Everyones Top 5 War Movies (1 Viewer)

Posted my 5 last June. Here they are again. 1-All Quiet On the Wesyern Front (the original) 2-Thin Red Line (1998) 3-Pork Chop Hill 4-The Train 5-Blackhawk Down
If memory serves, there was going to be a much more historically accurate movie about the battle starring George Clooney, but I guess that project died on the vines.

In it's place, we got this cartoonish, over the top movie instead; I thought it was idiotic for the most part and was glad I didn't waste my time seeing it on the big screen.

One mans treasure is anothers trash as they say.................
I must say that that I think Butler made a much more convincing Leonidas than Clooney could have but there is no doubt a more reality based version would have appealed much more to me.;) I did like (most anyway) of the battle scenes and a lot of the acting and interaction between the characters. Xerxes is another matter.:eek: :rolleyes:

H'mmm, "...another man's trash...", now that stings George.;):D
Here is mine :

1) Flags of Our Fathers/Letters from Iwo Jima
2) Das Boot
3) Capitaine Conan
4) Band of Brothers
5) Karthoum
H'mmm, "...another man's trash...", now that stings George.;):D

I didn't mean it in a negative way towards those who liked the film, I didn't expect to see all the cartoonish aspects of it when I finally had a chance to see it. I guess I went into it with a different expectation of what it had in store for me..........
changes from year to year, but here's mine

1. Glory
2. Band of brothers
3. Saving private Ryan
4. A midnights clear
5. Midway
I didn't mean it in a negative way towards those who liked the film, I didn't expect to see all the cartoonish aspects of it when I finally had a chance to see it. I guess I went into it with a different expectation of what it had in store for me..........
LOL, I certainly didn't take in a negative way, it wasn't quite what I had expected or hoped for either. I know it has been a mite turbulent around here lately but you did know I was kidding with you, right?:D
Yeah, but you are one of the good guys around here and I just wanted to be sure we were on the same page.............
Been watching a lot of movies lately, so here is my list (in no particular order). I must say it was very hard to limit it to just 5....

Cross of Iron
Blackhawk Down
Saving Private Ryan
Kingdom of Heaven
Apocalypse Now

I'm basing this on which ones I have watched over and over again. As you can see, I'm a HUGE Ridley Scott fan. Really enjoyed Body of Lies as well, though it's not a war movie...

Other honorable mentions....

Band of Brothers (though not a movie, would be in top 5 if it was)
Generation Kill (exceptional, though not a movie, would be in top 5 if it was - FANTASTIC BOOK)
The zulu movie with Michael Caine (name escapes me right now)
A Bridge Too Far (Book is better)
The Battle for Haditha (lesser known film, but well done)
Saving Private Ryan
Tae Guk Ki (spelling?)
Go Tell the Spartans
We Were Soldiers (though the book puts the movie to absolute shame - HUGE disappointment that the movie only covers the battle for LZ X-Ray and doesn't go into the bloodletting at LZ-Albany. Gives viewers a very incomplete story.)
Lord of the Rings Trilogy - do these count as "war" movies?!? Certainly have a lot of War in them! If so, then these are number 1 as they're probably the finest movies ever made.

As for 300 - it was pretty good once you watch it for what it is. I saw it in the theater and thought it was horrid. But then I watched it a few more times and now enjoy it. I didn't know it was based on a comic book at first. Once I found that out, I watched it from an entirely different perspective.
8:30 PM Friday night here, kids in bed and nothing of interest on the sports channel (NBA game over) - think I'll watch SPR!
Hi There!
Here is Ericka's top five war movies with her favorite mini series at the top as A.
A. Band of Brothers for a mini series.
1. Zulu
2. The Duelist
3.We Were Soldiers
4. Last of the Mohicans
5. Man who would be King

I REALLY struggled with this as there are so many good ones to choose from.
Top mini series in a war time setting has to be... Band of Brothers!
1. Battle of Britain
2. Zulu
3. Battleground
4. Last of the Mohicans
5. The Duelist

Other great movies that could be on the list have to be mentioned:
1. The Train
2. Glory
3. Gladiator
4. The Best Years of our Lives
5. Is Paris Burning?
6. A Very Long Engagement

Ken & Ericka
Hi There!
Here is Ericka's top five war movies with her favorite mini series at the top as A.
A. Band of Brothers for a mini series.
1. Zulu
2. The Duelist
3.We Were Soldiers
4. Last of the Mohicans
5. Man who would be King

I REALLY struggled with this as there are so many good ones to choose from.
Top mini series in a war time setting has to be... Band of Brothers!
1. Battle of Britain
2. Zulu
3. Battleground
4. Last of the Mohicans
5. The Duelist

Other great movies that could be on the list have to be mentioned:
1. The Train
2. Glory
3. Gladiator
4. The Best Years of our Lives
5. Is Paris Burning?
6. A Very Long Engagement

Ken & Ericka

SHAME on me for forgetting the Duelist...(yet another Ridley Scott Masterpiece). I may have to bump something in my top five to fit this one....hmmmm.
We have been going back and forth on favorite war movies. How about this. Eveyone list their top 5 war movies, #1 thru #5.
No comments on the movies, no more than their top 5.
And we will see what we come up with.
Again only 5, and no comments.
#1 SPR
#2 Paths of Glory
#3 Platoon
#4 Full Metal Jacket
#5 Das Boot

1. Zulu
2. Lawrence of Arabia
3. A Bridge to Far
4. Zulu Dawn
5. Battle Ground

Hi There!
Here is Ericka's top five war movies with her favorite mini series at the top as A.
A. Band of Brothers for a mini series.
1. Zulu
2. The Duelist
3.We Were Soldiers
4. Last of the Mohicans
5. Man who would be King

I REALLY struggled with this as there are so many good ones to choose from.
Top mini series in a war time setting has to be... Band of Brothers!
1. Battle of Britain
2. Zulu
3. Battleground
4. Last of the Mohicans
5. The Duelist

Other great movies that could be on the list have to be mentioned:
1. The Train
2. Glory
3. Gladiator
4. The Best Years of our Lives
5. Is Paris Burning?
6. A Very Long Engagement

Ken & Ericka

Ken & Ericka couldn't agree more with Band of Brothers and We Were Soldiers.

Mine, like yours have BOB at the top! But also I enjoy these:
  1. We Were Soldiers
  2. Flags of Our Fathers
  3. Master and Commander
  4. Gettysburg
  5. Black Hawk Down
After seing this movie name on this thread , I watch Tae Guk Gi
yesterday evening.
It is now in my list of 5.
I have a DVD library of 100 war films and you are asking me to choose only 5? Will have to think some about that..Michael
I like this genre because i like most to watch action or thriller movies. But, Recently I have watched War movies i.e. "Ultramarines: A Warhammer 40,000 Movie" in cinema with mine friends group. Amazing movie...Now, I am starting to watch this genre movies....

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