Forthcoming Dispatches...the Marmite effect! (1 Viewer)

i would hope not terry, think of all the money that might be blown over july fourth weekend that might have been used on toy soldiers had people known what was being retired or what ight be coming out. I think kc should be smart and prempt the 4th of july weekend and coral those extra dollars

Hawkeye .. you have put in a very sound and well reasoned suggestion why dispatches should be released a day early.

Me .. I just get down and beg ... otherwise its 4 more days of torture {eek3}
As well as looking forward to whats coming I'm hoping that there are not too many retirements this time round, most especially the Bulge and D Day as I still want the Bulge gun crew add on set and the US Landing craft.

Dispatches release date

Hi Treefroggers,

JULY’S DISPATCHES will be released on Monday July 4 … hope this info helps.

All the best,
Gordon C. Neilson
Re: Dispatches release date

Hi Treefroggers,

JULY’S DISPATCHES will be released on Monday July 4 … hope this info helps.

All the best,
Gordon C. Neilson

Thanks Gordon, stand down for the weekend chaps!:smile2:

Re: Dispatches release date

Thanks Gordon, stand down for the weekend chaps!:smile2:


It's a ploy to lull you in to a false sense of complacency. They'll be out any minute now Rob. :wink2:
Yeah ok late this month EARLY next month............................{sm3}
Re: Dispatches release date

It's a ploy to lull you in to a false sense of complacency. They'll be out any minute now Rob. :wink2:


Or are you trying a double bluff on me now!:wink2:. Good to see you last Sat mate, good get together wasn't it^&cool

Re: Dispatches release date


Or are you trying a double bluff on me now!:wink2:. Good to see you last Sat mate, good get together wasn't it^&cool


Yep, good time mate. Have to get organised for the December Show. {sm2}
Re: Dispatches release date

Yep, good time mate. Have to get organised for the December Show. {sm2}

Good point, I think James got the first round in, so its me first next time, form an orderly queue now:wink2:

Silly me forgot about the holiday. I should know as I got out of HK just before the handover and my last official day in the Govt was 30 June.

The good news about Despatches not being 1 JULY is that I can watch Obee on TV at 8pm {sm4}
Monday approaching fast guys, I wonder whats coming?


Only 3 words Rob
Love the burned out Panther
Only 3 words Rob
Love the burned out Panther

Thanks Guy, thats very kind of you.:smile2: Heres a slightly better shot of it


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I really like the line of British armor ready to move on past the knocked out Panther. Nice scene and very nicely photographed. Good show old boy!

Gary B.
surprised they could not post the dispatches today
Good looking set of US armor you got there Rob.

Here is looking forward to new Allied FOB releases for Monday.

Well here's to hoping.

Keep it silly

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