Figarti Update (1 Viewer)

who do you imagine made the models in the Figarti days? it certainly was not Rick slaving away creating these prototypes and production numbers. I would imagine as the guys who have taken over were workers for Rick and family, they are more than capable to build these items.

good luck to them and not long before we see some releases in numbers

You're completely missing the point. A company succeeds because of the guiding vision from its leader. Who do you think was responsible for having the idea to create the quality of tanks we saw? It was Rick and members of his creative team. You can always find people to make the product but it's very hard to replace the founder and his team in a small company. K & C would be completely different without Andy.
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K & C would be completely different without Andy.

Yeah, K&C would probably start doing detailed tracks on their tanks without all the horrible looking mud...{sm4}

Just kidding around. I couldn't resist because you set it up too perfectly.
You're completely missing the point. A company succeeds because of the guiding vision from its leader. Who do you think was responsible for having the idea to create the quality of tanks we saw? It was Rick and members of his creative team. You can always find people to make the product but it's very hard to replace the founder and his team in a small company. K & C would be completely different without Andy.

Thanks Brad, you beat me to it. Of course the model will be awesome since the former employee now owner is probably one of the best out there. I was talking about the ability to quantity produce it and the business side of it.

Frank, in all sincerity I certainly hope you get the King Tiger as I know you have been a long time champion of that one!

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Thanks Brad, you beat me to it. Of course the model will be awesome since the former employee now owner is probably one of the best out there. I was talking about the ability to quantity produce it and the business side of it.

Frank, in all sincerity I certainly hope you get the King Tiger as I know you have been a long time champion of that one!



You and I were in the Hobby Bunker room at the Westcoaster this year when they unpacked the Panthers and we both agreed that the tanks were incredible. I recall some collectors discussing them later in the bar and someone (maybe you?) pointed out that the difference between Figarti with and without Rick is the actual productions, not the prototypes. Rick would have unveiled the Panthers with a firm delivery date and production number.

With that being said, I wish Figarti well and look forward to their products if and when they hit the market.

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You're completely missing the point. A company succeeds because of the guiding vision from its leader. Who do you think was responsible for having the idea to create the quality of tanks we saw? It was Rick and members of his creative team. You can always find people to make the product but it's very hard to replace the founder and his team in a small company. K & C would be completely different without Andy.

Brad think most people are not interested in who the boss of the company as long as there new stuff being made who cares ? Also don't forget Figarti had a terrible problem with paint not staying on there stuff when Rick was there owner as well
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the rick thing is simply he had the cash to do the products and these guys are struggling to get to that point, That is the only think Rick brought to the firm. so, we have the technical guys doing great work they just as yet do not have cash. Its easier to get cash than it is to get talent.

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Brad think most people are not interested in who the boss of the company as long as there new stuff being made who cares ? Also don't forget Figarti had a terrible problem with paint not staying on there stuff when Rick was there owner as well

Neil, I wasn't the one who raised the issue.
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Very interesting comments about corporate leadership. Andy at K&C is the source of all good things; but Rick Wang at Figarti has no influence whatsoever on their products. The leadership of a company sets the goals and quality standards, manages the finances and selection of personnel etc. Without corporate leaders and their decisions you do not have a company, you have a group of hobbiests; who may be great at making interesting prototypes, but not at producing them in the quantity and quality necessary for a viable business.

Rick and Peter Wang were the driving force behind Figarti; as is Andy at K&C or Brian at TCS. When they sold the company, it is now Figarti in name only. I hope Figarti survives; but it willl not be the old Figarti of innovative products with high standards of detail and quality. The driving force has departed. Imagine Third Army without George Patton; leadership matters!
Very interesting comments about corporate leadership. Andy at K&C is the source of all good things; but Rick Wang at Figarti has no influence whatsoever on their products. The leadership of a company sets the goals and quality standards, manages the finances and selection of personnel etc. Without corporate leaders and their decisions you do not have a company, you have a group of hobbiests; who may be great at making interesting prototypes, but not at producing them in the quantity and quality necessary for a viable business.

Rick and Peter Wang were the driving force behind Figarti; as is Andy at K&C or Brian at TCS. When they sold the company, it is now Figarti in name only. I hope Figarti survives; but it willl not be the old Figarti of innovative products with high standards of detail and quality. The driving force has departed. Imagine Third Army without George Patton; leadership matters!

One of the few who understands what Tom and I were saying.
Rick and Peter Wang were the driving force behind Figarti; as is Andy at K&C or Brian at TCS. When they sold the company, it is now Figarti in name only. I hope Figarti survives; but it willl not be the old Figarti of innovative products with high standards of detail and quality.

Agree that Figarti is a different company than when the Wangs owned it and the Figarti of new management should be viewed more as a startup than a mature business.

However, it seems you and others have pre-determined Figarti will fail.

You reference quality. The prototype vehicles that the new Figarti have displayed are every bit as detailled and high quality as things produced in the past. There is no lack of detail in the Panther G, Bergetiger , or armored train models.

As for innovative products, this is WW2 model making. It ain't rocket science! You pick a tank and make it. The new Figarti needs to make a Panther, a Konigstiger, a Jagdpanther, a mid-production Tiger, etc. and people will buy them. Pick guaranteed sellers for your first 1-2 years of production and once the business is on firmer financial footing they can branch off.

Figarti's one and only problem is a lack of operating capital. That's it. It's not talent,innovation, visionary leadership, etc. It's money, pure and simple.

It seems the new owner is taking steps to raise money, and Matt at Hobby Bunker (Figarti's main U.S. distributor) seems to be involved as well and he seems optimistic we will see tanks coming in the future.

I look forward to pre-ordering the Panther G as soon as it comes available and will wish Figarti the best of luck in their future endeavors.
Agree that Figarti is a different company than when the Wangs owned it and the Figarti of new management should be viewed more as a startup than a mature business.

However, it seems you and others have pre-determined Figarti will fail.

You reference quality. The prototype vehicles that the new Figarti have displayed are every bit as detailled and high quality as things produced in the past. There is no lack of detail in the Panther G, Bergetiger , or armored train models.

As for innovative products, this is WW2 model making. It ain't rocket science! You pick a tank and make it. The new Figarti needs to make a Panther, a Konigstiger, a Jagdpanther, a mid-production Tiger, etc. and people will buy them. Pick guaranteed sellers for your first 1-2 years of production and once the business is on firmer financial footing they can branch off.

Figarti's one and only problem is a lack of operating capital. That's it. It's not talent,innovation, visionary leadership, etc. It's money, pure and simple.

It seems the new owner is taking steps to raise money, and Matt at Hobby Bunker (Figarti's main U.S. distributor) seems to be involved as well and he seems optimistic we will see tanks coming in the future.

I look forward to pre-ordering the Panther G as soon as it comes available and will wish Figarti the best of luck in their future endeavors.

WELL SAID:salute:::salute:::salute::
=> The prototype vehicles that the new Figarti have displayed are every bit as detailled and high quality as things produced in the past. There is no lack of detail in the Panther G, Bergetiger , or armored train models.


where can I see these pictures?

I'm a V1 and V2 and trains fan. Would love to see the armored train.


I do not believe anyone wishes for the New Figarti to fail. Hope and reality are two different processes however; one sentimental and the other logical; they are often in conflict. Given the current world ecconomic outlook a startup company will find it difficult to succeed.

I also disagree that innovative products are not necessary to sucess. Figarti was an innovative company, V1s, V2s, Thor Artillery Piece, E-Boat, et. al. Me too products and repaints will not cut it in a competitive envionment. New and interesting pieces with novel features are necessary IMO.
A Jagdtiger, a Kugelblitz, improved figures of 60mm, would be new and interesting.

Agree that Figarti is a different company than when the Wangs owned it and the Figarti of new management should be viewed more as a startup than a mature business.

However, it seems you and others have pre-determined Figarti will fail.

You reference quality. The prototype vehicles that the new Figarti have displayed are every bit as detailled and high quality as things produced in the past. There is no lack of detail in the Panther G, Bergetiger , or armored train models.

As for innovative products, this is WW2 model making. It ain't rocket science! You pick a tank and make it. The new Figarti needs to make a Panther, a Konigstiger, a Jagdpanther, a mid-production Tiger, etc. and people will buy them. Pick guaranteed sellers for your first 1-2 years of production and once the business is on firmer financial footing they can branch off.

Figarti's one and only problem is a lack of operating capital. That's it. It's not talent,innovation, visionary leadership, etc. It's money, pure and simple.

It seems the new owner is taking steps to raise money, and Matt at Hobby Bunker (Figarti's main U.S. distributor) seems to be involved as well and he seems optimistic we will see tanks coming in the future.

I look forward to pre-ordering the Panther G as soon as it comes available and will wish Figarti the best of luck in their future endeavors.
Also as ive read else where thiere is a declining market for WW2 so they better pull their finger out.
Also as ive read else where thiere is a declining market for WW2 so they better pull their finger out.

I can look at the market from a collector’s point of view only, so I’ve not access to the sales figures, but the dramatic decline of the toy soldiers market, at least in Europe, is testified by many facts like the number of manufacturers and dealers that had closed their activity, the policy of reduction of their stocks that many dealers had adopted and so on. I suppose there are many reasons behind this decline and some of these reasons are not conjunctural …..I’m afraid that there is a generational gap that hurts this market heavily…..if my feeling is correct this is very bad moment for a start-up company to enter this market, I have purchased Figarti models in the past years and I love them, so I wish the new ownership al the best but I remain skeptical
Figarti only needs to produce and release these new Panthers and a King Tiger by Sept/Oct with great detail and paint.... and they are back in the game in a big way.:salute::
Figarti only needs to produce and release these new Panthers and a King Tiger by Sept/Oct with great detail and paint.... and they are back in the game in a big way.:salute::

.......don't forget to sell it and make a profit.....and then you're back in the market.......:)
Figarti would not be immune to market problems but, they are not a start up company they are a pre existing company going to be releasing the same detail as they did before.

I doubt Britain's would be entering WWII if it were a dead duck and do not believe it is. what we are seeing is an interest in other era's which spreads the hobby money thinner. where at one time everything was WWII and there was little focus on other era's apart from Napoleonic's there is a much more even balance to what is released.

Not sure a Jagdtiger is innovative certainly this hobby has focused on a small number of tanks and left a lot untouched so, Figarti down the years did the less well known releases. They should address Jagdpanther, Panzer II, Panzer I, opel Blitz, King tiger, sturmpanzer Brumbar etc

Innovative would be say to release German Paper Panzers as a side range which nobody has done and would spark some interest in what if diorama's. I think done well and correctly scaled you would see cross hobby interest because there is quite a following for paper panzers in the model world. do them really well detailed as Figarti can and does and they would certainly be innovative and fit nicely with the company profile historically for doing shock and awe and the off the beaten track items.
Jagdpanther, Kingtiger & Panzer I have all been done by K&C, HB, TCS and John Jenkins. The Jagdtiger was only done by K&C in 1/30 scale Polystone and it was not their best model IMO.

I agree the Paper Panzers would be interesting. The Amusing Hobbies Lion and Damiler Benz Panther Prototype were sellouts in 1/35 scale. The E100 by Dragon was also very popular among the What If and 1946 modelers.

The Dragon Maus was an excellent model and would make a very unique polystone model. Also it was actually built and some reports indicate it may have seen combat.
From the list JJD were the only ones who nailed their Panzer I in scale and detail. TCS panzer I was well detailed with interior turret detail but, was well over scaled. The Jagdtiger has only been done in this nobby by king and country but was not detailed well, That is an armoured vehicle that could be done again by a company like Figarti and the numbers they would look to do and sell well.

Jagdpanthers well, king and country did two recent different coloured ones but each had some detailing issues HB's were nice but were incorrect in shape which really means they are not a discussion point so big was the error. TCS were good but were not without issues.

Again a new Jagdpanther say by Figarti in a couple of colour ways would be a popular move.

I think Paper Panzers would be good. E100 would be good but, there are many to choose and the plans are there. a Panther II would be interesting but, this could replace the shock and awe of old and be something different and dramatic. Remember these Paper panzers were also very large or some so shock and awe on a mini scale and a lot less.

This also depends on what Britain's and First Legion offer in the future as they are both dealing with a period in their releases which would allow such tanks to be made

Jagdpanther, Kingtiger & Panzer I have all been done by K&C, HB, TCS and John Jenkins. The Jagdtiger was only done by K&C in 1/30 scale Polystone and it was not their best model IMO.

I agree the Paper Panzers would be interesting. The Amusing Hobbies Lion and Damiler Benz Panther Prototype were sellouts in 1/35 scale. The E100 by Dragon was also very popular among the What If and 1946 modelers.

The Dragon Maus was an excellent model and would make a very unique polystone model. Also it was actually built and some reports indicate it may have seen combat.

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