Forthcoming August Dispatches (2 Viewers)

You can't go wrong with a bet on MORE WW2 Germans.... thats the staple food for colletors of K&C... isn't it????

But, WW1 French Infantry in fighting poses, WW1 French Cavalry have been mentioned too.

Napoleonic Cavalry also mentioned, but with the recent issue of more from French in Egypt and 1815 Infantry, I think that more will come closer to Christmas time, so that gives me more time to catch up on recent NAP issues.

Maybe Ancient Greeks ??


Roll on next Monday :)
Korean War is always ignored....So lets see some US Marines vs Chinese troops in the winter time lets be fair guys or some Marines at Tarawa. A nice German or Russian commanders conference on the battlefield would be cool also.
In order, I would like to see a WWI Doughboy, a British Home Guard (love Dad's Army) and the U.S. president, FDR.
In order, I would like to see a WWI Doughboy, a British Home Guard (love Dad's Army) and the U.S. president, FDR.

Dad's Army is a classic indeed.^&cool

I would love to see more Home Guard figures myself, the 'For you Fritz' set with Home Guard and Policeman is a terrific set, who knows what sets may be around the corner?:wink2:.

Ok guys, over the last few days we've had heated discussion, acrimony and plenty of deletions....over Toy Soldiers!{eek3}:rolleyes2:. So now folks have all had a say how about we get back to the fun of the hobby that attracted us all at one time or another. I don't care what you collect, whether you like K&C or not, I just want to get some old fashioned chat going again without it becoming bitter and personal.

Sooo...what are we hoping for or expecting from the House of K&C for August?. How about you non WW2 guys, any Naps,ACW or Real West on the Horizon?. For us WW2 freaks we will see the long awaited Typhoon and ground crew , but what other theatres will we see revisited?. I think Andy mentioned more releases for Normandy a while back, and will we get a first glimpse of the years Bulge releases? As we head deep into Summer and with the autumn on the not too distant Horizon and with Chicago approaching, could we be in for a surprise or two?:wink2:


I would like the british army morris truck and some british vehicles/figures for europe! :D None of the dispatches so far this year have been to my taste and so I would like for this one to fill my cup :D
Standard winter Hanomag 251 would do and could be utilised on different fronts in different camo colours
Hope for more Germans... Super happy abt. last mth patch with the AK vehicles...some new BBG would b awesome


Would also like to see some marching and standing LAH flag bearers which, are very obviously missing from the current range with their backpacks on
Would like to see a T-34 or some new Americans battle of the bulge Fig sets.

Agree but Germans are currently outnumbered by 113 to 72, 92 if you use the German winter waffen SS.

would love to see new jeep, an armoured one that was in Bastogne, possibly something for the Malmedy incident. Panzer 4 would also be good. could also see a Piper Cub as well.

or even a horse drawn German suppy wagon

was in the Ardennes last week on a holiday tour and the new malmedy museum is outstanding, as is the new layout in Dietrich - which for me is now the best BotB muesum there is. Saw the foxholes and some excellent tanks left behind.

on a sour note a sad thing about the recent releases is that i am no longer as excited as I was and realised that is because there is always a nagging thing in the back of my mind [no not my wife] that thinks just how much are the sets going to be this month?
I guess I will neeed to speak for the "forgotten" AWI guys!! :p

Would love an expansion of the Militia and Woodsmen figures -- only a small handful last time.:(:(
Excellent figures from Front Line, and I know Andy and K&C can do equally as well. Let upgrade the French and add more Colonial regiments. The only ones done so far are NY, RI and PA. How about more mounted!!!!
Well let's start with what we know for a fact is on the horizon...the WW1 Albatross's and Ancient Greeks, so I think it is quite possible (even probable) that we will be seeing at least one of these releases. It's been a while since we've seen any Berlin '38, and this is a series that sees several releases a year, so I think they are possible. Sorry to dissapoint you guys, but I seriously doubt we will be seeing any AWI, ACW, Market Garden or Real West any time soon. I will, however, agree with the forum member that predicted the other SoE figures that have been seen but not released yet. Add in the usual Andy surprises and you never know!

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