FINALLY Junes pictures and Release notes! (2 Viewers)

Breaking News. There is no Vicki - unless you consider Tom Gun to be posing as Vicki which puts a rather unpleasant spin on much of this thread. Unless you consider that there is no Tom Gunn either. Has anyone ever seen Vicki? Or seen Tom Gunn for that matter?

So who is Mitch arguing with. The only one who can answer that question is the creator of the old New Model Army AFVs. But no one has seen him for years and his real name is long forgotten.


Terry ,

The creator/owner of the now defunct New Model Army Co. who now works @ TGM is Blake Reade...

I thought the original post by TG was amusing. However, the subsequent ones seemed to me -- for lack of a better term -- unusual.
I thought the original post by TG was amusing. However, the subsequent ones seemed to me -- for lack of a better term -- unusual.

Brad, a mysterious foreign woman, attracting the attention from a bunch of lonely TS collectors from the outback and beyond, that is not unusual at all, but internet dating in a hobby universe at its finest..All we need are photos?:rolleyes: It is a break from my TS are better than yours, wars..Michael
Brad, a mysterious foreign woman, attracting the attention from a bunch of lonely TS collectors from the outback and beyond, that is not unusual at all, but internet dating in a hobby universe at its finest..All we need are photos?:rolleyes: It is a break from my TS are better than yours, wars..Michael

Gee Michael, you make me sound like a lonely old bloke living in a tin shed in the middle of nowhere!!! (no comment necessary Jack!) {sm4}

Im not sure about the photo's bit but your last sentence is spot on!

Brad, a mysterious foreign woman, attracting the attention from a bunch of lonely TS collectors from the outback and beyond, that is not unusual at all, but internet dating in a hobby universe at its finest..All we need are photos?:rolleyes: It is a break from my TS are better than yours, wars..Michael


This is not the sort of thing we need to see, in my opinion, in a forum of this type and I found the posts bizarre. If any collector is suffering from sufficient attraction of the opposite sex, there are other sites that can presumably satisfy those wants.

She handled the issues adequately with her initial post but the subsequent posts weakened the impact of the initial post.

Sorry Brad, but I'm with Michael on this one and have found the thread very entertaining, with Vicki's posts the most memorable for some time and a welcome distraction from the usual moans & groans.

I don't think I'd be alone in saying, I'd like to see some more companies getting involved with the forum and letting there 'hair down' and having a few laughs for a change.

Here's to Vicki....and many more like her....{bravo}}
Wow, how could I have missed all this so far?!? Vicki, you rocked!!!:wink2:^&cool

This is not the sort of thing we need to see, in my opinion, in a forum of this type and I found the posts bizarre. If any collector is suffering from sufficient attraction of the opposite sex, there are other sites that can presumably satisfy those wants.

She handled the issues adequately with her initial post but the subsequent posts weakened the impact of the initial post.



Toddy has pretty well much covered it but i'll add further that Vicky was just bringing humour into the thread and this humour also involved me so I engaged in this fun so it would distract from all this negativity going on around this forum. Sure, maybe me and Vicky carried it a bit to far but it was all about having fun and nothing else.

You would see from many of my posts (and not just the ones below) that I try to bring humour into a discussion. Maybe my humour is not all that funny or some people don't like my humour or any humour for that matter, but I try to make it funny as I think this hobby should be about having fun and not taking it to seriously. Of course there are threads where the discussion is of a serious nature and I don't bring humour into these threads. It's all about saying the appropriate thing at the appropriate time and this thread desperately needed some sort of humour as it was going down the usual path of negativity.

I will also add that I am not that hard up that I would chase a woman of the opposite sex publically on a Toy Soldier forum! :rolleyes2: Mind you from what I have read on Vicky's posts, I reckon she is a keeper!! :)


Toddy has pretty well much covered it but i'll add further that Vicky was just bringing humour into the thread and this humour also involved me so I engaged in this fun so it would distract from all this negativity going on around this forum. Sure, maybe me and Vicky carried it a bit to far but it was all about having fun and nothing else.

You would see from many of my posts (and not just the ones below) that I try to bring humour into a discussion. Maybe my humour is not all that funny or some people don't like my humour or any humour for that matter, but I try to make it funny as I think this hobby should be about having fun and not taking it to seriously. Of course there are threads where the discussion is of a serious nature and I don't bring humour into these threads. It's all about saying the appropriate thing at the appropriate time and this thread desperately needed some sort of humour as it was going down the usual path of negativity.

I will also add that I am not that hard up that I would chase a woman of the opposite sex publically on a Toy Soldier forum! :rolleyes2: Mind you from what I have read on Vicky's posts, I reckon she is a keeper!! :)


Mate some just don't get the Aussie humour.....................^&grin
View attachment 154052
Anyone getting this version ?

The winter version has sold quicker than the Normandy for some unknown reason, we are down to our last 4 here in the UK depot now!

The grey version should follow next month plus a Desert version but in much lower numbers.

The US Rangers, FFL023, GW026 French Marine AND the Heinkel 162 all sold out and were actually oversubscribed, now who would have thought that?!

Hope that helps and thank you for all your great support!

Best Wishes Vicki
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Well I certainly missed some stuff while away!!{eek3}

Any impending Frenchie pics Vicki? Hope all is good with you today love! (A lovely young woman at the turnstiles in Disneyland once refused to let me in until I'd said ' Morning love'! in that ' lovely English accent' . I think many folk around the globe think we are all from the East End of London ^&grin I'd only go to the East end if there was a good cheese or chocolate shop there! :salute::

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