Get in there england!!!!!!!!!!!! (1 Viewer)

Conratulations to Australia on a well deserved one day series victory:)

No one wants to play anymore i wonder why not,now its 5-nil i think good innings by the punter 2 test match wins dosent make you a great cricket team,you got to back it up we will for sure............:D
Its not that no one wants to play Wayne i'm happy to;).Fact is mate no one gives a hoot for one dayers,they happen all the time.Its all about the real prize and we know who won that!;):D

Its not that no one wants to play Wayne i'm happy to;).Fact is mate no one gives a hoot for one dayers,they happen all the time.Its all about the real prize and we know who won that!;):D

Mate if it was 5 zip the other way you would be giving a 'Hoot" hey cobber.................:eek:
Mate if it was 5 zip the other way you would be giving a 'Hoot" hey cobber.................:eek:

Yeah of course it would be good,but doesn't hold a candle to the Ashes Cobber.The whole country wanted us to beat you in the Ashes,but now they are focussed on football again:rolleyes:.

yeah of course it would be good,but doesn't hold a candle to the ashes cobber.the whole country wanted us to beat you in the ashes,but now they are focussed on football again:rolleyes:.



Yes Wayne,i'm afraid a huge percentage of this country is obsessed with the 'other' game;).Cricket clearly is the better sport,its a real shame as the county game seems to be in decline as twenty twenty is on the up.

Yes Wayne,i'm afraid a huge percentage of this country is obsessed with the 'other' game;).Cricket clearly is the better sport,its a real shame as the county game seems to be in decline as twenty twenty is on the up.

Oh with you now mate soccer 90 minutes of absolute boredom,and as for 20/20 its not my cup of tea..........:D
Oh with you now mate soccer 90 minutes of absolute boredom,and as for 20/20 its not my cup of tea..........:D

I've tried to get into it Wayne i really have,but after fifteen-twenty mins i'm bored rigid.I can watch England play in the big games,World cup is good,but club football doesnt do it for me.

I've tried to get into it Wayne i really have,but after fifteen-twenty mins i'm bored rigid.I can watch England play in the big games,World cup is good,but club football doesnt do it for me.

Well mate believe it or not we agree on something.............:eek:
No one wants to play anymore i wonder why not,now its 5-nil i think good innings by the punter 2 test match wins dosent make you a great cricket team,you got to back it up we will for sure............:D

It doesn't?? :confused: Well we beat your team fair and square - about time you accepted that fact! :p:D

Its not that no one wants to play Wayne i'm happy to;).Fact is mate no one gives a hoot for one dayers,they happen all the time.Its all about the real prize and we know who won that! ;):D


Absolutely Rob, I think that this raps up this thread quite nicely don’t you? ;):D


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