My two sons are longhorns, which I guess to a Mustang or Aggie is pretty bad. However my wife is a Golden Bear which has got to be the worst!!!!!! I am always in for some shenanigans no matter what alma mater is involved.
We can make a break for my place after the fireworks, we just have to go 35 MPH through Shavano or we will end up in traffic court.
A Golden Bear? As in UCLA? If so, I fell ya, my wife is from California (surfer voice). Anywho, the time is almost here, the T-shirts have been sold out and the OKC shirts have been shipped to Somalia as a "donation" to the reigning war lord. So, I have a feeling this is going to be one hell of a fight between these two teams. I already spewed all over General Jazz about Lebron, his app and everything else Miami, now it is on to the business of basket ball.
Simply put...GO SPURS GO!!!
I intend on wearing my Spurs gear on Thursday AND my Spurs on my boots as well. HOWEVER COMMA, I am still in the throws of a devious plan to sabotage the Miami Heat on Wednesday night. It involves the following:
-One smoke grenade (left over from the war)
-2 pickles and a red onion
-Repelling rope
-A Pecan pie from Bill Millers BBQ (I may get hungry on the mission)
-A firetruck
-1 No.2 Pencil
-A javelina from Cotulla, TX...yes Cotulla.
-Two bottle rockets
-One tube of Preparation "H"
-One tube of Ben ***
-A mariachi band
-One toothless retired stripper
-A Mike Miller diorama
-1 Big Red (I may get thirsty on the Mission)
-General Jazz's email address
-ZB Lang's Photo from Google
and some Kool-Aid. I think thats it.
Any body in?
John from Texas