FIGARTI: HMS Poor People (1 Viewer)

Hey extra sets would be a good idea. There is a lot of room on that ship! Bloody thing looks deserted! One buys the ship because it is there not because of the figures. You had to be there to see this ship! The figures are nothing, though nice.

I for one would love to build a sailing top fight with Marines.

Incidentally the shipping adds $1500 to the price. It is anywhere in the world to your front door. No discounts for picking it up yourself though.:(

I could afford the horse (ship) but not the saddle (crew )...:D:eek:
... Incidentally the shipping adds $1500 to the price. It is anywhere in the world to your front door. No discounts for picking it up yourself though.:(
The $6500 cost includes shipping and is the price delivered to your door, it is not $6500 plus additional cost of shipping. I think it would cost you a lot more than $1500 if you personally picked up one in Shanghai, then tried to get it back to CA.:D
The $6500 cost includes shipping and is the price delivered to your door, it is not $6500 plus additional cost of shipping. I think it would cost you a lot more than $1500 if you personally picked up one in Shanghai, then tried to get it back to CA.:D

I don't know...with the amount of stuff people bring on as carry on these days, maybe you could try to fit it in the overhead racks...
The $6500 cost includes shipping and is the price delivered to your door, it is not $6500 plus additional cost of shipping. I think it would cost you a lot more than $1500 if you personally picked up one in Shanghai, then tried to get it back to CA.:D

That is what I said. Just kinda backwards:eek: Sorry for the confusion;)
Honestly, I can't imagine that anyone who bought the ship would care if the figures were sold seperately; at least not anyone I would care to know very well. The ship is the shock and awe, the figures are simply accessories. I feel sure no one is buying the ship for the figures and in fact releasing them seperately would make more bodies available for each Victory.
It's the figures that make the ship such an attractive proposition to me. They bring the model 'alive.' Without them I would not even consider the ship ... and yes I am thinking about it atm, despite the fact that Naps are a bit out of my area.

Things that are being factored into my decision atm include, the cost... obviously. Size of the model. And whilst I am fascinated by sailing ships and watercraft of the late 19th and up until the early 20th century, it's a bit before my current collecting interest. If I did go ahead and buy it, it would be very much because of the figures being included. If the figures were available separately I'd definitely opt for those instead and have a deck model made to suit. So, yes it would make a difference if the figures were sold separately and I'd be pretty pissed if I invested in the whole thing only to find out that had I waited six months I could have got the bits and pieces I wanted.
It's the figures that make the ship such an attractive proposition to me. They bring the model 'alive.' Without them I would not even consider the ship ... and yes I am thinking about it atm, despite the fact that Naps are a bit out of my area.

Things that are being factored into my decision atm include, the cost... obviously. Size of the model. And whilst I am fascinated by sailing ships and watercraft of the late 19th and up until the early 20th century, it's a bit before my current collecting interest. If I did go ahead and buy it, it would be very much because of the figures being included. If the figures were available separately I'd definitely opt for those instead and have a deck model made to suit. So, yes it would make a difference if the figures were sold separately and I'd be pretty pissed if I invested in the whole thing only to find out that had I waited six months I could have got the bits and pieces I wanted.
Well I hope you get it Jules, especially if you live in the Northeast.:) I still think the figures are just the OK part of this combination but your reasoning is a bit different than the idea that the uniqueness of your ship and figures would be compromised. But then I am not really a fan of investment collecting and I can't imagine begrudging somebody a few figures because I happen to have bought the ship they came with first. Besides as Michael aptly put it, the "Bloody thing looks deserted.":D
.... then I am not really a fan of investment collecting ...D

Neither am I. My point is that if I know that the figures are going to be available separately, then I would not buy the ship but build a setup to suit the figures that encapsulates the scene but does not take up the space. But, if the ship and figures are marketed as being one set that will not be broken up, then I'd want to be pretty certain that it was the only way I could get them if that $6.5k was the price I had to pay. I think that this is what Mitch was also saying.

And I think producing add-on sets available to everybody is the logical thing to do as it would allow the ship to be filled up with crew and marines without compromising the integrity of the 'special edition' or however Figarti are promoting this.
How about a ship's gun being handled by its' crew. Would make for a stand alone display for the poor folks:D and still would be an action add on for the ship buying guys and gals..Michael
Hi Jules

First Thank you for providing the forum with wonderful photos of your collection.

Next As a toy soldier collector I have become very impressed with the wealth of additional material now available to us to enable us to enhance our collections e.g. planes, cars, boats tanks buildings, boats the list is unlimited.

However the thought of spending $6,500.00 for a ship just so the owner can have a very limited, not-everyone-has -these, figures is a little sad. Even you have stated that if the figures were available you would not purchase the ship - Your suggestion of a different set would be ideal - but you know as well as I - that's not going to happen. So I'll return to K&C hoping one day they too will produce the HMS Victory crew. Take care ;) Frank
The shock and awe releases especially but, to some extent the SL and now the more limited runs from manufacturers are exactly released for that reason as the manufacturers know collectors want the Kudos of having something that little bit special and, importantly, something which other collectors do not have. I think though that this has been tarnished somewhat by the influx of limited editions to the market but, thats a whole other story.

Now, I am on record as saying I am for more releases if desired from limited editions and, that I do not care whether a release is 20,000 or more as long as its one I like and can get. What was lost here IMO by some was the reason why a limited edition should be restricted to that and, I believe if manufacturers are going to do these they should adhere to these rules. I did also state that release add on crews I just do not think it right to release the same crew for the whole market as it would remove some of the exclusivity from that piece.

Now, one poster said this would not be the kind of person he would like to be friends with and a raft of other stuff but, heads must be in clouds if they believe there is not in every collector the desire to have that exclusive piece thats not being a nasty person just human nature in the type of hobby we are in.

We are now seeing a whole series of pictures and links to ships of the line being posted at much cheaper prices some with figures some not IMO the ship is made by the addition of crew even if that makes it look deserted it would be all the more deserted should it no have them.

The cost of fourty figures in the current market would also be very high and sadly, beyond many collectors but as this is not a general release would doubt whether more crew were going to be released.

Very well put - I think it's time to put this thread to bed - although I would has liked to hear a comment or two from Mr Figarti -

As for "That" tackle we Man City fans are not impressed - I take it your a Newcastle fan? As for taking three point - No chance - We'll be buying again come January -

Now there's a thing Mitch I wonder if I can get a loan off the City Board.

then we all could be in the BOAT

Take Care Frank ;)
I think Rick would not really want to comment upon this. If he comes on and says no add on figures collectors are miserable if he comes on and says yes there will be collectors are happy but, he may have taken a hit on sales of the Victory.I fully understand the silence.

Yes, Huge NUFC fan. you were lucky to get all three points but, we will claim them back at SJP. With your boards power financially they could buy us all Victory's as its the only way you will get it. Sorry, as long as you finish higher than Moan UTD I will be happy for you.
Why not split the difference. Figarti could mass produced say 6 figures of the 40 that accompany this vessel. Alternatively, they could manufacture 6 new figures but in slightly different poses. I do not think that this would damage the resale value of the HMS Victory. Another suggestion for Figarti would be to make 6 x 6 inch deck sections to accompany these suggested sets.

Just my 2cents, and given what the dollar is worth today, that is not much, LOL, LOL.
Thats not a bad idea and I have said this before they have done similar with the AA guns from the Bismarck
How about a ship's gun being handled by its' crew. Would make for a stand alone display for the poor folks:D and still would be an action add on for the ship buying guys and gals..Michael
This sounds like a terrific idea. Everybody has a shot at something this way. -- Al
Hi Jules

First Thank you for providing the forum with wonderful photos of your collection.

Next As a toy soldier collector I have become very impressed with the wealth of additional material now available to us to enable us to enhance our collections e.g. planes, cars, boats tanks buildings, boats the list is unlimited.

However the thought of spending $6,500.00 for a ship just so the owner can have a very limited, not-everyone-has -these, figures is a little sad. Even you have stated that if the figures were available you would not purchase the ship - Your suggestion of a different set would be ideal - but you know as well as I - that's not going to happen. So I'll return to K&C hoping one day they too will produce the HMS Victory crew. Take care ;) Frank

I am not in a position to know what motivated other collectors to purchase this very expensive ship. However, I do know that Bob Walker bought it because it was a fantastic work of art; the last thing from his mind was that it was a limited, not-ever-one-has-these purchase. In fact, he bought it sight unseen based on friends who had seen it and told him he had to have it for his collection. He has never even seen a photo of it. Bob does not have a clue as to how many will be made nor does he care. He would have bought it if there thousands of them being made.
Hi Mike

Thanks for your comments - I don't know Bob Walker, but your comments high light what this thread is about. Bob has bought an item, regardless of cost, that he wants for his personal pleasure and collection. From what I understand from you - Bob would not be bothered if you, me and half the Royal Navy owned the Victory with it's crew. I don't think he would care if I owned 5 crew members and you owned 40. This is not to say that previous threads comments are also true. I have to be honest and say had I the finance to purchase the wonderful item lock, stock and barrel I would. But I collect toy soldiers, I look for something different to add to my collection, I like the British Redcoat hence the interest. This does not mean I disagree with other collectors view point. This is what makes being part of this hobby meaningful, people really care about what they collect and are interested in.
I would of liked a small peice of the pie - I can't have it - I'll move on. Frank
Hi Mike

Thanks for your comments - I don't know Bob Walker, but your comments high light what this thread is about. Bob has bought an item, regardless of cost, that he wants for his personal pleasure and collection. From what I understand from you - Bob would not be bothered if you, me and half the Royal Navy owned the Victory with it's crew. I don't think he would care if I owned 5 crew members and you owned 40. This is not to say that previous threads comments are also true. I have to be honest and say had I the finance to purchase the wonderful item lock, stock and barrel I would. But I collect toy soldiers, I look for something different to add to my collection, I like the British Redcoat hence the interest. This does not mean I disagree with other collectors view point. This is what makes being part of this hobby meaningful, people really care about what they collect and are interested in.
I would of liked a small peice of the pie - I can't have it - I'll move on. Frank


That is exactly right---he couldn't care less how many others have this fantastic ship. Even if I had someplace to display it, I would not spend that kind of money for one item, but we are all different. I would rather spend $6,500 (I am glad my wife does not see this) on 600 toy soldiers. BTW, I don't know if you subscribe to Toy Soldier & Model Figure magazine or not, but I wrote a review of the 2009 West Coaster Show which appeared in the June 2009 issue. In it, there is a photograph of a large, very expensive, whimsical, Russian battleship which Bob commissioned from Metal Shed. I don't even have a row boat in my collection. Best wishes.
I think that some of you guys are missing the point a bit. It would be great if everybody could have whatever they want, including this model and the accompanying figures... even maybe at the price that they want. I don't think anybody who has posted so far would begrudge collectors that. I collect to give me pleasure not for investment nor to indulge in some sort of game of one-up-manship as is hinted at here.

Everybody agrees that this is an expensive model to buy. Now, I was not at the show and am not that familiar with Figarti, so I don't know how they promoted it. But IF Figarti promote this as a special edition with limited release then that would be factored into the price they ask collectors to pay and so they have an obligation to honor that condition/stipulation. It's about the integrity of their brand and that has nothing to do with whether everybody should have one or not, it's about honoring a promise made as part of the release. But, if they have not described this as a special release / limited edition or that it the figures are only going to be available with the ship itself, then all this debate is immaterial and the only question that should be asked is when will the figures be available for those collectors who don't want the ship.

Regardless, some people will be able to afford it, some will not that's the reality of life.

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