General Rob - The Big 20! (2 Viewers)

Rob, congrats on the promotion and the widespread responsibility that goes with the rank. One more question though, or rather, an observation. I don't think that there is a snowball's chance in the outback that your Aussie troops are going to bring back a drop of that booze. :wink2:^&grin -- Al

Thank you my friend:smile2:. I do really enjoy this forum.

You may have a point! ^&grin Although Wayne tells me he doesn't like spirits just beer, perhaps I'll send him on a lone mission Al:wink2:


Ok guys, stand easy:salute::. Now as you know I've been promoted today. Now its not all fine red wine, fine breakfast pastries fine french dancers at the Folie Bergere and below par servants you know, as your commanding officer I have to make difficult decisions , thats why I've come to this Australian part of the line to find the best soldiers in the British and Commonwealth army. I need a raiding party of you Aussies to go over the top this evening on a reco raid on the German Trench opposite us. When I say reco, I don't mean recon, its also short for recover. You see I understand the Germans have their Teutonic backsides upon one or two cases of a very fine Brandy over in Jerry's Trench and to be honest I'm having one or two chaps from the mess back to the Chateau...I mean dugout of course... and rather fancy giving them a drop of captured gut rot after we've eaten our five course meal what. Knew I could rely on you chaps to volunteeer, but just in case I can't here is a list of those on the raiding party;

Larso, Brett, Waynepoo, Jack, Wayne, Oz, Simmo, Tom,Howard.

If I've left anyone off feel free to take them along. Now I cannot stress enough how timing will be absolutely vital on this raid, intel from my cook informs me Dessert course will finish around 8.30 so you must have the Brandy back to me by then. Now I know struggling in the dark across no mans land is going to be very difficult indeed and cause delay, so I've arranged for a couple of flares to be sent up, that should help you see for miles around, no don't thank me, its the least I can do, what. I also thought that carrying boxes of Brandy back will also not be easy, so on this raid you will not be taking rifles just bayonets.

Obviously I can't be with you in person but I will be in spirit, or to put it another way hopefully the spirit will be with me when and if you all make it back across the wire, what. Good luck chaps , oh and if any of you should get in a funk and not go over the top I will of course have you shot, War is such a dirty business isn't it, reminds me, I must get my man to clean my golf bag.

Tally ho!

Rob (**** General, what what !!)

I'd be happy to go except I seem to have just accidentally shot myself in the foot. These things happen!
General Sir Rob mate,
We Aussies went over the top as ordered , have attached recon pictures of raid, (1) Briefing (2) Booty (3) Larso returning with Jack who had drunk must of booty.(4) What remains of booty.


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General Sir Rob mate,
We Aussies went over the top as ordered , have attached recon pictures of raid, (1) Briefing (2) Booty (3) Larso returning with Jack who had drunk must of booty.(4) What remains of booty.

You forgot the post-raid briefing Wayne which will prob be a repeat of the above, except Jack will be getting carted away in a field ambulance, prob with me in it as well...{sm4}

"(3) Larso returning with Jack who had drunk must of booty."

I remember it well, my back hasn't been the same since.
"(3) Larso returning with Jack who had drunk must of booty."

I remember it well, my back hasn't been the same since.

As if you could make a combat unit once you forgot the 'don't ask, don't tell' policy!

Ok guys, stand easy:salute::. Now as you know I've been promoted today. Now its not all fine red wine, fine breakfast pastries fine french dancers at the Folie Bergere and below par servants you know, as your commanding officer I have to make difficult decisions , thats why I've come to this Australian part of the line to find the best soldiers in the British and Commonwealth army. I need a raiding party of you Aussies to go over the top this evening on a reco raid on the German Trench opposite us. When I say reco, I don't mean recon, its also short for recover. You see I understand the Germans have their Teutonic backsides upon one or two cases of a very fine Brandy over in Jerry's Trench and to be honest I'm having one or two chaps from the mess back to the Chateau...I mean dugout of course... and rather fancy giving them a drop of captured gut rot after we've eaten our five course meal what. Knew I could rely on you chaps to volunteeer, but just in case I can't here is a list of those on the raiding party;

Larso, Brett, Waynepoo, Jack, Wayne, Oz, Simmo, Tom,Howard.

If I've left anyone off feel free to take them along. Now I cannot stress enough how timing will be absolutely vital on this raid, intel from my cook informs me Dessert course will finish around 8.30 so you must have the Brandy back to me by then. Now I know struggling in the dark across no mans land is going to be very difficult indeed and cause delay, so I've arranged for a couple of flares to be sent up, that should help you see for miles around, no don't thank me, its the least I can do, what. I also thought that carrying boxes of Brandy back will also not be easy, so on this raid you will not be taking rifles just bayonets.

Obviously I can't be with you in person but I will be in spirit, or to put it another way hopefully the spirit will be with me when and if you all make it back across the wire, what. Good luck chaps , oh and if any of you should get in a funk and not go over the top I will of course have you shot, War is such a dirty business isn't it, reminds me, I must get my man to clean my golf bag.

Tally ho!

Rob (**** General, what what !!)

Sounds like something Churchill would order Aussie soldiers to do during WW1......................{eek3}
Is this the same General Rob who posted a picture of himself on this very Forum about a year ago, cowering in a landing craft? Congratulations my friend. I salute you!:salute::
Congratulations Rob, if you carry on like this they are going to have to update the ranking system again to give you something to aim for!!!

Craig :salute::
Congrats, Rob! I hope to join you in the mess soon with my 10,000 post.:smile2:

Thanks mate:smile2:

I'd be happy to go except I seem to have just accidentally shot myself in the foot. These things happen!

You're excused this time Jack, but if it happens to the other foot suspicions will be aroused!!

General Sir Rob mate,
We Aussies went over the top as ordered , have attached recon pictures of raid, (1) Briefing (2) Booty (3) Larso returning with Jack who had drunk must of booty.(4) What remains of booty.

Good work Wayne, you led a fine raid. As a reward take a short holiday, did you enjoy it, right back to the trenches!

Is this the same General Rob who posted a picture of himself on this very Forum about a year ago, cowering in a landing craft? Congratulations my friend. I salute you!:salute::


Thats how I made General, staying ON the landing craft!:wink2:

Thanks mate :smile2:

Congratulations Rob, if you carry on like this they are going to have to update the ranking system again to give you something to aim for!!!

Craig :salute::

Thanks Craig, how about 'Lord of Admiralty' , has a nice ring to it!

Thanks guys

You could be "General of the Army" which is a 5 srar General but I think its a rank that's only used at times of war!

"As if you could make a combat unit once you forgot the 'don't ask, don't tell' policy!"

This, from someone with shirts as vibrantly coloured as yours?
"As if you could make a combat unit once you forgot the 'don't ask, don't tell' policy!"

This, from someone with shirts as vibrantly coloured as yours?

I am just comfortable with who I am!
Congrats Rob on being a stalwart member of this august club and for your contributions over the years but especially for your enjoyment of the hobby.


Congrats Rob on being a stalwart member of this august club and for your contributions over the years but especially for your enjoyment of the hobby.



Thank you Brad, very kind my friend.:smile2:


Please add my congratulations for your well deserved promotion. You have always been a stalwart of the hobby here on the forum and have diligently and continually displayed that fact on these boards.

Your many humorous as well as serious comments have always entertained me but your special skill is a determination to always view the better side of us members. For that I salute you.

I shall be making a special presentation to you in the bar in March on behalf of the Frogger Brit there!


Why is there always an in joke about you and barmaids. PM me if need be.

I will let everyone else know what he tells me!

Bob, thats very kind of you my friend, its a pleasure to know you mate. I do love this hobby of ours and this forum has allowed me to share it with others, and that I find highly enjoyable. I think of late somehow I've stumbled across a slightly calmer version of me and am finally learning I don't need to get worked up on here about any subject or any arguments that go back and forth, and am much happier for it. I will also take this chance to say the following. If in the last twenty thousand posts (jeez is it really 20,000{eek3})I have ever offended or upset anyone with either my enthusiasm for this hobby or my sometimes volcanic pride in my country and its wartime efforts , you have my whole hearted and sincere apology. :smile2:

Bob, am very much looking forward to seeing you and the rest of the Uk brigade in the bar next month. And don't worry, as a now four star general , I shall continue to command the Brit brigade as I always have.....just a bit further back from the front line:wink2:

Cheers mate



Please add my congratulations for your well deserved promotion. You have always been a stalwart of the hobby here on the forum and have diligently and continually displayed that fact on these boards.

Your many humorous as well as serious comments have always entertained me but your special skill is a determination to always view the better side of us members. For that I salute you.

I shall be making a special presentation to you in the bar in March on behalf of the Frogger Brit there!


Why is there always an in joke about you and barmaids. PM me if need be.

I will let everyone else know what he tells me!



I've no idea , especially as I am a very happily married man and stone cold sober. You wouldn't guess it from what my drunken fellow Brits come out with, but I rarely have anything stronger than an orange and lemonade or perhaps a small dry sherry, so I really dont get it??^&confuse As for the barmaid, I had to go round behind the bar and physically comfort her as she was frightened by the sight of James watching her from an unusual angle, Simon photographing her while he swung from light fitting and the general drunken chorus of ' She was only the butchers daughter' . She was a very nice, kind, helpful barmaid, come to think of it she's still got my wallet!:wink2:


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