A few members of my reenacting group are going to be in the film.
This is great news! I don't think Shermans weighed 60 tons but I'm sure the perfectionists will have a lot to get their hackles up if Hollywood does its usual. I'm always a bit worried about plots with 'special behind the lines' stuff. It worked in SPR but unless its some sort of Patton rescue of his brother-in-law (which failed of course) its hard to think how a tank mission will seem authentic. Indeed, why can't they just show the sort of standard action a tank unit saw? All this said, I'll be seeing it anyway!
More info. Looks good from the initial info. A source says they are using the IWM M4A2E8 to portray a late WW2 M4A3E8 (the only difference is the engines, diesel versus gas). I do like the well stowed look of the tank - typical of late war US armor in Europe. They appear to have 3 or 4 Shermans of various flavors, plus an M18 and support vehicles. I hope the writing is good so that we have a good story to go with the neat tanks.
Gary B.
An entertainment writer who saw the FURY trailer wrote the following:
"...this looks very, very special. Ayers has also crafted a grittier and more realistic European Theater than depicted in "Saving Private Ryan" or HBO's "Band of Brothers."
I think this movie will be good for our hobby.