Future Eastern Front releases. (1 Viewer)

We have that one now and, I would like to see this whitewashed for say Kharkov where they played a big role

Approximately 200 PanzerJaeger I were built 1940 - 1941. Some served in the Battle of France 1940 and with the Afrika Korps. 135 were in 5 Panzer Jaeger Battalions in Barbarossa in 1941 and went through the winters of 1941-42 and 1942-1943 and were whitewashed. Very few were still operational in 1943. The only winter battle at Kharkov was Feb-Mar 1943 so I am not sure how many were in operation by then. They were well obsolete with their 47mm gun, high silhouette, thin armour and poor visibility. They had mostly been replaced by newer PanzerJaeger AFVs by then.


Pictures of them in the fighting at Kharkov have been published by Jean Restayn in the battles for the retaking of Kharkov. even though they may have been seen as obsolete they were still using things like Panze II and panzer I's at this battle and stage of the war.

Approximately 200 PanzerJaeger I were built 1940 - 1941. Some served in the Battle of France 1940 and with the Afrika Korps. 135 were in 5 Panzer Jaeger Battalions in Barbarossa in 1941 and went through the winters of 1941-42 and 1942-1943 and were whitewashed. Very few were still operational in 1943. The only winter battle at Kharkov was Feb-Mar 1943 so I am not sure how many were in operation by then. They were well obsolete with their 47mm gun, high silhouette, thin armour and poor visibility. They had mostly been replaced by newer PanzerJaeger AFVs by then.


Pictures of them in the fighting at Kharkov have been published by Jean Restayn in the battles for the retaking of Kharkov. even though they may have been seen as obsolete they were still using things like Panze II and panzer I's at this battle and stage of the war.

Good point. I haven't seen them at Kharkov, but they were obviously in 6th Army as one was in a picture next to a captured Emil in 2/43. Sure they were at Kharkov? There's a couple Marder styles that could be mistake for a PzJag1 at quick glance.
We have that one now and, I would like to see this whitewashed for say Kharkov where they played a big role

I'm not saying there were none at Kharkov in Winter 1943, but by then they would not have played a big role.

I was struck by the color of the T-34. It's the same color as Akan 4BO. Perhaps this is the real Soviet WW2 olive green. It's kind of in between olive drab & olive green
I think there is some truth to that, and I expect K&C to approach it caustiously, but.... I think there will be quite a bit of demand for the first issues of new Russians. There has been quite a bit of time since the last Russians, meaning there are many WWII collectors without any Russians in their collections. Plus, collectors see how well the last Russians seem to do on Ebay. It is likely that we won't see years and years of Russians released into the market, which means there is a good chance prices on the secondary market will be pretty good on the upcoming figures, especially if the initial retail prices are kept at a reasonable point. The other option K&C might try is to release some of the vehicles as SLs; I imagine a winter T-34 would be one such vehicle that would be quite popular as an SL. I have the last T-34, but I know if a winter version comes out I will have to have it. The previous T-34 is still one of the favorite vehicles in my collection.

I am hoping for winter Russians as they would be a great contrast to the earlier Berlin series.

Release it and they will come to buy it ........
I was struck by the color of the T-34. It's the same color as Akan 4BO. Perhaps this is the real Soviet WW2 olive green. It's kind of in between olive drab & olive green

I think there was a lot of variation in 4BO due to inexact mixing at the factories (the instructions themself appear to have been imprecise) as well as weathering and chemical instability (darkened with time).

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