FIGARTI: HMS Poor People (2 Viewers)

It would be great if in life we could have everything in life we want but unless I'm Bill Gates or the like I can't. At the same time I don't begrudge those who can afford it.

This comes as a unified release, not separable from its parts. That's the way these shock and awe releases are; it's not one from column A and One from column B. I really think it serves no purpose to examine as if this was a legal document how Figarti specifically intended to market it. I am sure that what was in their mind that this would be one release.
I personally think the figures make the ship. I could go buy a model just like Figarti's, but I could never find toy soldiers to go with it. However, it is really the whole package, as there are really no 54mm model ships done of that magnitude. So six of one, 1/2 dozen of the other. Someday, when I am not 16 years old, and I can choose between eating and this model, I will have a great opportunity to loose weight, but for now, I will have to stick with having a picture of it, surrounded by a heart, in my locker :D.
Best to all,
Don't think ''one up man ship'' even came into this or, Figarti's integrity. This was purely a response to whether it would be fair on collectors who bought this ship to then at a much lower cost release all the figures and, some state no some state yes.

You have to want this piece its not as far as I am aware a limited run so, buying as an investment is a stupid idea IMO. Its been interesting to hear responses from Franks initail prose from ''don't want to be your friend'' to minutia of contract law. Perhaps we could ask Rick if we could have it on lay-a-way then everyone is happy!!!
Perhaps we could ask Rick if we could have it on lay-a-way then everyone is happy!!!

Yeah,A ten year plan.:D:eek:
In all seriousness, if you take 650 out of each years' soldier budget, in 10 years you have yourself a victory. But if only he WOULD agree to a lay away! Or else I have to convince the bank that toy soldiers are a viable form of investment...

That is exactly right---he couldn't care less how many others have this fantastic ship. Even if I had someplace to display it, I would not spend that kind of money for one item, but we are all different. I would rather spend $6,500 (I am glad my wife does not see this) on 600 toy soldiers. BTW, I don't know if you subscribe to Toy Soldier & Model Figure magazine or not, but I wrote a review of the 2009 West Coaster Show which appeared in the June 2009 issue. In it, there is a photograph of a large, very expensive, whimsical, Russian battleship which Bob commissioned from Metal Shed. I don't even have a row boat in my collection. Best wishes.

Here is a photo I took of the Metal Shed Russian battleship in Bob's house. You can get some idea as to its size by noting the 54mm figures in the whale boat.


  • Russian Battleship by Metal Shed.JPG
    Russian Battleship by Metal Shed.JPG
    95.8 KB · Views: 198
Wow, that's amazing. If I ever get out to the West Coast, I would love to see Bob Walker's collection.
Here is a photo I took of the Metal Shed Russian battleship in Bob's house. You can get some idea as to its size by noting the 54mm figures in the whale boat.

That's a neat looking model! :cool:



  • Russian%20Battleship%20by%20Metal%20Shed.JPG
    87.5 KB · Views: 179
Wow, that's amazing. If I ever get out to the West Coast, I would love to see Bob Walker's collection.

Brad, You know that it goes without saying that you have an automatic invitation to see Bob's collection and Ed Ruby's, too, if you ever make it out here. BTW, while at my house we have a family room, a bonus room, etc; Bob's house has the Prussian room, the Napoleonic room, etc. That tells you all you need to know about the differnce between us.
One small point regarding the Victory, what scale is it? The actual Victory is 227.5 foot overall, in 1/32nd scale this equates to 7.11 foot. As I understand it the Figarti model is 1.63 metres which is 5.34 foot. If the figures are in scale with the ship they will be much smaller than 54mm which will nullify much of the argument on this thread.

Then can it be 1/32nd scale??. I presume the figures will be 54mm and, that due to the size of the ship whatever scale will look ok in relation to the ship. Thats why forums like this are good after the initial wow of a release the minutia gets examined.

One small point regarding the Victory, what scale is it? The actual Victory is 227.5 foot overall, in 1/32nd scale this equates to 7.11 foot. As I understand it the Figarti model is 1.63 metres which is 5.34 foot. If the figures are in scale with the ship they will be much smaller than 54mm which will nullify much of the argument on this thread.

Then can it be 1/32nd scale??. I presume the figures will be 54mm and, that due to the size of the ship whatever scale will look ok in relation to the ship. Thats why forums like this are good after the initial wow of a release the minutia gets examined.

If it is the Victory then in 1/32nd scale it should be 2 foot longer, if it is in 1/32nd scale then it is some other vessel.
According to the Figarti web site, the measurements are as follows:

1.77 m height
1.63 m length
0.57 m wide

It is also listed as being 1/32.

I don't like to get in scale arguments but it is an amazing feat of engineering, not to mention huge, and the last thing I would be worrying about is whether it's exactly 1/32. That would be the farthest thing from my mind and I suspect the farthest thing from the mind of any person who has purchased it.
At those sizes it is more like 1:43 scale which is quite a difference.

However it could have just been compressed but retained 1:32 doorways etc...

Agree with you about the fact that its a very nice ship (rather an understatement) but, without rancor, if you state 1/32nd then it really should be the scale you state. Quite a few comments from several manufacturers are not in line with the scale especially when scrutinised by the forums like this and others.

At the end of the day if you are buying one would this difference affect your decision probably not but, the most important issue is things like this should be able, in the niche hobby, to be confirmed correctly by ALL manufacturers. It would end many of the debates about correct scale should they do so.
At the Figarti Lunch, Rick stated that the scale was "toy scale" and not actual scale.

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