the way it is. I just don't buy from Countries where the eventual prices get silly - as I think my example showed. jb
I've been done with EBay for a long time, but not for the reason stated below.

It used to be enjoyable to browse the items an "maybe" bid on one every now and then.
Unfortunately , of the 5 series that I collect, the dealer Scorcherxxx has between 95% and 97% of the total available. The same ones seem to go around and around and get relisted time after time. :confused:

Still, his "feedback number" is well over 20,000 so he must be doing something right.

--- LaRRy

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