I don't know whether we have met Rusty but seems that we like something in common. I'm planning on adding to my diorama with more new releases from KC. Regards Greg.
Nice, but , according to reality it was the "blue soldiers" who always attacked the indian villages..slaughtering women, old people, children....
That may be your 'reality' Poppo, the fact is civilians usually suffer the most irrespective of the combatants in involved. The Indians did their share of slaughtering, before and after Europeans occupied their lands.
Really? And who did the genocide of the indians? Who deported the few survivors in unhealty reservations for dying there? Who gave them infected blankets with cholera and typhus to exterminate them like vermin? My sister maybe?
While much of you say is true, it is also true that prior to European contact native Americans, writ large, often engaged in violence that was institutionalized. Mayan city states were engaged in perpetual warfare. The Aztecs had a full blown empire in every sense of the word. Ultimately, Cortez was able to defeat the Aztecs because of Indian allies, who thought that they would ditch the gringos when the Aztecs were overthrown. They were wrong.
In the American southwest the Anasazi, or Ancestral Pueblo, engaged in cannibalism on a significant scale. Google the archaeological site of Cowboy Wash or the book Man Corn. This does not condone what happened to the Native Americans, rather, humans of any color or nation have penchant for cruelty and bestial behavior.
The study of war in prehistory is the third rail of higher education. Be advised that many in the academe wish to paint a peaceful portrait of the New World prior to the Europeans, because as we know only Europeans are responsible for of the earths misfortunes.
Lastly, it is a diorama, that is to say, a forum member is playing with his toy soldiers as we all do. It is not in a museum so take a chill pill, or perhaps you can enlighten us on the virtues of Italian imperialism in Africa?
The diorama is very nice and also historically realistic, I am not criticizing it... I just say that collectors should ask for figures showing what really happened and not just see history like a John Wayne movie.
Leave the Atzecs and let's talk about the northern american indians. Sure they used to fight a lot among indian nations,they used violence, sure they also practiced torture of enemies as they were proud peoples and disdained cowardice. Moreover, every Indian was ready to be killed and tortured by his enemies and prepared himself spiritually to be imperturbable in the face of pain.
But to portray them as ignorant, bloodthirsty beasts is simply an historical fake, an historical forgery that has been overcome for decades .... The Indians were primitive populations and indomitable warriors, but, above all, peoples of a very high spiritual level, protectors and custodians of nature, devotees of plant and animal creation. Detached from possession and from any form of materialism. They were the first true environmentalists, while the " civilized"europeans sacked and still plunder nature for pure enrichment, devastate the planet for the accumulation of wealth .... And you should know that the white children kidnapped by the Indian "savages" when they were taken by the " civilized"whites they no longer wanted to return to modern life, they preferred hunting, freedom, harmony with the spirit found in everything ...
What I described is pure factual reality, I am not interested in "politically correct" or "politically incorrect". The "politician" is only falsehood.
Changing the subject, the Italian colonization (very late) in Africa was massacres and war crimes like all colonial adventures. Massacres in Libya before Mussolini, and massacres in East Africa in the 1930s by Italian troops ... gassed villages, mass executions...