Some movies here I haven't seen but from those I have seen, I would choose (oh boy, here comes the hard part):
-Apocalypse Now (more about art than realism, but extraordinary at that);
-The Deer Hunter (storyline, music, imagery, you name it);
-Lawrence of Arabia (monumental classic but much much more than the academic classic);
-A Bridge Too Far (stiff upper lip becomes extreme valour under extreme fire);
-Saving Private Ryan (that opening scene is possibly the best combat scene ever, and the rest of the movie is so poignant and a real homage to those who fell).
Of course I have to mention others:
-Sands of Iwo Jima
-The Last of the Mohicans
-Schindler's List
-The Downfall (tremendous performance by Bruno Ganz as Hitler and you can feel the last days/siege/bunker atmosphere suffocating you...)
-Gallipoli (poignant, excellent)
-The Thin Red Line
-Gladiator to me is not exactly a war movie, but the opening battle scene is outstanding, would love to see a Roman Empire war movie made to that standard.
-Excalibur by John Boorman
-Dr. Jivago, not exactly a war movie, but certainly an extraordinary, memorable depiction of people swept away by the Russian Civil War, would be in my top 2 if it was a war movie.
Saw Glory many years ago, but can't remember it that well now. I still have to see All's Quiet on the Western Front, both versions.
I also have to mention Band of Brothers surely the best war TV series ever (and one of the best TV series, war theme or not).
This is what I remember right now and I already have had to change my list twice:rolleyes2:.