FINALLY Junes pictures and Release notes! (2 Viewers)

Complaints, complaints is all I hear. Tell me who else puts a plane +two figures on the market for $220 ,,,,,,

Guy were are talking a small jet fighter smaller than a Fw-190 so it hardly a bargain , I would of been happier with no figures and cheaper plane to be honest ,better for the figure to be a add on set don't touch think ?
Guy were are talking a small jet fighter smaller than a Fw-190 so it hardly a bargain , I would of been happier with no figures and cheaper plane to be honest ,better for the figure to be a add on set don't touch think ?

Morning Everyone!

People often come on this forum and say "Remember when you used to get a couple of figures with a vehicle and it was cheap as chips in the good old days?"
The figures may add cost to a product but they also add value to the overall package and for sure add another dimension to a vehicle or aircraft when put together. At the last show in London there were plenty of people commenting about the advertising shots we had put out, showing the 4 Luftwaffe figures with the HE162, for them the photos told a story and after all is this not what we are doing but in miniature?
For many customers it seems to be that getting the figures with the aircraft/vehicle is the deciding factor and then when you factor in what you get for your money, it works out at good value overall
The expensive part of the whole package, excuse the pun is the package! Most dealers will tell you that shipping vehicles and particularly aircraft is a prohibitive cost that most customers seem blissfully unaware of.
Not having the figures would not actually reduce the overall cost as much as you might think.
Neil (UK Subs) pointed out that the HE162 was a small jet fighter and yes he is correct in that the wingspan of the HE162 is smaller than a conventional fighter, however the length of the a HE162 was only a couple of inches shorter than an FW190 and was actually nearly 12 inches LONGER than a ME109! Its not that small an aircraft and I must say that as its all but sold out here in its first week of release then its not doing too badly!
I should have mentioned in The Messenger notes that the photos of the HE162 we put out, were a few months old and were of a pre-production sample. The nose paint rings were a little off in those shots I must admit, one of the reasons for the delay in its release was so that we could rectify these and a host of other minor faults that's you will invariably get when a sample is first shown to us.
A couple of collectors have mentioned the panel lines, some of you will love them and some of you will not love them. Its down to a matter of taste and we felt here as a team that the HE162 looked better with them. The panel lines are here to stay and only enhance the product IMO, I know some of you will disagree with me, but isn't that what makes the world such a wonderful and diverse place?!

The HE162 is a great model, it may not be perfect to some but its sure not going to be for sale for too long is all I will say!

I hope the above helps with your purchasing decisions and gives a little more insight into the design process here.

Best Wishes

Vicki Lucas
Marketing Manager TGM
Can't wait to get mine and im more than happy it has 2 figures with it and at a great price.
It seems its ok for you to make comments but, when others do its complain, complain?? Just because the price of an aircraft and two figures seems cheap to you does not mean others have to accept some of the issues that have been discussed by many collectors.

Mitch darling you are starting to remind me of one of my ex boyfriends! When we first started going out I could do no wrong, but now only a few months down the line it seems I can do no right in your eyes! You never call anymore, there's no flowers and you certainly don't reply to my emails!

I checked out the definition of hobby: "Something done regularly in ones leisure time for pleasure."

As this hobby does not seem to be offering you much pleasure (gauging the amount of negative threads you post just about everywhere on this forum) then maybe its time to find another hobby that does make you happy?

I would also like to point out that we also get many messages of support here from dealers and collectors who "love the direction TG is going" and think our SFA and FFL Ranges "are some of the best on the market in terms of quality and value for money."

My one consolation is that whilst you are here in our section of the forum busy dishing out the concerns not just from yourself and lets not forget, "the many other collectors who PM you", at least now Andy over at K&C is now getting some well earned rest!

So now that's off my chest I am going to put my feet up and watch a film, 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty' I have heard is a good one and the title reminds me of an ex boyfriend I used to have!

Best wishes Vicki Lucas (Alas still single!)
Get up on a different side of the bed, look out and smell the roses, hug a tree, pick 5 things in life to be thankful for, and you might actually start posting more positive than negative..Also, it takes more facial muscles to smile:) than frown:(, so you might have to practice in a mirror each day..:salute::...Free therapy advice from one who cares. Most of the forum membership and me....Michael

well said Michael
Mitch darling you are starting to remind me of one of my ex boyfriends! When we first started going out I could do no wrong, but now only a few months down the line it seems I can do no right in your eyes! You never call anymore, there's no flowers and you certainly don't reply to my emails!

I checked out the definition of hobby: "Something done regularly in ones leisure time for pleasure."

As this hobby does not seem to be offering you much pleasure (gauging the amount of negative threads you post just about everywhere on this forum) then maybe its time to find another hobby that does make you happy?

I would also like to point out that we also get many messages of support here from dealers and collectors who "love the direction TG is going" and think our SFA and FFL Ranges "are some of the best on the market in terms of quality and value for money."

My one consolation is that whilst you are here in our section of the forum busy dishing out the concerns not just from yourself and lets not forget, "the many other collectors who PM you", at least now Andy over at K&C is now getting some well earned rest!

So now that's off my chest I am going to put my feet up and watch a film, 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty' I have heard is a good one and the title reminds me of an ex boyfriend I used to have!

Best wishes Vicki Lucas (Alas still single!)

Vicki you ever wanted to go to Darwin.......................^&grin^&grin
Mitch darling you are starting to remind me of one of my ex boyfriends! When we first started going out I could do no wrong, but now only a few months down the line it seems I can do no right in your eyes! You never call anymore, there's no flowers and you certainly don't reply to my emails!

I checked out the definition of hobby: "Something done regularly in ones leisure time for pleasure."

As this hobby does not seem to be offering you much pleasure (gauging the amount of negative threads you post just about everywhere on this forum) then maybe its time to find another hobby that does make you happy?

I would also like to point out that we also get many messages of support here from dealers and collectors who "love the direction TG is going" and think our SFA and FFL Ranges "are some of the best on the market in terms of quality and value for money."

My one consolation is that whilst you are here in our section of the forum busy dishing out the concerns not just from yourself and lets not forget, "the many other collectors who PM you", at least now Andy over at K&C is now getting some well earned rest!

So now that's off my chest I am going to put my feet up and watch a film, 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty' I have heard is a good one and the title reminds me of an ex boyfriend I used to have!

Best wishes Vicki Lucas (Alas still single!)

We need to start the TF Forum dating game..." So Vicki, would you prefer the diamonds in box one or the Toy Soldier collection, behind the curtain....? If a bloke gave you a set of figures on the first date, would that be OK, rather than a kiss? It is obvious the exes never got those answers right...:eek: Michael
Vicki you ever wanted to go to Darwin.......................^&grin^&grin

C'mon mate, Vicky would be more than welcome in Darwin! I'll even put my best thongs on (the one's you wear on your feet Vicky) and take her out fishing! Vicky, if you do ever pop over then please bring a box of your TG goodies with ya! {sm3} In return I will also romance you Darwin style!!! :wink2:

Tom (Alas, still single as well!)
I am a sucker for Dogs. I really like the soldiers and dogs! They look good!
Continue to get excited about the SFA series, there are plenty of gaps in my Britain's like a rocket team, wagons, mounted, communication signalling set and loads more. Happy to explore the road to the Boer conflict also. Always keen to see the new releases and always have high hopes they are going to be something different as TG is known for. :salute::, Robin.
I am a fan of the FFL series, not yet got any SFA , can anyone tell me if they match up with W Britains 24th and if there is any Zulu warriors or Boers planned
I am a fan of the FFL series, not yet got any SFA , can anyone tell me if they match up with W Britains 24th and if there is any Zulu warriors or Boers planned

Yes they are 54mm Kevin and will fit in with Britains and Conte. We have some Boers in the pipeline and some Brit cavalry. Zulus will be here towards the end of the year!

Best Wishes Vicki
Classy!! But, you did not do your hair, the make up went out the window and you got big. so, it was adios!! when those things are sorted then I will possibly compliment you again!!

Mitch darling you are starting to remind me of one of my ex boyfriends! When we first started going out I could do no wrong, but now only a few months down the line it seems I can do no right in your eyes! You never call anymore, there's no flowers and you certainly don't reply to my emails!

I checked out the definition of hobby: "Something done regularly in ones leisure time for pleasure."

As this hobby does not seem to be offering you much pleasure (gauging the amount of negative threads you post just about everywhere on this forum) then maybe its time to find another hobby that does make you happy?

I would also like to point out that we also get many messages of support here from dealers and collectors who "love the direction TG is going" and think our SFA and FFL Ranges "are some of the best on the market in terms of quality and value for money."

My one consolation is that whilst you are here in our section of the forum busy dishing out the concerns not just from yourself and lets not forget, "the many other collectors who PM you", at least now Andy over at K&C is now getting some well earned rest!

So now that's off my chest I am going to put my feet up and watch a film, 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty' I have heard is a good one and the title reminds me of an ex boyfriend I used to have!

Best wishes Vicki Lucas (Alas still single!)
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Mitch darling you are starting to remind me of one of my ex boyfriends! When we first started going out I could do no wrong, but now only a few months down the line it seems I can do no right in your eyes! You never call anymore, there's no flowers and you certainly don't reply to my emails!

I checked out the definition of hobby: "Something done regularly in ones leisure time for pleasure."

As this hobby does not seem to be offering you much pleasure (gauging the amount of negative threads you post just about everywhere on this forum) then maybe its time to find another hobby that does make you happy?

I would also like to point out that we also get many messages of support here from dealers and collectors who "love the direction TG is going" and think our SFA and FFL Ranges "are some of the best on the market in terms of quality and value for money."

My one consolation is that whilst you are here in our section of the forum busy dishing out the concerns not just from yourself and lets not forget, "the many other collectors who PM you", at least now Andy over at K&C is now getting some well earned rest!

So now that's off my chest I am going to put my feet up and watch a film, 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty' I have heard is a good one and the title reminds me of an ex boyfriend I used to have!

Best wishes Vicki Lucas (Alas still single!)

One of the funniest but most effective responses I've read on this Forum. Humor can be very disarming. A lesson we could all learn.

What I like about Mitch, is that he gives his opinion, but can also take it on the chin without malice.
For those who wish to build and paint their own HE-162, Revell makes a superb 1/32 scale model complete with a highly detailed BMW axial flow jet engine. The nacelle housing the engine can be bulit open or closed. The landing gear can be built up or down and the cockpit is highly detailed. The best thing about it is the price; $20.00 on Amazon.
For those who wish to build and paint their own HE-162, Revell makes a superb 1/32 scale model complete with a highly detailed BMW axial flow jet engine. The nacelle housing the engine can be bulit open or closed. The landing gear can be built up or down and the cockpit is highly detailed. The best thing about it is the price; $20.00 on Amazon.

And for those who collect toysoldiers and don't make models (I thought this was a TS forum) there is 1 here for 220 + 2 figures.......................^&grin
image.jpgjust order one of these fuel truck and more to follow :salute::

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