gunboats (2 Viewers)


I'm sure you must have meant "for" sale and not "on" sale :D


Sure did Brad:salute::, it was being sold by Jean-Claude who had "loads of" AZW Trophy for sale last year, they all sold surprisingly and I even managed to acquire several choice items:wink2:


The display of gunboats and dhows is truly impressive. They look fantastic and thanks for sharing.
Hello Everyone. I am new to this forum and thought you might like to see Len's boats. He and Valerie came to Sulphur Springs to visit Mike Laeding and me. Tommy






Hello "W T AllisonII":

Great looking photos of splendid Trophy boats, etc.

"Iron Brigade"
These are the production numbers as of August 4, 2006 according to Len. "Leopard"=28; "Eagle"=35; "Lion"=18; and "Victoria"=66. Good hunting!
These are the production numbers as of August 4, 2006 according to Len. "Leopard"=28; "Eagle"=35; "Lion"=18; and "Victoria"=66. Good hunting!

Not too many of the "Lion" , that's gonna be hard to find{eek3} There was a "Leopard" on sale at the last London Show for £2500


Those are some very interesting stats. Nothing on the small Nile gunboat or Arab Dhow? I assume the numbers are much greater! {sm4}
Were the boats made to order and that is why the numbers vary or did Len just say I am making 28 leopards and that is it.
Were the boats made to order and that is why the numbers vary or did Len just say I am making 28 leopards and that is it.

That's a great question, I'll have a word with Len and see what I can find out:wink2:


The numbers of each boat are on the bottom of the bow. They were all special order because of the cost. Len didn't give me any numbers as to the small gunboats and the dhow. From some photos he sent me, it looked like he would wait until he had two or three orders and would then devote production to them, especially as to the "Victoria".
Fantastic, as usual. Too bad I didn't become interested in Trophy sooner :(
The "LION" is one of my favourite, if not the favourite, Trophy boat, thanks for the picture Tommy :salute::



We should try and convince Mike Norris to visit the Crimean War if we hope to get a new version of HMS Lion.
Bringing up the powder from the magazine below decks-"H.M.S. Lion". The detail is outstanding.
Isn't there a K & C dealer out in California that makes impressive looking ships?
Great photos Tommy on a great subject and thanking you good sir for sharing them{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

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