Glossies painted by Beating Retreat (2 Viewers)

Hi John,

Amazing Work!!! I have to tell you that I find a good deal of inspiration from viewing your work. I have a large group of Gurkhas that I have been waiting on to finish for a really long time and I plan to get them going again in the near future. I do have a question of where I can order some arms in slope verses trail arms that my figures came with. They are Britain's castings so any suggestions on where to get a bunch of arms? I need about 25. I will have to chat with you on some other figures I am looking for would really like to build up my Crimean Display as well. Anyway thanks for sharing the great photos!


If they are Britains then London Bridge should have the arm castings you need
Hi John

Great pictures! I love your painting style, just wish I was as good.

I thought you might like to know that the masters for the Royal Horse Guards Maxim Gun were purchased from Richard Newth - Gibbs by Yeomanry Miniatures. The gun has been re - worked and an escort has been sculpted and the sets are soon to be fully available for the 1st and 2nd Lifeguards and the Royal Horse Guards. It is hoped to have it on display at the December Toy Soldier show.

Keep up the great work.



Hi Guys

Just thought you would like to see some bits and pieces Ive done in the past and recently for collectors. I will add to this thread as I paint bits and pieces for myself and colletors not on the forum

Pic no 1 Royal Horse Guards maxim gun produced in the 1990s by Richard Newth Gibbs, not sure if its available anymore.

Pic no 2 FIW mortar team, gun is a Hinchliffe model the figures are Rose castings

Pic no 3 Cavalry in walking out dress with young lady Britains repaint

Pic no 4 Walking out dress cavalry by Fusilier and Asset

Pic no 5 Officer 5th Royal Irish Lancers from Tradition casting





I love these. Really do. Wow. Amazing what can be done in gloss. Captures the time period beautifully.
Hi Guys

Heres some more pics of recently painted stuff added to my collection or commissions for collectors





Heres some FIW Woodland Indians I have just finished for a UK collector, Im not sure of the makers as they came as castings from the collector, I believe he got them from John Eden Studios





Really nice looking figures and great painting as usual John! ^&cool {bravo}}
Are you going to the show on Saturday?

Stunning stuff really, the first FIW indian photos look like Tommy Atkins castings to me.
Aside from this, hope all get's well soon John.

Sorry to hear about your wife's illness, John! I'll say a prayer for her.
Yes, sorry to hear about your wife John and hope she gets better soon.
John, hope all works out and your wife gets well fast. Take care of yourselves. -- Al
Hi John,
it is always a pleasure to see any of your works.
Thanks for posting and please forward my best wishes for Maureen's recovery.

Very sorry to hear about your wife and wish her a complete recovery from her illness.

Hi Guys

Thanks for the kind words to my wife, she thought them lovely and appreciates them very much, at the moment she is in the middle of her chemotherapy treatment which unfortunately gives you very bad side effects, some days are bad some better than others.
Thanks again

Regards John
I too would like to wish your wife well and a speedy recovery John.

Thanks also for sharing some more of your beautifully painted figures.
Please add my best wishes for a steady recovery to those already given John
Hi Guys

Just completed these Rose Figures of German Empire Uhlans for a UK collector




Even though they come from different parts of the German Empire I think they must all be related:D:D:D

Regards John
Brothers in Arms John! But all turned out exceptionally well - as usual. Just Fab! - johnnybach;)

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