Everybodies got an opinion and all are good, here's mine.
I would guess that the reviewer has a problem with the figure of the "Civilian" in the set.
I run into people all the time who tend to be as I call them "elitest", who think by virtue of there more educated or liberal philosiphy, think they hold the high ground moraly. These people ofton operate in a "philisophical vaccum" where reality has little to do with the way they see the world.
The civilian figure which he obviously believes to be an innocent, represents to him a crossing of the line, regardless of the fact that more civilians are killed in war now than combatants and are regularly targeted. while no one will question the number of innocents killed in France, the resistance was highly active and a serious inpediment to the Nazi overlords. I would like to see some consistancy in his opionion of the LAH line as well, but in the end it is only his personal moral point of view, and matters little.
Many would be more outraged by another manufacturer's full Roman orgy scene, with anatomically correct figures, what place does a set like that have in the "Toy Soldier" field? How about Conte's Nazi dominatrix figure?
I have no problem with any of these figures being made although I would never buy any of them. To me crossing the line is something along the lines of Jewish concentration camp killings or a Berlin russian rape scene.
As for K&C pulling it's ad's, I think that would be a mistake, unless the magazine began some sort of campaign to hurt K&C, you give the man way too much power by doing that.
The old saying, "say what you want, just spell my name correctly" applies here, I venture to say there will most probably be a spike in sales and K&C will come out ahead on it.