Go spurs go!!! (2 Viewers)

"The old A/C is broken trick" as Maxwell Smart might say. I haven't seen that one since the Celts pulled into against the Lakers back in the 80's. Or maybe they claimed they didn't even have A/C. Had never heard of it. In the good old days, they would not only turn off the AC but turn the heat up in the opposing locker room. And then after the game claim there was no hot water for the showers. But only in the opposing team's locker room. Not a fan of LeBron. The celebrity culture in professional basketball and football has ruined the game. It's all about individual players instead of the team. I see people all over wearing his jersey. They aren't pulling for their local teams or even the Heat per se. They like the glamour of being associated with a star player. Fame and money is all that matters.

The old Boston Garden did not have AC; they used it back in those days from mid September to late May, rarely in those days was it super hot outside.

And LeBron; boo effing hoo, he's no Larry Bird, he'd never come out of a game, Willis Reed played on one leg, Michael Jordan had a 101 degree temperature and the stomach flu and lit up the Jazz, on and on it goes.

What a prima donna, what a baby, I thought he was the greatest, best conditioned athlete in the NBA?

He had "cramps"; there's a joke there somewhere.....:rolleyes2:.....all I could picture is John on the roof of the building smashing the AC unit with a sledgehammer......................
The old Boston Garden did not have AC; they used it back in those days from mid September to late May, rarely in those days was it super hot outside.

And LeBron; boo effing hoo, he's no Larry Bird, he'd never come out of a game, Willis Reed played on one leg, Michael Jordan had a 101 degree temperature and the stomach flu and lit up the Jazz, on and on it goes.

What a prima donna, what a baby, I thought he was the greatest, best conditioned athlete in the NBA?

He had "cramps"; there's a joke there somewhere.....:rolleyes2:.....all I could picture is John on the roof of the building smashing the AC unit with a sledgehammer......................


I was in the electrical room with my Javelina from Cotulla, TX...yes Cotulla. I cut him loose and he began to run and bust out wires and wreaking havoc. I did not feed him for three days, so he was pretty agitated. I excited with the building and had some Pecan Pie from Rudy's BBQ in the comfort of my truck with the A/C blasting. it was just getting too hot in there.

On to Queen James...I got two thoughts. My first thought is that I heard him in one of his interviews and he stated "Man I have NEVER played in heat like that". What the hell, as in, you have never played street ball? OUTSIDE!?! Whether it be basketball, baseball, football or tether ball I mean he had the cajones to say that!!! C'mon man you have never had to play basketball uncomfortable? That dude would not last a 1/2 day in Salvation Army basic training let alone a good day in Iraq. Puh-lease man.

Okay, a second thought. Any man who has ever been in the "throws" (if you know what I mean) has had one of those cramps while...y'know...were in da' act. When that happens...brother it will shut you down and you better find another position quick or you will doing more than the "ooo-ooo" face. You will be grimacing and showing the yeeeouch face. So, if it was one of those cramps...then you should understand.

BUT, I don't think it was and who knows it could have been just a ruse. Hey, Muhammed Ali used to limp back to his corner in fight just to "psych" out his opponent and make them think he was hurting. Then turn around and put a beating on them. So, who knows. But what I do know is that Lebron went from King James to Queen James in a NY minute when the whole world said "what wrong with him?". A CRAMP...c'mon now!

John from Texas
He has this cramping issue for awhile now; he plays basketball and is built like a linebacker and one of the side effects of PED's is cramping (one in particular which also happens to be one of the most widely used ones).

I have no doubt, as in 0%, that he is on something.

He'd better figure it out asap or else it will continue to be a problem for him going forward.

The Spurs have to win tomorrow night and keep the pressure on Miami.
He has this cramping issue for awhile now; he plays basketball and is built like a linebacker and one of the side effects of PED's is cramping (one in particular which also happens to be one of the most widely used ones).

I have no doubt, as in 0%, that he is on something.

He'd better figure it out asap or else it will continue to be a problem for him going forward.

The Spurs have to win tomorrow night and keep the pressure on Miami.


I am not educated in the acronyms, what is PED?

John from Texas

PS: Oh yeah will be coaching a 3 v 3 soccer tourney today with the girls....South Texas heat and all.

I am not educated in the acronyms, what is PED?

John from Texas

PS: Oh yeah will be coaching a 3 v 3 soccer tourney today with the girls....South Texas heat and all.

John...I think George is alluding to performance enhancing drugs...
Correct, performance enhancing drugs, aka, steroids and the like............
Correct, performance enhancing drugs, aka, steroids and the like............


Lebron is huge from the waist up...
he reminds me of Karl Malone...
maybe even Dwight Howard...

but are his legs real skinny for his body...

they look like twigs to me...

am I wrong?
You are correct.

Which explains the cramping; ie, his upper body is huge due to the PED's, his lower body is not as big, so he cramps up.
Thank you Gents for the education, now I understand...and "get it". So, onto the home front and LeBron Cramps.

I am happy to report that me and my team who played a 3v3 tournament ALL DAY (and all the other hundreds of players there) did not suffer any leg cramps in the 97 degree San Antonio Heat today. My girls were hydrated, acclimated and motivated to whoop some *** today in soccer. Oh, and did I mention they are 11 and 12 years old. During one of the half times (I say one because we had four games on the pitch) I asked if any one had any "Lebron Cramps" and to my surprise they all laughed and knew exactly what I was talking about. As usual they played their hearts out and took home a medal. No complaints, no televised interviews and most importantly no excuses!!!

So, I have a new term to coin...it is called "the LBC syndrome" that people can suffer from and the drug companies can make one of those cutesy commercials on. Y'know the one were the couple is running on the beach, but the side effects include vomitting, bouts of seizures and the what not. So, if you suffer from "LeBron Cramps or the LBC syndrome, you too can ask your medical professional about treatment" but side effects include...

John from Texas

LeBron is getting assaulted everywhere on this one; talk radio, ESPN, social media, you name it, he's catching grief over it.

Not a good idea to light a fire under his rear end, have a funny feeling he's coming out tomorrow night with a take no prisoners approach, could be ugly...............

congrats on the medal with your girls...

I don't even know if my new Obama Care policy covers LBC....

I will check on this Monday...

as I am playing golf in 90 degree heat weather tomorrow...
but I will probably be okay as long as I leave the Jameson in the bag til at least hole #12 or later...


spot on...

as the Japanese Admiral said...

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."
IMHO the Spurs are playing the best NBA basketball nowadays. Just great team work which includes beautiful passing/sharing the ball. I don't know if they will win against Miami though, especially if the Heat are able to step up their defence and if LeBron goes ballistic... Will follow closely.

Three years ago the Celtics beat Miami in Miami in the ECF to go up 3-2 with game six in Boston; it was the famous game where as the Heat came off the court, the little kid was yelling "Good effort, good job Heat" and the media ran with it and were dumping all over the Heat and Lebron.

He came out in game 6 and put the team on his back, was a one man wrecking crew and they beat the Celtics and then went on to win game 7 and then their first NBA Championship; the Celtics were toast, the end of the Big Three era here and the Heat started their championship run.

The LAST thing you want to do is poke Lebron with a stick.

From first hand experience I can tell you it's a bad plan.

I'm not eh-scared and I don't think the Spurs are eh-scared of the Big Bad Leroy Lebron. But, your right, tonights game is going to be ugly. In fact, it is going to be FUGLY. The fans are going to rip the hell out of him tonight and my sources tell me that some fans will be carried in "a la" LBC syndrome style. He will have to have some pretty strong fortitude to ignore the "MAS PUTO" razzing he is going to get. Cause you gotta be MAS PUTO to go out like that in game 1 of the NBA Finals.

Anywho, Mike since I'm a disabled Vet, I am covered under ANYTHING foreign or domestic and if the LBC syndrome strikes me I'm good. I just don't think I will get a rating for Lebron Cramp Syndrome though, but I will be sure to check with the VA. Also, Mike that awesome quote came from Admiral Yamamoto who had only 3 fingers on (I think) left hand. I wish K&C would make a figure of him!!!

So, tonight will be fun and I look forward to a good game. We will have wings coated in slap yo mama sauce, double cheese burgers, chips, salsa, salad and Big Red. My second evil plan is in the works and it will be a dousey!!!!

John from Tejas

Tonights sabotage of the Miami Heat will include the following:

-3 Chicken bones
-2 Rib bones
-An Armadillo I picked up in Flatonia, TX...yes Flatonia.
-Another Pecan Pie from Bill Millers BBQ
-The Polka band from TTSS 2014
-A wrench
-One box of Depends (for Lebron)
-A smoke grenade

...and some Kool-Aid.

John from Texas

have you ever eaten at Joel's in Flatonia...
great BBQ sausage...

and why do they call it Flatonia...
it's one hill after another...^&confuse

I had an ominous feeling when Parker missed both free throws on the flagrant late in the 4th quarter...

then they didn't score on the turnover possession following the flagrant where Duncan was fouled...

and then when Duncan missed both his free throws on that foul...

it fell completely apart after that...

no excuses if you can make them from the line with no opponent's hands in your face...

no excuses...

they are in mucho trouble now!
I had an ominous feeling when Parker missed both free throws on the flagrant late in the 4th quarter...

then they didn't score on the turnover possession following the flagrant where Duncan was fouled...

and then when Duncan missed both his free throws on that foul...

it fell completely apart after that...

they are in mucho trouble now!

Took the words right out of my mouth; those four misses in a row were the turning point in the game. Parker was still hurting after that cheap shot to the ribs, I thought in basketball if the guy who was fouled is dinged up you can have someone else shoot the foul shots?

Then Duncan bricked two in a row after that and it was all down hill from there.

And LeBron had close to 40 points; told you it's not a good idea to tug on supermans cape, now they have to win one in Miami. They did it last year, so they should be able to do it this year.

If not, as y'all say in Texas, Via Con Dios and Adios Muchachos.........

have you ever eaten at Joel's in Flatonia...
great BBQ sausage...

and why do they call it Flatonia...
it's one hill after another...^&confuse

I had an ominous feeling when Parker missed both free throws on the flagrant late in the 4th quarter...

then they didn't score on the turnover possession following the flagrant where Duncan was fouled...

and then when Duncan missed both his free throws on that foul...

it fell completely apart after that...

no excuses if you can make them from the line with no opponent's hands in your face...

no excuses...

they are in mucho trouble now!


I used to cut firewood and cedars with my abuelo in Flatonia when I was a teenager and picked up sausages there before we went "into the woods". True story here, no tall tales, my G-PA had two mujados working for him and they met him there whenever he had work. There was an old trailer out there in the middle of no where and as part of their pay was the groceries my abuelo would take them. Anyway, these two guys would follow my G-PA around and as he cut a 8 foot cedar posts. They would lift the posts onto their shoulders it and take it to his flatbed truck. He cut, they loaded and the cutting got farther and farther away from the truck. I was so tired once I remember falling out and hearing the gunning chainsaw sound in the far distance grinding and cutting away. Man, that was some of the hardest work I have ever done and I will never forget those two mojados smirking at me when I could barely drag one skinny cedar post.

Anywho, don't ask me to take free throws after a cheap *** Sonny Liston Liver Shot! Man, I have told people over and over again...you wanna drop somebody hit them in the liver and they will crumble. Forget the glass jaw theory, because if you have ever taken a liver shot you know EXACTLY what I mean! Pain exemplified, bro. So, I understood when TP missed those two. HOWEVER COMMA, Timmy had no excuse and those free throws would have won the game.

Yes, no excuses and the Spurs should be ashamed of themselves for that poor performance. I think POP may have to show them the final game of last years finals again. They gave Lebron "leg Cramps" James all the juice he needed to pull out a seemingly stellar performance. The conditions were perfect LBC to have stellar game...heck the HVAC was on, but he was the only one who carried the team. To have one guy do all the work and not share the glory is extremely dangerous.


John from Texas

I used to cut firewood and cedars with my abuelo in Flatonia when I was a teenager and picked up sausages there before we went "into the woods". True story here, no tall tales, my G-PA had two mujados working for him and they met him there whenever he had work. There was an old trailer out there in the middle of no where and as part of their pay was the groceries my abuelo would take them. Anyway, these two guys would follow my G-PA around and as he cut a 8 foot cedar posts. They would lift the posts onto their shoulders it and take it to his flatbed truck. He cut, they loaded and the cutting got farther and farther away from the truck. I was so tired once I remember falling out and hearing the gunning chainsaw sound in the far distance grinding and cutting away. Man, that was some of the hardest work I have ever done and I will never forget those two mojados smirking at me when I could barely drag one skinny cedar post.

Anywho, don't ask me to take free throws after a cheap *** Sonny Liston Liver Shot! Man, I have told people over and over again...you wanna drop somebody hit them in the liver and they will crumble. Forget the glass jaw theory, because if you have ever taken a liver shot you know EXACTLY what I mean! Pain exemplified, bro. So, I understood when TP missed those two. HOWEVER COMMA, Timmy had no excuse and those free throws would have won the game.

Yes, no excuses and the Spurs should be ashamed of themselves for that poor performance. I think POP may have to show them the final game of last years finals again. They gave Lebron "leg Cramps" James all the juice he needed to pull out a seemingly stellar performance. The conditions were perfect LBC to have stellar game...heck the HVAC was on, but he was the only one who carried the team. To have one guy do all the work and not share the glory is extremely dangerous.


John from Texas


Your timber story resonates with me and brings back some painful memories. When I was in college I spent 8 hours splitting wood the old fashioned way with an ax for a local rancher. The next morning I literally could not lift my arms to turn off my alarm clock.

And not that you can do it on basketball, but another surefire way to crumple someone who is standing straight up is a shot to the back of the knees.

No excuses for Duncan. Free throws can decide a game.


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