Have no idea what right size is anymore! (2 Viewers)


2nd Lieutenant
Feb 8, 2006
Since when is a CS Stuart the same size as a CS Sherman as in height and width? The new Stuart is too big..
Sherman L 19'4", W 8'7", H 9'............Stuart L 14'3", W 7'5", H 7'7"...........

^&confuse Michael


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the joys and risks of CS armour you just never know what the next one will be like!!!
the joys and risks of CS armour you just never know what the next one will be like!!!

Mitch, once again you are totally incorrect about CS scale entirely, its just on and on with you fella.

Your comment : " the joys and risks of CS armour you just never know what the next one will be like!!! " is unfounded and I don't understand how you can espouse such utterances when ( see below ) you are clearly incorrect.

The first image is our M5 HMC perfectly scaled as postulated some time ago. The second figure shows our new M5 Stuart, the same size: how accurate is your comment presently?: " the joys and risks of CS armour you just never know what the next one will be like!!! " Clearly these two units are consistant and clearly you don't own either of them.

It counfounds me that you are so vehement about our well measured, scaled vehicles. Clearly you don't own them and you haven't researched them enough to color yourself such an avid afficianado of their scale. So please can you root your future comments in carefully researched measurements? Rather than off the cuff comments that make little sense relative to the images shown? I would go so far as to say its bad for the hobby. As such mis-information without the correction herein can only hinder new buyers, which in turn hurts you. So whats the problem?

Note the second image and the wikepedia dimensions that go along with it, where is the problem? There is none because we have worked hard to bring the collector an excellent scale consideration throughout the product line. Enough said.


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That's for you to state but, the pictures Michael posted speak volumes. I have as you well know been an avid CS buyer up to the Wittmann tiger(with only jagpanthers since) so, the manner in which you speak to me is a little sad really for a manufacturer when, these issues are not collector derived but manufacturer.

I do however see all of your armour regularly and repaint lots of it so, I am able to measure any I wish to do so It does seem that you have your notions of scale and others have theirs
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Looks like a Wikipedia vs Mitchipedia piss'in contest

Since when is wikipedia ever been the reference guru of absolute accuracy. There are any number of legit armor reference books ( I own 3 ) to dispute wiki's width of the Stuart vs real data. The CS Stuart is too wide and too high to match up to the CS Sherman. Use your eyes and figure it out yourself.. A Stuart should not be as wide as or as tall as a Sherman..All 3 of my books state .( M5 Stuart )7'4" to 7'6" width to a Shermans 8'7" width ,not Wikis 8' 1"....Go to any number of armor sites and you will find measurements contrary to Wiki...No excuse for not doing legit homework. Michael
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Since when is wikipedia ever been the reference guru of absolute accuracy. There are any number of legit armor reference books ( I own 3 ) to dispute wiki's width of the Stuart vs real data. The CS Stuart is too wide and too high to match up to the CS Sherman. Use your eyes and figure it out yourself.. A Stuart should not be as wide as or as tall as a Sherman..All 3 of my books state .( M5 Stuart )7'4" to 7'6" width to a Shermans 8'7" width ,not Wikis 8' 1"....Go to any number of armor sites and you will find measurements contrary to Wiki...No excuse for not doing legit homework. Michael


Glad to see your enjoying the Stuart! As usual your comments are most welcome and appreciated!



Gotta ask, why do you even still buy CS armor? Seems every piece you get you hate and post complaining about scale. If it is so in accurate and poorly done, why do you continue to subject yourself to it?

Gotta ask, why do you even still buy CS armor? Seems every piece you get you hate and post complaining about scale. If it is so in accurate and poorly done, why do you continue to subject yourself to it?

I own 6 CS models, 5 which look OK in size. When done right, CS armor can be great stuff. After the oversized Tiger and Mark 4, I almost gave up on him, but the next offerings were all right and I had hope they might had figured it out. But you are right about subjecting myself to a company that does not get it. Every TS mfg. gets challenged by the collectors, their customers, as to scale, size, painting, accuracy. There are parts of those processes that are not deal breakers for me and so I continue to buy what I like from everyone as to subject matter. All a customer can hope for from any mfg. is consistencies in most of the processes for making their stuff. My dealer is the only one that truly suffers from companies gone rogue as they lose any future business. It seems the best way to buy CS is to order everything they make and keep them in the boxes, out of sight. My CS spending dollars will not go wasted with all his competitors out there...Michael
I am not taking any sides here, but this size / scale thing is annoying. I consider myself to be a very experienced modeler, but there is a new issue involving size / scale almost every day and it involves all of the manufacturers, I cant keep up with it.

I do appreciate when someone points it out, because I am waisting so much time comparing. There is inconsistency between manufacturers and within manufacturers products, I now find I cant assume anything.

I have done much testing, yet I still cant make any definitive statement as to what works with what. Each situation differs.

There are those of you who dont care about this and that is fine, but I do, and I am making this known to anyone who will listen

All I can say at this time is I think some eyes are slowly opening. Alex

We don't agree on the size of figures armour for me being the most important issue but, I also consider myself a bit of a modeller and, know a thing or two about scale (well!!) but, you can run into brick walls when X is stated as absolutely correct when, its plainly obvious its not. Some of my friends who run competitions and judge model shows etc have looked in on some of these discussions and, think its madness (the abridged version).

I am not taking any sides here, but this size / scale thing is annoying. I consider myself to be a very experienced modeler, but there is a new issue involving size / scale almost every day and it involves all of the manufacturers, I cant keep up with it.

I do appreciate when someone points it out, because I am waisting so much time comparing. There is inconsistency between manufacturers and within manufacturers products, I now find I cant assume anything.

I have done much testing, yet I still cant make any definitive statement as to what works with what. Each situation differs.

There are those of you who dont care about this and that is fine, but I do, and I am making this known to anyone who will listen

All I can say at this time is I think some eyes are slowly opening. Alex
Mitch, once again you are totally incorrect about CS scale entirely, its just on and on with you fella.

Your comment : " the joys and risks of CS armour you just never know what the next one will be like!!! " is unfounded and I don't understand how you can espouse such utterances when ( see below ) you are clearly incorrect.

The first image is our M5 HMC perfectly scaled as postulated some time ago. The second figure shows our new M5 Stuart, the same size: how accurate is your comment presently?: " the joys and risks of CS armour you just never know what the next one will be like!!! " Clearly these two units are consistant and clearly you don't own either of them.

It counfounds me that you are so vehement about our well measured, scaled vehicles. Clearly you don't own them and you haven't researched them enough to color yourself such an avid afficianado of their scale. So please can you root your future comments in carefully researched measurements? Rather than off the cuff comments that make little sense relative to the images shown? I would go so far as to say its bad for the hobby. As such mis-information without the correction herein can only hinder new buyers, which in turn hurts you. So whats the problem?

Note the second image and the wikepedia dimensions that go along with it, where is the problem? There is none because we have worked hard to bring the collector an excellent scale consideration throughout the product line. Enough said.


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You have an excellent product with loads of detail and superb weathering. I find it interesting that there are perfectionists, in this diverse hobby with the multitude of manufacturers, expecting all vehicles to be exactly like the others. I buy items for the general appeal and idea that I want to create. If an item is slightly off in scale, if it indeed is, does it really matter if you are trying to recreate a moment in history? I would not mix some of my 1/18th scale tanks with CS or K&C for example but for the absolute scaler affectionados there is always the 1/35 plastic scale models. Keep up the great products. Maybe just top advertising the scale, as it seems you are ****ed if you do or ****ed if you are different.


We don't agree on the size of figures armour for me being the most important issue but, I also consider myself a bit of a modeller and, know a thing or two about scale (well!!) but, you can run into brick walls when X is stated as absolutely correct when, its plainly obvious its not. Some of my friends who run competitions and judge model shows etc have looked in on some of these discussions and, think its madness (the abridged version).


Scale is an absolute, especially with AFV's....I think that is a given.....What is going on in this hobby is the madness.

Also my part in this discussion is in no way aimed at Collectors Showcase. It is the hobby in general.

I have my ways of working around this so it is not that huge of a problem, but my future dollars will go to whatever company chooses to do this right.

Actually CS's larger vehicles are working very well for me.

I don't want to build models any more, so I want to see it done right in this hobby.

As a temporary fix I am using this guideline as a rule of thumb. It is not perfect and does not always work.

FL Figures with TGM and newer Figarti

TGM, some Figarti and some K&C figures with most CS AFV's

I am OK with this, but I rather not have to do it. Alex
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Ah the scale issue AGAIN...It seems that CS is producing "Largeish" 1:30th AFV's to go with "Largeish 1:30th" figures....The Answer: K/C figures are 1:28th and K/C AFV's are 1:30th a complete mis-match in scale with K/C ...... CS are 1:28th scale in both figures and AFV's but are advertized as 1:30th mis-leading...HOWEVER.....At least 1:28th scale AFV's are being made by CS....so all the CS and K/C guys should be happy about that......Figures and AFV's will finally be in scale with each other for these two companies.....If you want ACCURATE 1:30th collect First Legion WWII and recent Figarti AFV's....End of Story
Ah the scale issue AGAIN...It seems that CS is producing "Largeish" 1:30th AFV's to go with "Largeish 1:30th" figures....The Answer: K/C figures are 1:28th and K/C AFV's are 1:30th a complete mis-match in scale with K/C ...... CS are 1:28th scale in both figures and AFV's but are advertized as 1:30th mis-leading...HOWEVER.....At least 1:28th scale AFV's are being made by CS....so all the CS and K/C guys should be happy about that......Figures and AFV's will finally be in scale with each other for these two companies.....If you want ACCURATE 1:30th collect First Legion WWII and recent Figarti AFV's....End of Story

I think you clearly stated what I mentioned in the previous post ..... Thanks :wink2:
Collectors Showcase is a Good company and makes some good products. If people have a problem with them, move on and buy elsewhere.....
why continue the bashing ??? Yes scale is important but if any particular item is not right for you as an individual collector then let it go.
Bashing K&C at the same time and pumping up FL again and again is not fooling anybody.
since when is wikipedia ever been the reference guru of absolute accuracy. There are any number of legit armor reference books ( i own 3 ) to dispute wiki's width of the stuart vs real data. The cs stuart is too wide and too high to match up to the cs sherman. Use your eyes and figure it out yourself.. A stuart should not be as wide as or as tall as a sherman..all 3 of my books state .( m5 stuart )7'4" to 7'6" width to a shermans 8'7" width ,not wikis 8' 1"....go to any number of armor sites and you will find measurements contrary to wiki...no excuse for not doing legit homework. Michael

all i know is when you stand next to a stuart, i am 5'8 and when i raise my hand i could touch the top of the deck of the tank. So all those stuarts that have been made and are shown with a standing toy soldier where their head is above the deck are the wrong scale
all i know is when you stand next to a stuart, i am 5'8 and when i raise my hand i could touch the top of the deck of the tank. So all those stuarts that have been made and are shown with a standing toy soldier where their head is above the deck are the wrong scale

Does that include real life scale?:confused:


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If only it were that simple. What annoys me well, not annoy lets say frustrate is that you say it as if its set in stone but, its not. not all of CS's releases fit in the criteria there are some that fit well into the 1/30th scale and some that are over scale so, within the given manufacturers releases there are deviations. Now, I am sure that Brian will jump all over this as he always does since I mentioned the inaccuracy of the first wittmann tiger but, I showed it with the Jagdpanther and Michael has done it with allied AFV's.

Brian responded about two Stuarts variants not the point I or Michael were addressing the size of the Stuart to the Sherman that he released. So, in that respect both Stuarts are the same size but, it does not mean they are 1/30th bang on or whatever. I mentioned the former being seen as too large from recollection and discussion on here people mentioned the large size of the Stuart variant howitzer and, looking back I have read the threads about that since Brian's remarks. It was clearly stated it was larger than expected.

Again, I wonder why we are talking about increasing and changing the scale the hobby has set. its 1/30th and that's dead easy to attain. why the need to increase armour to 1/28th to be compatible with figures while stating that its 1/30th just makes no sense to me and, no matter how much one screams and tries to make out certain people are wrong we are all collector wise singing from the same hymn sheet so, to speak.

Its rather simple reduce the figure size to 1/30th and leave the AFV's alone. Not to do this means one company is trying to change the scale of the hobby but, stating that its 1/30th. So, calls from yourself and others for uniformity should they happen would mean everyone else would become 1/30th but, CS would stay different at 1/28th but, in CS terms 1/30th???

Makes no sense whatever way you try and dress this up

Ah the scale issue AGAIN...It seems that CS is producing "Largeish" 1:30th AFV's to go with "Largeish 1:30th" figures....The Answer: K/C figures are 1:28th and K/C AFV's are 1:30th a complete mis-match in scale with K/C ...... CS are 1:28th scale in both figures and AFV's but are advertized as 1:30th mis-leading...HOWEVER.....At least 1:28th scale AFV's are being made by CS....so all the CS and K/C guys should be happy about that......Figures and AFV's will finally be in scale with each other for these two companies.....If you want ACCURATE 1:30th collect First Legion WWII and recent Figarti AFV's....End of Story
OK I will play the game...Stuart H 7' 6" VS Sherman H 9'...Michael


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