Household Cavalry (Royal Horse Guards) (3 Viewers)

Just read the post from trooper - that sounds ever so interesting. I have a few of the dominion troops from Asset painted and in my collection already - so if they do appear - Ill post them again here too. Sounds like you intend to do the whole thing Scott - is that so? jb.
Hi Scott.

The Asset Farrier and Trumpeter body castings are the same - so the cross-belt and pouch on the back are the same - and not the "special" one for the farrier.
As I said, I'll post pics tomorrow of them - and drummer.

You mentioned a coach?

Asset do a Royal Landau in several formats (see page 9 of their catalogue.
Also a "Master of the Queens Horse" (Another splendid uniform on him). He would doubtless have been at the '53 bash.

Assets Landau set is all based around King George V though. Wouldn't matter - the carriage is probably the same used over and over again. I have the mounted version of KGV already painted - I'll pic him tomorrow too - even though I know you are doing 1953. Actually, I have been thinking about the Landau for myself one day - but the snag is - I haven't seen it yet! (I live in hope that your proposal comes off!)

You mention Princess Margaret. I actually saw her go right past me at investiture of Charles as Prince of Wales in Caernarfon. As I presented arms - she looked right at me and gave a quite dazzling smile. I'm not really a Royalist - but boy - was she beautiful. She could have put a pound coin in my boot - anytime! johnnybach

Yes that will come in handy but the the Queen Mum travelled in the Irish State coach/Glass Coach (I seeing some site say one coach and some say the other) I am sure in the video it was the ISC. No pics of horses though so not sure if greys or bays and if ridden or driven from the box. I have the Irish State Coach so maybe just a mod need on it. More on that later though :)
Just read the post from trooper - that sounds ever so interesting. I have a few of the dominion troops from Asset painted and in my collection already - so if they do appear - Ill post them again here too. Sounds like you intend to do the whole thing Scott - is that so? jb.

That's the plan as funds allow. Britains did quite a range for the Coronation already in the early 2000's so I intend to get those and then use Asset to fill out the sets they didn't make such as the Band of the Blues and Royals. I'm also going to use the castings for the household cavalry as Britains didn't make them either.
Right - first things first - you taught me how to do it - so "cast thy bread upon the waters - and it shalL be returned an hundredfold". Well - a few pics anyhow!

1. Asset Farrier & Trumpeter

Other side.


2 Drum Horse


Other Side


All three head on


Note foot reins on drum horse supplied with castings. Also curb chain for around neck (which I need to tidy up).

Question: Do you have a copy of a small book by James Opie called "Phillips collectors Guides to Toy Soldiers. If not I will copy you a page which gives details of britains set 2081 which was only on offer in 1953 and contained 228 figures - and featured the State Coach.

Sorry about sunlight in pics - shirtsleeve order here today!

Hope this helps - anything else - just shout. johnnybach
In case you don't have book - this is the relevant point from it anyhow, referring to britains set 2081. Book was published in 1989 so prices not relevant - but details given in the small print may be of interest. johnnybach


P.S if you can't read the small print - let me know and I will type it up for you.:salute::
MAGIC!!! Just what I needed jb, thanks for posting the photos and the Britians set. Maybe I should just buy one of those instead ^&grin Nah that would be no fun and besides I don't have that kind of cash :redface2:
As the book states - it was Britains second biggest set and available for one year only (1953). IF any are owned by forum members - PLEASE show it - but bet one isn't. What it would be worth now is anyone's guess! Later in the chapter I showed an example from, Opie remarks that "a nearly complete set 228 was sold by Phillips (auctioneers) in 1981 for £480 - the same set achieving £,3000 in 1987 - just six years later! Nearly complete - mark you.

I wouldn't mind betting it's in an air-conditioned vault right now! more's the pity.

Good luck to you with your quest though Scott - you are certainly biting something off there - it will be a monster if you can do it. I'll help any way I can - as you (with other friends), have helped me get going here - and improved my hobby enormously. Thanks chum, johnnybach:salute::
By the way - just checked that book is available via Amazon from four sellers for one penny (plus postage) second hand. Might be worth it just for that Chapter which talks about theCoronation. It's called Toy Soldiers (Phillips Collectors Guide) - only small - lottsa pics - and good fun for small money. Johnnybach%^V
As the book states - it was Britains second biggest set and available for one year only (1953). IF any are owned by forum members - PLEASE show it - but bet one isn't. What it would be worth now is anyone's guess! Later in the chapter I showed an example from, Opie remarks that "a nearly complete set 228 was sold by Phillips (auctioneers) in 1981 for £480 - the same set achieving £,3000 in 1987 - just six years later! Nearly complete - mark you.

I wouldn't mind betting it's in an air-conditioned vault right now! more's the pity.

Good luck to you with your quest though Scott - you are certainly biting something off there - it will be a monster if you can do it. I'll help any way I can - as you (with other friends), have helped me get going here - and improved my hobby enormously. Thanks chum, johnnybach:salute::

I doubt anyone on here has one either. Would be nice to see though. I doubt that I will have the full procession but if I can get the bulk of the known regiments then I will be happy. This of course will end up being one of those lifetime commitments I am sure. I have the space to set it up just need the funds to buy it all HAHAHA
By the way - just checked that book is available via Amazon from four sellers for one penny (plus postage) second hand. Might be worth it just for that Chapter which talks about theCoronation. It's called Toy Soldiers (Phillips Collectors Guide) - only small - lottsa pics - and good fun for small money. Johnnybach%^V

Found a Canadian seller who has it for 1 cent. I have just ordered a few books from this person so will wait and see what the service is like, then perhaps get this one.

Thanks jb
Hi Scott - was severly tempted to follow you too. But let's face it I'm the wrong side of forty! Would love to do it - and it would be a superb investment too. Think about "Britfarmers Coronation Display" on sale in the future!! Would be a future Classic. If you could do it - I (we - am sure you know who), would love to help. Take your time though. Rome wasn't built in a day. Do make it a life-time desire. I would - if I had the time!!

Best of luck - and all support in your efforts. I would love to see you succeed. Have a go, bach, I will enjoy your efforts and love to see it get there! johnnybach^&grin
I certainly will, we will see how the RHG band goes, at best I will have a full parade with buildings and crowds cheering at worst just a DoM and a Drumhorse

I will keep you all posted :)
So what! Good luck with whatever you eventually produce - the fun is in the chase. If YOU like it - that's all that really matters. NOW where's my flippin' brush???

I thought you might like to see the farrier's belt and axe.


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Something else I found while digging through my photos. The regimental staff. Veterinary Officer, cocked hat with red feather plume. Regimental Quartermaster (in this case RHG/D) no cuirasses. Medical Officer, cocked hat with black feather plume.
Plus one of my passing out photos. This shows the number of people that have to pass you before you're allowed to join a troop!



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Scott, dug these photos out. Thought you might find them useful. Points to note, the pocket lacing on the D/Ms tunic and the cuff detail. On the musician, the gold lace trim down front of tunic and all around hem, the odd shape of the pocket lacing and the lack of buttons on them. Trooper


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Great pictures Martin .Thanks for sharing.I have both magazine from THE REGIMENT on the RHG.I`ll take a look for some pictures on the bands.

Scott thats a big project you should have fun with that one.

JB Do you have any pictures of the Royal Navy Bands.I think I may order these as I don`t have a Navy Band.I think it would be neat to do one as The Royal Canadian Navy as I belong to the navy.
Hi Dave - Long time no hear - Sorry to say, I don't have a Navy band. My father was in the RN - and I remember him saying that he never saw a Navy Band - it was always Royal Marine's Band on any ship that he ever saw. That's why I have never done one. Also, painting those three tiny lines around the neck of a Sailor's uniform is so darn tricky - I have only ever attempted it once!!!

Asset do one though - see in their (printed only ) catalogue on page 20 for British (all ratings) and page 25 for "Dominion" versions at Coronation. There may be others, but I know those. johnnybach

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