Figarti Winter T-34......A change in Production Numbers !!! (2 Viewers)

Frank, I mostly agree with you in principle, but I found out sometime ago that being too vocal about it can scare like minded folks away. By the way, I am enjoying the " new you ". I did not always like your " flaming way of posting ", but have recently noticed your more reasoned and informative responses. Sorry for our past differences..Michael

No problem Michael....Its all in the heat of the moment with no personal malice intended by any of us.........My wife always tells me it's not so much what I say but how I say it sometimes..........Stay well...Frank
No problem Michael....Its all in the heat of the moment with no personal malice intended by any of us.........My wife always tells me it's not so much what I say but how I say it sometimes..........Stay well...Frank

I was born and raised in R.I. Ask George, it is probably a New England thing...Michael
IMO since the prodution numbers are 150 or less they should in each box require a certificate
of inpection on top of what number out of 100 you recieved . These item's are very hard to replace
and IMO some excellent models but their is some anxiety when making a purchase.

Neil :salute::

On the outside of each box is a label indicating what number out of the amount produced you received.

IMO since the prodution numbers are 150 or less they should in each box require a certificate
of inpection on top of what number out of 100 you recieved . These item's are very hard to replace
and IMO some excellent models but their is some anxiety when making a purchase.

Neil :salute::

I totally agree with you Neil and sincerely hope they would do that in future.
Did you guys not read my post? They already do that.

Yes I did Brad, that only shows what number you recieved. But what I am suggesting is that
Their be a certifacate of inpection by Figarti inside the box. When I recieved this item it was
Damaged and the missing part was not in the box. That to me says it was boxed that way at
The factory. So if Figarti would have had a certificate of inpection I would have to say it would
not have made it out the door and into a collector's hand and be heartbroken.

Also not trying to insult you or any other collector or Dealer. But these blemished item's also end
up on Ebay at a higher prize. Then all hell break's loose between the buyer and seller. And most
of the time the seller will have no idea that it is damaged.

With all due respect Neil, I don't think a piece of paper will do anything. They are inspected at the factory before leaving so if if you have a piece of paper and it's still damaged, what has the paper done for you?
With all due respect Neil, I don't think a piece of paper will do anything. They are inspected at the factory before leaving so if if you have a piece of paper and it's still damaged, what has the paper done for you?

Good point Brad,....The best safeguard is to improve quality control and to produce adequate numbers of product so that if a collector gets a damaged product it can be easily replaced by the manufacturer....Adequate production numbers would alleviate the anxiety of buyers.
With all due respect Neil, I don't think a piece of paper will do anything. They are inspected at the factory before leaving so if if you have a piece of paper and it's still damaged, what has the paper done for you?

Well if they are some one at the Factory packeged the one I recieved pre-damaged. Because if it
Had broke during shipping the piece would still be in the box. A piece of paper states with the packer's
intials stating this item left fully inpected and good to go to the customer. When you recieve an item
Pre-damaged before it leaves the factory and expect the packer to sign his or her intials on the certificate Iam sure this will reduce damage control.

Just a thought to the Owner's :salute::
Well if they are some one at the Factory packeged the one I recieved pre-damaged. Because if it
Had broke during shipping the piece would still be in the box. A piece of paper states with the packer's
intials stating this item left fully inpected and good to go to the customer. When you recieve an item
Pre-damaged before it leaves the factory and expect the packer to sign his or her intials on the certificate Iam sure this will reduce damage control.

Just a thought to the Owner's :salute::

Agreed. Since they only make 150 items, they should have better quality control than that. If the inspector or quality control person signs his/her name
in the certificate before the items got ship, this would eliminate sending defective/broken items to customers unless they get damaged in transit.
To address the original title and theme of this thread, what made the molds better now than to previously only being good for around 100. ^&confuse
To address the original title and theme of this thread, what made the molds better now than to previously only being good for around 100. ^&confuse

Not sure that anything has changed, Rick would have to opine on that. I thought the old range was anywhere from 90 to 130 from conversations with Rick. SO, 150 may not be too far of a stretch or they have multiple molds on this tank since they did a number of variants.


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