Fear The Walking Dead (2 Viewers)


Brigadier General
Feb 18, 2008
Anybody going to watch this? I am but everybody be warned that it's going to move slow at first building up suspense with each episode.
Anybody going to watch this? I am but everybody be warned that it's going to move slow at first building up suspense with each episode.
I shall be there, but I think it is going to be hard to tell zombieland LA from real life LA. Still...^&grin -- Al
I am enjoying the show thus far but the druggie is on my nerves. Do like the way all seems normal with only the occasional incident to foreshadow the coming 'problem'. I know they won't do it but I hope the writers chomp the druggie. I'm sure he'll clean up to become the hero, though. Going to enjoy watching civilization go to H E double hockey sticks. -- Al
I am enjoying the show thus far but the druggie is on my nerves. Do like the way all seems normal with only the occasional incident to foreshadow the coming 'problem'. I know they won't do it but I hope the writers chomp the druggie. I'm sure he'll clean up to become the hero, though. Going to enjoy watching civilization go to H E double hockey sticks. -- Al

First episode kicks off here down in little old NZ tonight, I'm looking forward to it but as you guys predict it looks to be a slow starter.......
Jus receive the first one from a friend in US
Like it very much
It's the very beginning
The young guy seems a fast decision maker
Next step : ... find guns ....
I enjoyed the first episode. I also like how events did not occur even when you were expecting them. I was sure the old guy was going to Zombify !!
Here's what I learned from episode one:

1) when your kid tells you his drug crazed friends are eating each other in a local abandoned church go there at night by yourself, break in and yell " is there anyone here."

2) even though hundreds of people die each day in LA people would only gradually learn the dead were returning after several weeks from a You Tube video.

3) when the police are flying over the highway telling you to remain in your car all the passengers should open their doors, step out and ask if anyone can see anything. Then speed off on the empty, unused road while hundreds remain gridlocked.

4) zombie invasions are grounds for early dismissal from LA public schools. Particularly when confirmed with You Tube footage.
Here's what I learned from episode one:

1) when your kid tells you his drug crazed friends are eating each other in a local abandoned church go there at night by yourself, break in and yell " is there anyone here."

2) even though hundreds of people die each day in LA people would only gradually learn the dead were returning after several weeks from a You Tube video.

3) when the police are flying over the highway telling you to remain in your car all the passengers should open their doors, step out and ask if anyone can see anything. Then speed off on the empty, unused road while hundreds remain gridlocked.

4) zombie invasions are grounds for early dismissal from LA public schools. Particularly when confirmed with You Tube footage.
And who says zombie shows aren't educational?^&grin -- Al
Here's what I learned from episode one:

1) when your kid tells you his drug crazed friends are eating each other in a local abandoned church go there at night by yourself, break in and yell " is there anyone here."

2) even though hundreds of people die each day in LA people would only gradually learn the dead were returning after several weeks from a You Tube video.

3) when the police are flying over the highway telling you to remain in your car all the passengers should open their doors, step out and ask if anyone can see anything. Then speed off on the empty, unused road while hundreds remain gridlocked.

4) zombie invasions are grounds for early dismissal from LA public schools. Particularly when confirmed with You Tube footage.

When you put it that way...terrible show..thought at first I liked it, but now I hate it, till the next reviewer explains to me that the stuff I now hate is really a special plot device, which means I can like it again..^&confuse Michael
And who says zombie shows aren't educational?^&grin -- Al

Yes, I also learned that if your suspicious drug dealer takes you for a ride to the vacant aqueduct it likely isn't a good sign. The Johnny Depp looking kid is both annoying and compelling. I can't decide if that's because he is a good or bad actor. Some of the comments I've read about the show are funny. Like it being difficult to tell the people from the zombies in LA.
The kid has a good pedigree.His dad played Stannis on Game of Thrones.He was Vandervort in one of the Harry Potter movies I believe.
Yes, I also learned that if your suspicious drug dealer takes you for a ride to the vacant aqueduct it likely isn't a good sign. The Johnny Depp looking kid is both annoying and compelling. I can't decide if that's because he is a good or bad actor. Some of the comments I've read about the show are funny. Like it being difficult to tell the people from the zombies in LA.
I also wondered about the ride with the drug dealer. I mean, hasn't that kid ever seen a tv crime show? The last point was a concern of mine from the get-go, see my post #2.:wink2: ^&grin -- Al
Once again, I like the way this show is building up so slowly. The family is awakening to the danger, but in very slow moments of ***. I liked the scenes in the school as it was very creepy with the long, empty hallways and you knew the principal was there, patrolling the building by himself. Nice suspense. -- Al
Once again, I like the way this show is building up so slowly. The family is awakening to the danger, but in very slow moments of ***. I liked the scenes in the school as it was very creepy with the long, empty hallways and you knew the principal was there, patrolling the building by himself. Nice suspense. -- Al

Why, always with the drama. If I was in the Zombie Apocowhatever, I would not have any women in my group..They are always shown walking up to an obviously infected person, because they care, and just having to touch them..Really!:mad: Michael
Here's what I learned from episode one:

1) when your kid tells you his drug crazed friends are eating each other in a local abandoned church go there at night by yourself, break in and yell " is there anyone here."

2) even though hundreds of people die each day in LA people would only gradually learn the dead were returning after several weeks from a You Tube video.

3) when the police are flying over the highway telling you to remain in your car all the passengers should open their doors, step out and ask if anyone can see anything. Then speed off on the empty, unused road while hundreds remain gridlocked.

4) zombie invasions are grounds for early dismissal from LA public schools. Particularly when confirmed with You Tube footage.

This is comedic gold, but what else would I expect from you.

I was going to jump ship on this show, but now I feel compelled to hang in there so when you rip the show to shreds, I will know what you are talking about.

The sad thing is everything you pointed out is so obvious, yet how do script writers miss this stuff and think the watching public is a collective pack of idiots.....................
This is comedic gold, but what else would I expect from you.

I was going to jump ship on this show, but now I feel compelled to hang in there so when you rip the show to shreds, I will know what you are talking about.

The sad thing is everything you pointed out is so obvious, yet how do script writers miss this stuff and think the watching public is a collective pack of idiots.....................

Not everyone is a idiot but a lot are.
This show is maintaining my interest but that drug-addict kid is is annoying. I like how the whole family has degrees of disbelief, not quite seeing the danger as it gradually builds. They continue to see the evidence but don't quite get it. Dad is going to have to toughen up and get over his aversion to guns or he's on the brunch menu. Mom seems tough enough, but not the daughter. How many of them will survive to carry the story? -- Al
I like the older guy,he's nobody to mess with.Something tells me he's going to have to put his wife down.I would like to feed all the kids to zombies.
How come the druggy has been home for over 24 hours and hasn't had a shower and put in some of his clothes ^&grin

I hope the daughter gets bitten not my favorite member so far.

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