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Hunter Rose; The Figarti Tiger I I cited as having the mantlet overhanging the hull hatches is the Wittman 222 ETG-096; not 002. Honor Bound had a similar problem with their Gold Tiger I's. Some had a hull hatch overhang and some did not.

The Wittman 222 and Winter 200 are the exact same model, different paint jobs. I have the 222 as well. Again, the mantlet does not overhang the hatches like it did on Honour Bound Tigers. It is not a problem on the Figarti model.
As for the Figarti Winter Panther, it is a sublime model. It's perfect scale/detail/proportions for a late model Ausf G. All its hatches open and close as does the engine cover to reveal an engine.
That guy has been trying to sell those forever. Several mos ago he had t
hem listed even higher.

The posts on Ebay are from two different sellers. The value of an item to collectors goes up if the manufacturer is no longer in business. A poster on this Forum has recently posted a Figarti Jagdpanzer IV for $ 449.00 BIN. Several T34-85's are posted at $400.00. A definite trend is being established. The same thing occured when Honor Bound ceased production of armor!
The posts on Ebay are from two different sellers. The value of an item to collectors goes up if the manufacturer is no longer in business. A poster on this Forum has recently posted a Figarti Jagdpanzer IV for $ 449.00 BIN. Several T34-85's are posted at $400.00. A definite trend is being established. The same thing occured when Honor Bound ceased production of armor!

A few items which were rare went way up in price. Several popular items went up slightly in price. There were several items you couldn't give away. :smile2:

As for the Figarti Winter Panther, it is a sublime model. It's perfect scale/detail/proportions for a late model Ausf G. All its hatches open and close as does the engine cover to reveal an engine.
I agree; but the opening hatches and engine are features The Collectors Showcase featured on their Panther years ago.
The posts on Ebay are from two different sellers. The value of an item to collectors goes up if the manufacturer is no longer in business. A poster on this Forum has recently posted a Figarti Jagdpanzer IV for $ 449.00 BIN. Several T34-85's are posted at $400.00. A definite trend is being established. The same thing occured when Honor Bound ceased production of armor!

I wouldn't call it a trend whatsoever. Your assertion is far too general. Figarti, like K & C, have some models that will always attract high bidding, but for the most part it remains a buyer's market. The value of an item does not necessarily increase if a manufacturer goes out of business. (In fact, quite the contrary can occur; some collectors lose interest in inactive manufacturers.)
It depends on the specific piece really. You can't draw a correlation between the prices things are being listed at vs their current value. I could list a Figarti winter ground Stuka today for $300, a nice set, and no one would buy it. If you want to really be accurate you'd need to do a case by case analysis. I'm sure the results would reveal that some sets do well and others don't. Nothing has changed in this regard.
The same goes for HB when they concluded operations. Some of their models dramatically rose in value, but not because they drew down their operation, but rather because particular items that were very popular and sold out prior to HB's restructuring. Plenty of other HB models were available long after they stopped producing AFV's and did not increase in price. With all that being said, the whole point is moot really because Figarti is not going out of business, at least not now.

I haven't followed this discussion too closely but there are sellers on eBay who post things at high prices even it has no relation to reality on the theory of what is there to lose? It doesn't mean that's the market price for the item. More like a shot in the dark; maybe someone will buy it at that price.
I have seen Honor Bound Gold Tiger I's sell on Ebay for over $800.00. Some would consider that excessive, others would consider it an opportunity to aquire a rare piece for their collection. I aquired my Honor Bound Panther A on Ebay at a price higher than the original selling price and I was delighted to add it to my collection. Honor Bound Panthers were at the time I purchased mine long out of production. Ebay is a collectors resource IMHO.
If anyone wants a Figarti DAK Tiger for $700 let me know. I'll give you a discount and sell it for the low low price of $690... :salute::
Is the FL figure higher than the deck ??

If you adjust for the base no. The figure is roughly the same as the deck height making him scale out to 6 feet tall in real life. Not a real big deal if he was slightly higher than the deck though, as there are plenty of pics of WW2 soldiers taller than the deck of a Tiger I.
The Tiger I deck is 6 feet tall and many Germans in the 1940's were over 6 feet. The deck of the Panther and Kingtiger was 6 foot 4 inches tall and very few Germans were taller than that in the 1940's. The Panzer Kommander of my Figarti Panther G was a giant, as his nose is even with the deck; which would make him about 6 foot 10 inches tall. Honor Bound fudged the deck height of their Panther A to make it work with their 66 MM high figures. I really wish every manufacturer would honor the 1/30 scale they advertise their products as being!
If you adjust for the base no. The figure is roughly the same as the deck height making him scale out to 6 feet tall in real life. Not a real big deal if he was slightly higher than the deck though, as there are plenty of pics of WW2 soldiers taller than the deck of a Tiger I.

Apparently not if its a K&C figure ^&confuse^&confuse

We've done this dance before.

Height is only one measurement. There's width, thickness, etc. With the exception of some of the tank crew figures that K&C makes smaller to better fit the 1/30 vehicles they sometimes have, most every other K&C standing infantry figure scaled out to about 6'10" - 7'2" in real life and would have probably weighed 300 pounds. Basically, they were an Army of Shaquille O'Neals when displayed with accurately scaled 1/30 vehicles.

Here's two pics to illustrate. The figure mentioned is shown with a K&C figure on the far left and a Thomas Gunn Figure on the far right. There's a dramatic difference in height and thickness. The second picture shows it even better since the FL figure is not wearing a large winter coat.

As can be seen, we're not talking about slightly taller K&C people. If they co-existed in real life the K&C figures would be a whole different species of giants (if we are talking 1/30 scale).


Hunter Rose; great comparison photos; they are always valuable as a referance. I use the K&C Panzer Kommander 1/2-3/4 figures in Tamiya 1/25 scale armor and they look very realistic. The First Legion figures are perfectly sizeded for true 1/30 scale i.e. Figarti, Thomas Gunn and Honor Bound. New Collectors need to see the differences between manufacturers claiming to be 1/30-60MM to avoid dissapointment. I believe it would be very good policy for manufacturers to specify
the size of the figure in Milimeters along side the model number. Figures are no longer 60 MM, they can range from 60 MM to 68 MM by actual measurement as your excellent photos show. Treefrog used to show figures in front of a Millimeter Scale to show actual size; this was an excellent service to the customer. Another retailer warns customers of incompatabilities between different manufacturers products. Educated customers are satisfied customers!

We've done this dance before.

Height is only one measurement. There's width, thickness, etc. With the exception of some of the tank crew figures that K&C makes smaller to better fit the 1/30 vehicles they sometimes have, most every other K&C standing infantry figure scaled out to about 6'10" - 7'2" in real life and would have probably weighed 300 pounds. Basically, they were an Army of Shaquille O'Neals when displayed with accurately scaled 1/30 vehicles.

Here's two pics to illustrate. The figure mentioned is shown with a K&C figure on the far left and a Thomas Gunn Figure on the far right. There's a dramatic difference in height and thickness. The second picture shows it even better since the FL figure is not wearing a large winter coat.

As can be seen, we're not talking about slightly taller K&C people. If they co-existed in real life the K&C figures would be a whole different species of giants (if we are talking 1/30 scale).



...that is the main reason I collect The Collectors Showcase 1/28 AFVs, becasuse the fit very good with my huge KnC figures collection.
The range of figure actual size versus the nominal 60MM classification is amazing. Far exceeding the range of human norms, unless you are afflicted with acromegaly or dwarfism. The manufacturers of oversize figures do their customers a disservice. I would propose that the Toy Soldier market be divided into manufacturers of Military Miniatures; those companies that adhere to standards of the 1/30th scale and Toy Soldiers; where art trancends reality. First Legion and Figarti would be classified as Military Miniatures. I purchase oversize figures that I find of interest; but I use the with 1/24 scale models, where they work quite well.

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