Goodbye to Mandi at Treefrog Treasures (1 Viewer)


thanks for the top notch, especially the warm response to impromptu preorders, and after sales services.

a special mention to the way you provide assistance for my figarti 88, even though technically, its not TF's problem.

thanks again,

and best of luck :)
Good luck to you Mandi! It was a pleasure to have met you at the Chicago show. You're such a wonderful person and will be greatly missed!
Sorry to hear of your departure, Mandi, but best of luck in your new endeavors. We will surely miss your always very pleasant and helpful manner at the shop and on the telephone. Take care....

Mandi, the best of everything to you and your husband. Many thanks for putting up with my order changes, cc changes and for just putting up with me. I guess I have to get the new person use to "Hi, its Andy from Staten Island". Once again best of luck.....
Many of you have gotten to know Mandi Davis over the years here at Treefrog Treasures as she delivered top-notch customer service by phone and email and took such excellent care of our customers. We are sad to inform you that her husband recently took a new job and she will be leaving us shortly as they move out of the area at the end of this month.

We are sorry to see her go and wanted to give you a chance to give her your goodbyes and good wishes as she embarks on this new chapter of her life.

She has been a great asset to Treefrog Treasures and to me personally.

Thank you Mandi and good luck!


Dear Mandi:
I only talked to you via telephone & E-mail a few times, but I was very happy with your service. Good luck !
"Iron Brigade" 4/18/2010 Wisconsin, USA
Mandi, good luck, and thank you for all your help and fantastic customer service over the past year!:)

Warmest Regards,

I'm going to miss you. You have always been very efficient and always very friendly. Best wishes to you in your new location.

Gary B.
So sorry to hear Mandi is leaving us, but hopefully she will around on the forum to chat instead of working:):) good luck with your move Mandi...Sammy
Hey Mandi!

Going to miss you terribly, but good luck with the move, I hope its someplace warm!!!! Thanks again for everything!

I go away for a week and I come back to hear about you leaving Mandi. I will miss our chats together and your helpfulness. Good luck in your new adventure.
Dear Mandi,

Thank you for taking such good care of our collectors through the years, we will miss you. Best wishes and stay in touch.


Hi Mani,

We want to thank you so much for all your help in always finding one more in stock. Maybe you can still make to the Chicago show each year.

We wish you and your family good luck with your new adventure, you will be missed.

Bride and Gary Lindwurm
Dear Mandi:

Gone but never forgotten! You were incredibly great at your job. All my best to you & yours in what should be an exciting new life. You better let me and John know when you head to the Arizona Territory again!

March On,
Mandi. . . You can't go . . . ! Sandy and I will miss you. You have been such a pleasure and we are grateful to have gotten to know you over the years. We wish you the best in your new adventure!

Please let me know when you and the family are in our area again it would be great to hook up you guys.

Good Luck!

Mark & Sandy Vuncannon
:) I wish you Good Luck and Sorry to see you're leaving Treefrog! It was Nice talking to you in the Past, on the Telephone! Take Care! John Gambale!
Hi Mandi,All the best in your new venture ,I will miss our long talks ,you have always been friendly, helpful and courteous..regards ernie..:eek:
hi mandi, sorry to see you go as you have been a tremendous asset to everybody you have interacted with. keep that personal touch. good luck to you and your husband take care greg
Dear Mandi, sorry to hear your leaving treefrog....I want to thank you for all your help, kindness,and will be missed....May God bless and keep you and your family in His loving care....Best regards Frank

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