Future R.A.F. Releases… (1 Viewer)

King & Country

1st Lieutenant
May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

This month’s ‘DISPATCHES’ features among many other items our brand-new ‘R.A.F. Operations Room’.

I also thought you might want to know what other R.A.F. figures and fighter aircraft are well into development for release either in late 2024 or in the first quarter of 2025.

First and foremost is a brand-new sculpt of that great British classic fighter… The Hawker Hurricane. It’s been quite a few years since our last Hurricane and it’s well nigh time for another and even better ONE or I should say TWO because we are working on two different famous Hurricanes:

Version #1: Squadron Leader Douglas Bader
The legless flying ace who, during The Battle of Britain was commanding 242 Squadron which at that time was flying the Hawker Hurricane Mk.IIb Bader’s aircraft was coded ‘LED’ and in addition had his squadron leader’s pennant painted on the left side of the aircraft just below the cockpit.

Also painted on the same side of the aircraft fuselage, near the nose, was a cartoon of an RAF flying boot kicking a little Adolf Hitler on the backside!

A standing figure of Squadron Leader Bader is also being produced.

Version #2: Squadron Leader Bob Stanford Tuck was another leading RAF fighter ace who commanded 257 Squadron during ‘The Battle’ in his Hurricane coded ‘DTA’.
He shot down over 20 enemy aircraft during 1940 and 1941 and was awarded 1 x DSO (Distinguished Service Order) and no less than 3 x DFCs (Distinguished Flying Crosses) before himself being shot down in 1942 and remaining a P.O.W. until the end of the war.

The other ‘GREAT BRITISH CLASSIC’ is of course The Supermarine Spitfire.

More famous than the hard-working ‘Hurricaneand not as pretty either the ‘Spit’ got most of the coverage during the Battle even though twice as many Hurricanes actually took part.

At this point K&C has not made a final decision which RAF ace’s aircraft will be produced so… all suggestions gratefully received!

While all of this focus has been on both of these iconic aircraft we are also planning more RAF figures in a variety of different poses… quite a few were suggested by K&C collectors… Look out for them in 2025.

And so, in the meantime, here are a few RAF pix to remind you what a great series this is.




Fighter command is over rated. Do Bomber command.
Love to see 1.30th Scale Lancs, etc, but would never buy due to space constraints, and I think that would be echoed by many collectors.
Love to see 1.30th Scale Lancs, etc, but would never buy due to space constraints, and I think that would be echoed by many collectors.
I actually would like one but I think it would be quite expensive to make, and to ship. Due to these constraints I doubt it will be made.
I'm excited to see what's coming down the pike, Andy! I will definitely pick up these warbirds as well as the operations room. 👍

Looks great! I don't have any RAF figures, so this will be a good opportunity to jump in and collect what I've been missing.

I actually would like one but I think it would be quite expensive to make, and to ship. Due to these constraints I doubt it will be made.
I have a Thomas Gunn Lancs. Too big to display at the moment and gathering dust in storage. I will dip into K&C upcoming releases but have quite a lot already. Great range though.
The Battle of Britain movie is still one of my favourite flicks and excited to see more RAF releases. Looking forward to seeing a new Hurricane on offer too.
I have a Thomas Gunn Lancs. Too big to display at the moment and gathering dust in storage. I will dip into K&C upcoming releases but have quite a lot already. Great range though.
That one is a beast, i have a few of the larger German 2 and 3 engined T Gunn planes, and like you i have not the room to display, but one day i will [i keep telling myself]. i have been thinking of getting a Sunderland and that will be a challenge to find space. Look forward to the new Hurricanes and Spitfire, would like to see more RAF and Lufwaffe vehicles as well.
I have a Thomas Gunn Lancs. Too big to display at the moment and gathering dust in storage. I will dip into K&C upcoming releases but have quite a lot already. Great range though.
I have a 1/32 scale Lanc (S-Sugar), used to be displayed in a 120 cm x 120 cm glass coffee table/cabinet, but decided that took up to much room in my lougeroom. Now have it displayed on the top shelf of a large cupboard in my hobby room/3rd bedroom. You can only see the underside of the bomber but it looks great as that's how most people would see them, have some K & Dambuster figures and Erks next to it to fill the scene.
That one is a beast, i have a few of the larger German 2 and 3 engined T Gunn planes, and like you i have not the room to display, but one day i will [i keep telling myself]. i have been thinking of getting a Sunderland and that will be a challenge to find space. Look forward to the new Hurricanes and Spitfire, would like to see more RAF and Lufwaffe vehicles as well.
I do have the TG Sunderland. Stuck in storage. Like you one day I tell myself I will have the space to display these wonderful models.
I rather like K&C’s old Hurricane tooling; through the Spitfire Mk I model definitely needs an overhaul… Nevertheless, it will be great to have some new aircraft models with detail more on par with K&C’s recent Vietnam Huey helicopter as well as aircraft from the (John Jenkins) competition 😎
I would be more interested in Bomber Crews due to family involvement and would like to see more aircraft for the Vietnam series.

I wonder if a reasonably priced Bronco and similar sized aircraft would be possible in polystone/mix media like the recent Hueys?

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