Household Cavalry (Royal Horse Guards) (4 Viewers)

Yeah - Yeah! Warm feet eh? - there's lovely - look you! I think you are the smart guys, where there is another option available from the usual every-day grind.

In fairness, for the first (say) ten years or so - I loved it. I really felt that I was a soldier (though many in the PBI would argue that swanning around in a Rover - chatting gobblydygook on a radio was not really soldiering). Then, as you drift towards your thirties - it starts to get a bit "not that old stuff - again". Now THAT would be a perfect time to rotate to Butlins!

Please take it all with a pinch of salt old fruit!

I will tell you some tales - one day - of the time the Royal Signals took a turn at providing the Guard at some of the better London addresses. Not that I did it, mind you, - too short. We were told that everyone was considered - but it didn't take a genius to work out that anyone under five-foot-ten didn't seem to "get lucky". Still, swanning about London in a Rover (again) was okay - sending more gobbledygook over the air waves - and parking on double-yellows whilst doing it was fun too. We could also run the engine with the heater going full blast "to keep the batteries charged, so the radio doesn't fail you know Constable". We even had a police escort - hillarious! "Just pulling over here Constable - to get some chips!"%^V

I'm sure that too much ceremonial could probably take its toll as well - so am quietly rather pleased that you and your mates (appear to) have enjoyed it. Jokes aside, the uniforms and pageantry - for me - are the things that I enjoy so much with this TS hobby. If I didn't - I wouldn't do it. And as for the leg-pulling - well - that's the Army aint it?

Now, where's them dog biscuits - breakfast time! Old habits die hard. johnnybach^&grin

Hello Britfarmer - I say again - hello Britfarmer - will post pics of Blue Rider - I say again Blue Rider - here later, after sunray minor, this location, has dog biscuits ready - over.:salute::

Gobbldygook! Doncha just love it? jb %^V
Yeah - Yeah! Warm feet eh? - there's lovely - look you! I think you are the smart guys, where there is another option available from the usual every-day grind.

In fairness, for the first (say) ten years or so - I loved it. I really felt that I was a soldier (though many in the PBI would argue that swanning around in a Rover - chatting gobblydygook on a radio was not really soldiering). Then, as you drift towards your thirties - it starts to get a bit "not that old stuff - again". Now THAT would be a perfect time to rotate to Butlins!

Please take it all with a pinch of salt old fruit!

I will tell you some tales - one day - of the time the Royal Signals took a turn at providing the Guard at some of the better London addresses. Not that I did it, mind you, - too short. We were told that everyone was considered - but it didn't take a genius to work out that anyone under five-foot-ten didn't seem to "get lucky". Still, swanning about London in a Rover (again) was okay - sending more gobbledygook over the air waves - and parking on double-yellows whilst doing it was fun too. We could also run the engine with the heater going full blast "to keep the batteries charged, so the radio doesn't fail you know Constable". We even had a police escort - hillarious! "Just pulling over here Constable - to get some chips!"%^V

I'm sure that too much ceremonial could probably take its toll as well - so am quietly rather pleased that you and your mates (appear to) have enjoyed it. Jokes aside, the uniforms and pageantry - for me - are the things that I enjoy so much with this TS hobby. If I didn't - I wouldn't do it. And as for the leg-pulling - well - that's the Army aint it?

Now, where's them dog biscuits - breakfast time! Old habits die hard. johnnybach^&grin

I think some times people who haven't served, don't realise that the micky taking is part of the job. One of my best friends is a fusilier, it doesn't stop us taking the p@@s! I know "when you were in a Chieftan was a rank not a tank!:D^&grin:salute::
The public duties are hard work, just in a different way. For instance, with a tank, when you're on execise etc. you get the graft but in barracks, it's a 8 to 4 job with most weekends off, with the odd barrack guard. On the other hand with the horses, you work from 6 to 4. The nearest you get to a weekend off is from Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning! "Trotting" seven Queen's Life Guards every month. Barrack guards and night time stable guards still have to be found, because we were a bit short of men at one time, we had our leave cut for a couple of years!
"Trotting" guards is when you're mounting guard every other day, while cleaning your kit inbetween. On the bright side, the horses! there was some beauties. I got to see the sights of London from the back of a horse. And don't forget, pretty women came from all over the world to see me, and I got paid (sort of):D:D

Martin 22B Playtime Out!
Re: Castings I have painted

Ah yes - but this is before I became a forum addict - I have significantly slowed down production now Jeff.

But on - I have more work to do before I can rest.

Promised Brittfarmer I'd let him look at RHG from Asset - as he's about to take some on.


I think it was the Officer you wanted Scott. Here he is. I have put some of the others behind him so that you can see horses heads which are interchangeable.
I think the rearing head on Officer's mount is the nicest - so you can either specify - or leave it up to Anne or Colin to decide.


Other side. I don't think I did a particularly good job on the shabraque detail with this figure Scott. I think I was getting a bit fed up with them by the time I did this one - so may re-do him at some point. Note also that the scabbard is not long enough for the sword. Remind Anne over this point - as they often send one that's too short. Further eviudence that I was getting sloppy at this point - I think that I'd had enough of them after one per month for over a year!! By the way - the drum horse DOES come with a base - as the drums make him unstable without one - okay? If you need any more pics - just say the word

For all the tourists, by the way, the background pic is of Admiralty Arch - at the corner of the Mall, London.
Re: Castings I have painted

Oi! - lofty, which one of you ordered these Welsh-cakes then?

Wouldn't fancy bumping into those after a night out in Mayfair! It would be enough to put you off your dog-biscuits. jb:tongue:
Hi - 22B I'll bet with all the latest cuts - the London lovelies will be stretched yet again! Strange to think that whilst all those hard working underpaid MP's just around the corner were lining their pockets - you lot thought you were doing okay because the dollies smiled at you now and then. Heigh-ho - that's life I s'pose. Out to you -

Hi Scott - I put those pics of Asset on the Castings Painted thread - okay? If you need other views - just yell. Need to paint something now so PUFFO - see ya! johnnybach:smile2:
Hi - 22B I'll bet with all the latest cuts - the London lovelies will be stretched yet again! Strange to think that whilst all those hard working underpaid MP's just around the corner were lining their pockets - you lot thought you were doing okay because the dollies smiled at you now and then. Heigh-ho - that's life I s'pose. Out to you -

Hi Scott - I put those pics of Asset on the Castings Painted thread - okay? If you need other views - just yell. Need to paint something now so PUFFO - see ya! johnnybach:smile2:

We thought we were doing O.K. because the dollies didn't always just smile!:D There were often notes stuck in the top of the jackboots!^&grin One lad got a note that just had a hotel name and room number, it just said "bring your boots". Only problem was he wasn't sure if it was a man or a woman, so he didn't bother!^&grin:salute::

Don't blame him for not going - I used to read the Sunday Times too!:tongue:

So what did you get in your jackboots then Martin? post-it-notes???
[in a slap-my-thighs sorta way of askin'.........Ha!]^&grin

And don't just say "feet"! (well you can if you want - if it may cause a few probs!)%^V:
Do you remember a little ville called "Schneverdingen"? and a bar called "Der Schwarzen Rosen" there? If you do know it - I have a funny story. If you don't - I'll sit on it foe a while. jb%^V
Re: Castings I have painted

Cheers :salute:::salute::

That helps me out a lot, and thanks for the info on the Drum Horse. Just need to see if Asset has a figure without the cuirass that I could use.

Do you have the NCO figure jb?
Re: Castings I have painted

Yes I do - there are two figures without cuiriasse - Trumpeter and Farrier. I've found that it's best to take pictures in daylight - so I will photo them both tomorrow and post them (both sides) okay. The kettledrummer too - so I will pic him too. I think I can see what you are after.

Apologies for the rubbish shabraque - I had quite forgotten that I got fed up with him - and just put him aside! Don't forget to specify what head you want (RHG) either - as Anne just sends whatever! Colin is the military expert!

Good practice for me - is this! jb
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In the summer you'd quite often get tourist on a hot day, especialy ex-squadies that wanted to buy you a pint. If they didn't want to talk to you (obviously you're not suposed to talk to anyone unneciseraly, but you did if it was quiet) they'd ask the copper that was usually hanging around the area. He'd tell them to put a quid either in the gauntlet (which would usually fall out) or in the top of the boot. All was well until, about 83, when somebody had the clever idea to replace the pound note with a coin! Two hours on stag with a coin slowly working it's way down. Not comfortable.^&grin

Re: Castings I have painted

Thanks's paybacks HA

I really do apprecuate the photos and info from yourself, Martin and Trooper.

I'll get there in the end, been watching coronation youtube videos like crazy and NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH :(

My next quest is the coach that HM the Queen Mum and Princess Margaret rode in.
Re: Castings I have painted

I don't know how detailed the castings are but the farrier wears a different pattern of cross belt. Use the musician.

Re: Castings I have painted

You mean the trumpeter?

Yes, the trumpeters and musicians wear the same pattern of tunic with "bullet hole" lace on the collar and cuffs. Both regiments have slightly different patterns but nothing that would be noticable in 1/32nd.

Hi Britfarmer, I've dug out a souvenir programme of the Coronation in which the entire procession is set out in order. No photographs unfortunately, but every unit that was there is identified and Asset do make most of them. All the carriages are listed along with their occupants and escorts, all the bands and even named individuals. If you are interested I shall post it up in a couple of days when I get my new scanner. Trooper
Hi Britfarmer, I've dug out a souvenir programme of the Coronation in which the entire procession is set out in order. No photographs unfortunately, but every unit that was there is identified and Asset do make most of them. All the carriages are listed along with their occupants and escorts, all the bands and even named individuals. If you are interested I shall post it up in a couple of days when I get my new scanner. Trooper

YES PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^&grin^&grin^&grin

Thanks Trooper that would be a great help.
Re: Castings I have painted

Yes, the trumpeters and musicians wear the same pattern of tunic with "bullet hole" lace on the collar and cuffs. Both regiments have slightly different patterns but nothing that would be noticable in 1/32nd.


Thanks Martin, so a B&R trumpeter with an arm change it is then on an officers horse with sword in it's scabard.

Sound good?
Hi Scott.

The Asset Farrier and Trumpeter body castings are the same - so the cross-belt and pouch on the back are the same - and not the "special" one for the farrier.
As I said, I'll post pics tomorrow of them - and drummer.

You mentioned a coach?

Asset do a Royal Landau in several formats (see page 9 of their catalogue.
Also a "Master of the Queens Horse" (Another splendid uniform on him). He would doubtless have been at the '53 bash.

Assets Landau set is all based around King George V though. Wouldn't matter - the carriage is probably the same used over and over again. I have the mounted version of KGV already painted - I'll pic him tomorrow too - even though I know you are doing 1953. Actually, I have been thinking about the Landau for myself one day - but the snag is - I haven't seen it yet! (I live in hope that your proposal comes off!)

You mention Princess Margaret. I actually saw her go right past me at investiture of Charles as Prince of Wales in Caernarfon. As I presented arms - she looked right at me and gave a quite dazzling smile. I'm not really a Royalist - but boy - was she beautiful. She could have put a pound coin in my boot - anytime! johnnybach

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