Gun collections ? (5 Viewers)

Neither the liberals nor the conservatives want me, I'm too crazy. I think that every person over the age of 18 must be trained to handle and safely store a military firearm, either an assault rifle or a regular rifle, and everyone should be obligated to have one in their home.

All handguns or other small concealable weapons should be completely banned. You shouldn't be able to make one, sell one, carry one. If you are caught with a concealed weapon, you should be imprisoned for life. If you use one in the course of a crime, you should get the death penalty.

That would eliminate all weapon related crime, while ensuring everyone's second amendment rights.


A weapon at home offers little protection when you are out. Criminals will not be detered from possesing a firearm, strong laws against using a firearm in the commission of a crime are ok. A man should be able to protect his family in an emergency situation. A firearm offers the greatest opportunity to provide that protection should it ever be needed.:)
I like your way of thinking Louis :) although I don't think any type of weapon needs to be owned by anyone.


Here it is a right provided by our Bill of Rights.

It matters little what people in other countries think!:)
Here in Oregon, you can carry a weapon, but it can not be concealed. Must be in **ll view. After living in LA for 25 years, you definetly see a lot less road rage here.
A woman in Oklahoma, alone late at night, called 911 while a man on drugs was breaking into her home. She shot the intruder as he broke thru the door, recorded on the 911 tape, while waiting for police to respond. I don't understand people wanting law abiding citizens to be unarmed victims in their own homes. The Rodney King riots taught us the police are not coming to the rescue in every instance.

THis thread has gottne off topic.
Very true, unfortunately there are only so many police officers and a very large area to cover in most situations. You must understand that most
break-ins are intended to be on unoccupied homes so the intruder will be just as scared as the homeowner!:eek: That is why you don't want to go downstairs with the old golf club if the intruder has a weapon!:rolleyes: You are best to call the police and secure your position in most cases the intruder will flee rather then attempt to engage the unexpected.

A home invasion is a much more dangerious situation, so it is a good idea to keep your doors locked.:) A friend of mind always kept a 45 next to his chair. I never considered it until I opened my door late on night when my dog was barking and confronted a man up on my front porch.:eek: I yelled at him and he ran off.....I did not have a weapon available.:rolleyes:

Now I am never without one, you don't want to hear yourself saying...."Wait right here while I get my weapon":eek::)
I used to be a gun dealer. I had a great deal of stuff. Most experts agree that a pump action 12 gauge is your all around best choice. For penetration you want buckshot. If you wanna piss'em off use birdshot!:eek: The sound of a 12 gauge being racked is enough to start the brown going on a perp.
I used to be a gun dealer. I had a great deal of stuff. Most experts agree that a pump action 12 gauge is your all around best choice. For penetration you want buckshot. If you wanna piss'em off use birdshot!:eek: The sound of a 12 gauge being racked is enough to start the brown going on a perp.

Due to the gun laws in the UK that is the only sound my M1897 will make, apart from the click of the hammer:mad:


Ultimately, it can all be summed up thus, as Clarence says in "True Romance", "It is better to have a gun and not need it than need a gun and not have it.". -- Al
Just saw this thread,guess can be concidered a bit of a gun "nut"
have too many to remember.

3 bushmaster ar's,1 **lly loaded m-forgery
1 ak
2 k 98 s
1 enfield
1 Thompson
1 m 1 garand
1 m1a1
1 m1 carbine
1 Remington 700 police sniper rifle
1 Remington 7mm hunting rifle
who could own a gun without having a 10 22
1 mossberg 500
1 590 12 gauge
1 fnc
1 Luger
1 ppks
1 .45
1 p38
1 hk p7m8
ok,I ll stop now,have more but must look like a nut job
Louis, hope we can still be friends.
I am the only pro-gun rights person in my entire school :( As a reenactor, I get a lot of hassle about the gun. People do not understand that a person trying to rob a bank with a musket has one, badly aimed shot, before he gets stormed by a crowd of people, unless people are too stupid/afraid to do so, and give him the needed time to reload :rolleyes:
Here is the scene:
Robber: This is a robbery! Give me the money or I'll blow your brains out!
People: AH!!!!!
Robber: (shoots and hits a guy in the arm)
Guy: he's got me...I'm gunna die!
Robber: (fixes flint)
Teller: I'll get the money!
Robber: (primes gun)
People: he's gunna fire again! what should we do?!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?
Robber: Just wait...I'll get ya! (half-cocks gun)
People: Ahhhhh!
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Just saw this thread,guess can be concidered a bit of a gun "nut"
have too many to remember.

3 bushmaster ar's,1 **lly loaded m-forgery
1 ak
2 k 98 s
1 enfield
1 Thompson
1 m 1 garand
1 m1a1
1 m1 carbine
1 Remington 700 police sniper rifle
1 Remington 7mm hunting rifle
who could own a gun without having a 10 22
1 mossberg 500
1 590 12 gauge
1 fnc
1 Luger
1 ppks
1 .45
1 p38
1 hk p7m8
ok,I ll stop now,have more but must look like a nut job
Louis, hope we can still be friends.

Of course we can still be friends . . . most of them are military rifles anyway, and as to the handguns, you are a police officer.

As a police officer, I would love your opinion. Would you rather everyone have rifles, assault rifles or other weapons that can't be concealed, and ban making, selling and carrying handguns? I would think that it would make being a police officer much safer.
Louis,first off,hello.
You do have many valid we see in many
states that have very strict gun laws,the criminals
will always get guns one way or another.
Yes,anybody at anytime could be a threat with a
handgun and you would never know till too late
but a bullitproof vest will stop most pistol calibers
but will stop none of the long rifles.but totally agree
on all you training points and ownership points.
On a lighter note saw your other post, gonna try to
bring my son to his first show in Freeport on sat also
if it comes together I ll give you a call.
Neither the liberals nor the conservatives want me, I'm too crazy. I think that every person over the age of 18 must be trained to handle and safely store a military firearm, either an assault rifle or a regular rifle, and everyone should be obligated to have one in their home.

All handguns or other small concealable weapons should be completely banned. You shouldn't be able to make one, sell one, carry one. If you are caught with a concealed weapon, you should be imprisoned for life. If you use one in the course of a crime, you should get the death penalty.

That would eliminate all weapon related crime, while ensuring everyone's second amendment rights.

don't disagree with your first stmt. But my friend, cannot agree with your second. I have the right to bear arms, period. If I choose a Glock 9, so be it. Ban the weapons from the criminal fine, but if I want a concealed weapon, I should be allowed!

**rthermore, quick story, my 90 year old grandfather who is a Pacific War Veteran still keeps a 45 in a holster by his front door concealed in a coat rack. 20 years ago, a stranger stops and supposedly starts asking directions then as he is trying to enter the house in a hostile manner, my Grandfather reveals his weapon.....Criminal ran off fast, I call that a deterrent.

When a gun of any kind is in properly trained hands, it works.

This is getting way off topic but I find no reason to ban any sort of weapon from a law abiding citizen, as has been stated, criminal will always have access, the only thing a ban does is keep it out of the "good guys" hands. And if you are asking, I would have no remorse defending myself against an intruder intending to do me harm, would not lose a wink on that one. As I have often heard criminals say.....its a cold world.......(I would add) yes it is!

I know on this issue I am slightly to the right of Attila the Hun. (and proud of it)

Tom, good post, and I agree. Guns are not the problem, criminals are. We need strong laws against the use of a firearm during the commission of a crime. That is really the only sensible option, asking an entire population to walk around defenless is just plain silly.

The police do an excellent job but they cannot be everywhere. Many people can find themselves in dangerious situaitons through no fault of their own. Such as leaving a mall, or place of business late at night, having a flat tire, or brakedown, or have someone follow them home one evening.

People should be able to defend themselves. Having run businesses my entire life I have been in several interesting situations. I have been attacked by shoplifters, assaulted by armed robbers, attacked by a disgruntled man when I left my store one evening and had a weapon aimed at me. All of these situations ended in a positive manor with the people being arrested and no one was ever really hurt I was always able to defend myself.

I have also seen what happens to people who have been robbed and were not able to defend themselves, it is not an easy thing for someone to deal with.

I think a person should be given the opportunity to chose his course of action.
I have the right to carry a concealled firearm,unlike many ny'ers,if while out with my family something happened and I didn't have my weapon I hope my only regret would be is my weapon is a paperweight in my safe when I really needed it to protect my family.I believe the average citizen should be able to do the mentioned before the police cannot be everywhere.that being said long gun or, training, training.I've worked with some bonehead cops that shouldn't have guns.

Sounds like we need a group range day for some practice.
Louis,first off,hello.
You do have many valid we see in many
states that have very strict gun laws,the criminals
will always get guns one way or another.
Yes,anybody at anytime could be a threat with a
handgun and you would never know till too late
but a bullitproof vest will stop most pistol calibers
but will stop none of the long rifles.but totally agree
on all you training points and ownership points.
On a lighter note saw your other post, gonna try to
bring my son to his first show in Freeport on sat also
if it comes together I ll give you a call.

That would be great. Call me.
don't disagree with your first stmt. But my friend, cannot agree with your second. I have the right to bear arms, period. If I choose a Glock 9, so be it. Ban the weapons from the criminal fine, but if I want a concealed weapon, I should be allowed!

**rthermore, quick story, my 90 year old grandfather who is a Pacific War Veteran still keeps a 45 in a holster by his front door concealed in a coat rack. 20 years ago, a stranger stops and supposedly starts asking directions then as he is trying to enter the house in a hostile manner, my Grandfather reveals his weapon.....Criminal ran off fast, I call that a deterrent.

When a gun of any kind is in properly trained hands, it works.

This is getting way off topic but I find no reason to ban any sort of weapon from a law abiding citizen, as has been stated, criminal will always have access, the only thing a ban does is keep it out of the "good guys" hands. And if you are asking, I would have no remorse defending myself against an intruder intending to do me harm, would not lose a wink on that one. As I have often heard criminals say.....its a cold world.......(I would add) yes it is!

I know on this issue I am slightly to the right of Attila the Hun. (and proud of it)


I told you Tom, both liberals and conservatives don't want me . . . ;)
I told you Tom, both liberals and conservatives don't want me . . . ;)

Aw, you are just fine most of the time,just have to steer clear of a few subjects I have learned from knowing you.......Patton, Montgomery, MacArthur, right to bear arms................:D:p The list is growing...........:p

I support the right to carry. My problem comes with the individual who is not trained to use a weapon properly. Honestly, most people can't chew gum and walk and would be inclined to go to pieces in a hostile situation. A gun in the hands of the untrained, the unprepared, is just another weapon that will end up in the wrong hands, probably used on the owner. Training and familiarity with a weapon is essential if one wants to own and carry a gun. Without specialized training you risk a situation where anyone can wield a gun, just like driving a car (which most people can't do well, either). I do believe that an honest, law abiding person should be able to own and carry, but I also believe training and testing are necessary and should be part of the process. -- Al

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