Finally got my Bowser! (1 Viewer)

Can't believe it took you this long to pick this masterpiece up! :wink2: My preference is the blue and yellow version too and it looks awesome incorporated with the RAF pieces, definitely one of my favourites to date.

Trouble is CFM there is always so much K&C to choose from and then suddenly you think, why on earth didn't I get this ages ago!{eek3}:smile2:

Congrat's Rob, it's certainly a nice looking vehicle. I ummed and arrred about buying the Normandy camo version but i passed mainly because im too stretched on the toy soldier front, plus im not collecting RAF or any aircraft or aircraft related sets.


Thanks Tom.

Hi Rob, you definitely gave good advice yesterday. That Blue and yellow bowser looks fantastic.
My airfield is a bit crowded now, not sure I can fit that Morris truck in anywhere!





Thanks James, knowing what a nice RAF collection you had I knew you'd like it once it was in situ as it were. You scene looks terrific mate, very good indeed. Where to put the Morris??? No problem at all , just try moving the guys in front of Typhoon to the other wing or even behind the other wing and try putting Morris where they were, its not very big at all, a fraction longer and a bit wider than the Tilly, should fit very nicely. Its just delivered the rockets, you may even have room for rocket guys there too. Or try putting Morris where Tilly is and put Tilly in front where three Typhoon figs are. There you go! Next Job please!!^&grin

Did you get home ok, we were a touch hammered weren't we!{eek3}{sm4}

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Hi Tom,

Yes i got the display case custom made. It cost I think around £80 but as you can see it's pretty large!
It's my second case- my first holds a d-day landing Scene but it's not as big as the airfield case.
My original intention was for it to be a purely Battle of Britain airfield with the Spitfire and Hurri. I had to put the Typhoon somewhere safe though so I managed to squeeze it in.

Thanks for the info James, that's certainly a good price for your case. Mine are large as well but are different in dimensions to your BoB Airfield case (higher but narrower in width to yours). I can't remember the exact cost for mine but they are a lot dearer than your case (around double the price!). Mine have two cupboard style D handles on the top so the cases can be lifted off the displays easily. Still doesn't make up for the extra cost that i paid compared to yours though! Unfortunately that's the downside of living where i live as many things do cost a bit to buy or get made.

The Typhoon "squeezes" in nicely to mate!

Thanks for the info James, that's certainly a good price for your case. Mine are large as well but are different in dimensions to your BoB Airfield case (higher but narrower in width to yours). I can't remember the exact cost for mine but they are a lot dearer than your case (around double the price!). Mine have two cupboard style D handles on the top so the cases can be lifted off the displays easily. Still doesn't make up for the extra cost that i paid compared to yours though! Unfortunately that's the downside of living where i live as many things do cost a bit to buy or get made.

The Typhoon "squeezes" in nicely to mate!


Yeah the case was a good price - having the mdf rather than wooden base bought the price down a bit.
It is quite heavy though and I have to be EXTREMELY careful when taking the lid off and especially when putting the lid back on!
Overall though i'm really pleased with it - it really showscases what a great range it is.
Very nice! Looks like it could be a display in the Imperial War Museum.

Cheers Duke - i'm pretty proud of it and enjoy adding bits now and again - though buying the bowser on saturday has taken up a fair bit of space in there. Rob still thinks i can get the Morris Truck in there!
Very nice set up eazy, Cant wait to start adding some of those RAF boys.
James, you know me, I don't like to be a BAD influence (^&grin) but check out the space in front of your Spits wing, the MG Sports car would look just splendid there:wink2:


James, you know me, I don't like to be a BAD influence (^&grin) but check out the space in front of your Spits wing, the MG Sports car would look just splendid there:wink2:



You? A bad influence? Who'd have thought it! :)
Before you know it there wouldnt be a single blade of grass visible. I need to save some space for that Bofors gun emplacement that hopefully will come out sooner or later.
James, what you need to do is get another display cabinet exactly the same , put it next to that one and ' knock through' , as if taking down an internal wall:wink2:

Nice display of RAF sets. Robs right you could sqeeze a few more things in there yet!!
Hi Rob,

Great to see you on Saturday. just two it hollow? And if so have you filled it with Vodka yet? :wink2: ^&grin

Hi James,

Great day on Saturday :smile2:

Your display case, is it made by Picturebox Display Cabinets?

Hi Rob,

Great to see you on Saturday. just two it hollow? And if so have you filled it with Vodka yet? :wink2: ^&grin



Well it is meant to carry high octane fuel mate:wink2:

Hi James,

Great day on Saturday :smile2:

Your display case, is it made by Picturebox Display Cabinets?


Hey Jeff,

It's from Showcases Online though I've ordered mine from their stand at the NEC Toy Fair.
Nice display of RAF sets. Robs right you could sqeeze a few more things in there yet!!

I guess I can! :)

Seriously though I underestimated the size I think. I didn't plan for the Typhoon.The desk it's on could easily have added an extra 4 or 5 inches in width to the cabinet. No idea how I'd have carried it to the car though!
I guess I can! :)

Seriously though I underestimated the size I think. I didn't plan for the Typhoon.The desk it's on could easily have added an extra 4 or 5 inches in width to the cabinet. No idea how I'd have carried it to the car though!

Thats right becuase the Typhoon was not even announced back then was it, looks cool in there though James. Any other K&C aircraft you'd like to see mate?

Guys, here are the RAF vehicles so far, any thoughts on what may be next? Like to see some sort of staff car or dispatch rider, or did I hear talk of a Fire engine;



Here are three that would be good

This small water Bowser is smart;

I know this is not RAF but I thought it cool anyhoo

A barrage balloon winch truck................A 1/30scale barrage balloon!!!{eek3}^&grin:wink2:

Guys, here are the RAF vehicles so far, any thoughts on what may be next? Like to see some sort of staff car or dispatch rider, or did I hear talk of a Fire engine;



Here are three that would be good

This small water Bowser is smart;

I know this is not RAF but I thought it cool anyhoo

Is this some sort of barrage balloon winch truck................A 1/30scale barrage balloon!!!{eek3}^&grin:wink2:


Not that i collect RAF Rob, but i reckon a RAF Jeep in blue would look pretty cool.

They all look superb rob, yes a fire engine to go with a downed spitfire.
They look great all together mate,a bit brighter than GREY...........................^&grin

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