Embarrassed about Collecting Toy Soldiers? (1 Viewer)

Collectors: How Old are You?

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Pretty amazing comments as they are pretty much 100% spot on; 90% of the collectors I talk to had toy soldiers as kids, peer pressure resulted in them giving them up roughly at age 16 (in the states, that is also the age many of us lads started to drive and discovered the female gender) and then reentering the hobby in their late 20's, early 30's.............

True enough as to the age when pudenda rears its,,,,,,,,then the age of coming to ones senses
If you are pulling for weight as a grown-up or a responsible young person. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. That's other people's problems. Some people play golf for crying out loud! The bass fishermen I've met are all divorced. You have something to show for your disposable income that archeologists will dig up in a thousand years. Really COOL women will approve.
I am to old to be embarrassed by collecting toy soldiers, but I understand the peer pressure on our younger collecting friends. We have all been there.

Usually when my friends and their families come over to the house the first place the guys and their sons go to is the toy soldier cabinets. The wives and daughters just seem not to care either way about toy soldiers.

One of my friends and my nephew now collect toy soldiers due to my collection.
I must admit I am horribly embarrassed about collecting these wonderful figures. In fact it bothers me so much that I have never posted any comments or posted any photos of my collection.:eek:

Oh.....never mind.:D
I personally don't feel embarrassed at all. I am proud to display my collection. Some people collect match books.:eek: Toy soldiers are a piece of art. Each soldier has a story. Enjoy what you love. :)
My question is, where are all of the so called older collector's? There’s got to be more than 5 of us over 70.:rolleyes:
I personally don't feel embarrassed at all. I am proud to display my collection. Some people collect match books.:eek: Toy soldiers are a piece of art. Each soldier has a story. Enjoy what you love. :)
My question is, where are all of the so called older collector's? There’s got to be more than 5 of us over 70.:rolleyes:
I am not sure what old is Chuck. As Chuin might say: For a head of lettuce, I am old. For a mountain, I have not yet begun in years. For a man, I am just right.;)
I have had this problem in the past especially in my teens, and most people think that I play with the figures as a child does, but its the artistic side of this hobby that is my main interest - the actual modelling/converting and painting.
Most people dont think that 2 Dimensional water colour or oil canvas artists are weird or uncool, but when you create something striking and highly artistic in 3D all of a sudden you are a geek!

I am past caring especially now over 40. When you get past 40 you really dont give a monkeys what anybody thinks.


I am past caring especially now over 40. When you get past 40 you really dont give a monkeys what anybody thinks.


And when you get past 60 you forget what others think and who are those people?
I think its the title toy soldier collector which, gives some strange ideas. I had a chap once liken me to a train spotter. Your always going to get some replies like that but, for me, its better than sitting in front of a screen all day playing games or such and, as I link my collections with my interest in militaria its an obvious link.

I agree with you all about not caring about what people think but, I am not 40 yet and feel like that god help the doubters when I turn 40!!!!
Once you get past 65 - they think that if you can remember where you left your specs your doing well. It's just when they pat you on the head and say to The Commandante " Isn't he doing well at painting those tiny things - are they for your Grandchildren?"

That's when they get a funny look.

Anyone seen my specs, by the way? johnnybach
Lincoln, Roosevelt, Roi de Rome, Bronte sisters, the list goes on. We are in good company. By the way-did people lie about their age? I didn't, but it looks like some did, e.g., you can't be 15 and post pics of your kids, no offence meant to those who did (all in good humor:D) but age is a statistic that is very interesting for the future of this hobby, and it might be nice to get some true results...:D
Lincoln, Roosevelt, Roi de Rome, Bronte sisters, the list goes on. We are in good company. By the way-did people lie about their age? I didn't, but it looks like some did, e.g., you can't be 15 and post pics of your kids, no offence meant to those who did (all in good humor:D) but age is a statistic that is very interesting for the future of this hobby, and it might be nice to get some true results...:D

Check out the member's list, you should be able to compile some sort of assessment from that. Trooper

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