Fear The Walking Dead (1 Viewer)

I thought we would see LA destroyed.I knew one of the main characters would get killed but I guessed wrong.
just binge watched all 6 episodes..

The survivors all piss me off.. but the main disconnect I have is if they had all those zombies in the stadium, why wouldn't they use explosives to eliminate them?
The horde assending on the compound and the mayhem that ensued was not as gory as I thought it was going to be.

Loved the line "You might want to save your ammo" as the horde entered the compound.

The boat angle is interesting, we'll see where that goes; Ruben Blades is my favorite character, was worried he was a goner as the soldier pointed that pistol at him, but he made it and it's on to season two in 2016................
I thought the finale was better than most of the season. At least there was some action. I also learned that during the zombie apocalypse you can park your luxury yacht just off shore and no one will bother it. It will apparently just float around undisturbed for days or weeks until you need it. No one else would think of taking it while being chased by zombies. Wasn't there a George Romero zombie movie where the survivors take a boat to some island?
I thought the finale was better than most of the season. At least there was some action. I also learned that during the zombie apocalypse you can park your luxury yacht just off shore and no one will bother it. It will apparently just float around undisturbed for days or weeks until you need it. No one else would think of taking it while being chased by zombies. Wasn't there a George Romero zombie movie where the survivors take a boat to some island?

This is my biggest problem with the series..incredible huge plot holes and suspend belief and common sense decision making..Totaly dislike most of the cast, except Reuban. Action was better, but the whole script was predictable, from the Z's being used as distraction to the army kid coming back to threaten group after being released by goodie too shoes, so not Rick. Z Nation is so much more a fun watch as for Zombie kills and satirical " drama "..never takes any thing too seriously. Michael
I thought the finale was better than most of the season. At least there was some action. I also learned that during the zombie apocalypse you can park your luxury yacht just off shore and no one will bother it. It will apparently just float around undisturbed for days or weeks until you need it. No one else would think of taking it while being chased by zombies. Wasn't there a George Romero zombie movie where the survivors take a boat to some island?

Yes there was and it was awful, beyond awful actually.

In the remake of Dawn of the Dead, the survivors leave the shopping mall and hop on a boat at the marina and head for an island as well; based on the ending, it did not turn out very well.

Super bad idea.
Anyone been tracking the mini-series of FWD being shown during commercial breaks of WD? The glimpses aboard the aircraft are really brief but are progressing toward a nasty problem. Kind of interesting way to keep the viewers in touch with the show while it is on hiatus. -- Al
Yes I've been following it.I wouldn't want to be on that plane.
Yes I've been following it.I wouldn't want to be on that plane.
Yeah, after tonight's clip, it looks like that plane ride is going to end with a lot of customer complaints to the FAA.:rolleyes2: -- Al
If anybody is still watching this show, it restarts tonight, AMC at 9pm EST. I'll try and catch the repeat as I'll be watching Ray Donovan at 9.:wink2: -- Al
If anybody is still watching this show, it restarts tonight, AMC at 9pm EST. I'll try and catch the repeat as I'll be watching Ray Donovan at 9.:wink2: -- Al

They are on land now, will be interesting to see how things play out; the whole boat angle got a bit too much for me, will tune in and see what develops..........
Haven't watch the last 3 episodes so I don't think I'll be watching this anymore.
Haven't watch the last 3 episodes so I don't think I'll be watching this anymore.

I'll probably keep watching but only to complain. I've read it is more of the same but with a good hotel siege toward the end. Z Nation looks interesting.
I watch Z Nation.It's a tongue in cheek kind of show.I think this is the last year for it.
Haven't watch the last 3 episodes so I don't think I'll be watching this anymore.
I can understand this. I'll watch this next episode but if it doesn't start rolling, I'll probably go bye-bye, as well. -- Al
I watch Z Nation.It's a tongue in cheek kind of show.I think this is the last year for it.

Mark, I understand it is a big hit for Scyfy. I totally love the show and hope it will continue for many years to come..Michael
A bit of a slow burn episode. Have to admit that kid's nihilist approach to the post-apocalypse zombie world seems to be working ok for him. At leat the annoying stepdad didn't have any lines this week.
I actually caught up with the show and thought the last episode wasn't that bad.I will keep watching for now but I hope Daniel isn't dead.
I actually caught up with the show and thought the last episode wasn't that bad.I will keep watching for now but I hope Daniel isn't dead.

I liked it too, I thought it was a very good episode.................

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