How Does K&C Decide on Cost??? (1 Viewer)


I do not want to discuss that point endlessly or try to convince you but when he wrote Im (sic) surprised Andy even responds to such questions, that implies that SPICK00001 is a dummy to ask what he asked. Not very polite.


Okay, Pierre. I myself don't see much wrong with the comment, but we'll agree to disagree.
Subject closed as far as I'm concerned. :):)
Yes, and thankfully Andy has excellent taste in subject matter that often coincides with my own. But I do think we the customers can lend important suggestions concerning variety of figure poses, vehicle detail, historical accuracy and quality control, to name but a few issues, so that Andy's vision is best realized to all of our benefit.


We all agree on this.
I don't disagree. All I'm saying is that for ME PERSONALLY 100% accuracy isn't an issue. Of course I recognise that for other's its a Holy Grail.
I wasn't dragging up the Heydrich controversy to begin it all over again, it was just the best example that sprang to mind when I wrote my previous post. I think its a magnificent set and couldn't care less about the type of car or its colour because FOR ME, the set gets its point across. Subject Closed, Rivet Counters...!!!!

I display the K&C Bren Gun Carrier along with FoB Dunkirk items. Is this inaccurate? I'm sure it is. Do I care? Not one little bit. It fits in with the mood I want to convey in the display. Would I display the FoB Vickers Tankette with the Churchill Tank to depict a Normandy scene? - Of course not.

For me, its all about balance. I collect Toy Soldiers for the pleasure I get from the hobby. Some slight inaccuracies are acceptable to me myself. If I wanted 100% accuracy, I'd go down the modelling path where there are literally hundreds of aftermarket accessories available for individuals to correct manufacturers mistakes. Instead, I'll settle for what I've got in the happy knowledge that K&C continuously strive to make improvements to their products.


Looks like we're in agreement about everything except the Heydrich set. Besides those inconsistencies, I just don't like the conception of the set. Call me a traditionalist but I don't really like to see soldiers dead or dying although that is in fact what happens in war.

I also display some of the FoB with the D Day Tommies. Not accurate but I like the scene.


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You did not behave in a respectful manner towards SPICK00001 nor towards CS.
(from Pierre)

I really take issue with this statement from you, Pierre. How so? I most certainly did not attack the person, only the comment itself. I did not use harsh or unpleasant language. And I definitely do not dispute that I said what I said, 100% completely on purpose. How Andy may or may not have “taken the question” was not the issue, as I clearly pointed out. He handles most questions with aplomb. The issue was that I, Rutledge, did not think a question about "how pricing is determined" is one he had any responsibility to answer, as it is entirely his business (and most certainly NOT mine).

It is not sufficient to say that you would never question anyone's right to express their views,

Do you see the irony in the quote above? Interestingly, it seems that it is now you who is “going after” me, in a rather unruly and aggressive manner. Aren’t you thus attempting to restrict what I say, beyond the perfectly sensible rules that TreeFrog already in has place? Perhaps the “pot” should take note of the “kettle”…

I must say, if you are so sensitive to where no one can challenge another’s perspective, perhaps this forum is too “open-ended” for you.

To address the accuracy question, it seems it is completely a personal preference. Some clearly collect for that reason, others do not. I am in the latter camp.

Obviously there is a minimum standard. Recently another manufacture had WWII African-American Marines charging ashore. That was an obvious mistake. I very much appreciate not only the high accuracy and incredible attention to detail of K&C figures, but the broad subject matters, creative “flourishes” i.e., “wet pants” on D-day figures, as well as the amazingly consistent artistry.

We all know nobody does it better than K&C. Andy clearly understands that in the global economy there are a dozen (or more) companies standing ready to take his place. Even so, he knows he will never make EVERYONE happy, and that is where his personal experience and judgment comes in.

I’d be lots more worried if there wasn’t a clear leader like Andy at the helm. Not to name names, but there are other lines where leadership seems spotty at best, and the results show it. Andy not only loves the business, he loves the hobby. That is a priceless combination, and one that shouldn’t be underappreciated.
(from Pierre)

I really take issue with this statement from you, Pierre. How so?I most certainly did not attack the person, only the commentitself. I did not use harsh or unpleasant language.


Thanks for make me laugh this morning. I attack the comment, not the person. You are serious, there?

You see, I did not attack you but your comment. You can't do indirectly what you can't directly. It is a basic rule.

Dear Folks,

Is Andy verbally rough arround the edges some days? Yeah ,maybe...and when he posts, no matter who he may or may not take a shot at, we ALWAYS end up with certain members taking sides, pro or con about Andy, the one of us guys......I love his product, accuracy warts and all, and when given a choice of K/C or whomever, making the same vehicle, I usually buy K/C because I love the extra crud and stowage on the vehicles ( the lived in effect )...Having said that, I must admit that some of us are verbally rough arround the edges, whether it be a language, generational ,or being Andy's buddy barrier. No offense meant, but I do tire of this member vs member hissing contest ,that follows anything Andy contributes, whether it be a fart, burp, attack or good info post...He loves making what we like to collect and play with....and to me, I would rather have his passion ,running the business, than some corporate suit ,pushing auto buttons..I wish there was no quote option, on the forum, as I do tire of he said this, and he said that back....SO TAKE THAT, knowing that this remark ,will come back to bite get the point. Everyone needs to take a chill pill, when they come here. Most of us have stress enough, on a daily basis, in the real world. Why do we have to bring it here, as we play with our toys...I shudder to think how real bloody it might have been to go to toy war against some of you, as kids....Medic, I have a plastic bayonet stuck in my eyeball, or Mom, he made me swallow a Marx Tank, will I die? Listen to yourselves for once, and if the childhood shoe fits.............:eek:...Michael
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...The issue was that I, Rutledge, did not think a question about "how pricing is determined"...


Just in case that you missed it since March 2006, the forum is about toy soldiers, not finance.

This has been a fairly heated debate even by treefrog standards and i thought i would just pose a question.Of course we all have a right as a consumer to stand up when we feel something is wrong and complain,no doubt about it.However do any of us really ever think i wonder what Andy thinks of us constantly nit picking/moaning about his product?.He is human just like the rest of us,he produces products that he's obviously proud of.If i invested time,money effort into a product only to be constantly met by 'Oh the colour is wrong' 'This didn't fly' or 'Patton never wore a skirt'!!! (joke:)) i think sooner or later i would start to get annoyed.

Don't you think that this wonderful forum might sometimes make us think we have a little more sway with Andy and the process of producing toy soldiers.I mean we are so lucky in having is ear here are we not?.Before this forum if i didn't like a product from a producer i just didn't buy it.There was no come back,i couldn't say to any other director 'Oh this was ok,but next time make something better'!.When it comes down to brass tacks,no one makes us buy anything.No one twists our arm,we like it we buy we don't then we pass on it,simple.

I'm not saying we should all stop complaining or we all bow down and be quiet as church mice,i just think sometimes we should consider what effect this barrage of sometimes justifiable and sometimes petty complaints has.

I'm just putting this out there is all.:)



On a completely different subject,i just saw another ep of 'Tanks' entitled 'Tanks on Campaign' and there was an excellant shot of that German T34.Anyone who hasn't seen this series its highly recommended.
...I must say, if you are so sensitive to where no one can challenge another’s perspective, perhaps this forum is too “open-ended” for you.


You are definitely an humorist. For someone who writes I, Rutledge in his post, trying to make me believe that you are here to make this forum to be more open-ended is the final joke (note that I am not attacking you but the comment).

Louis XIV was certainly thinking that he was open-ended.


Looks like we're in agreement about everything except the Heydrich set. Besides those inconsistencies, I just don't like the conception of the set. Call me a traditionalist but I don't really like to see soldiers dead or dying although that is in fact what happens in war.

I also display some of the FoB with the D Day Tommies. Not accurate but I like the scene.


I also don't normally depict dead or dying soldiers (or civilians for that matter) unless its integral to the story I'm attempting to tell, as per a few shot French troops I previously posted in the Diorama section of this forum. The Heydrich set is a bit different IMO. It depicts a Nazi beast receiving his just rewards. I haven't quite made up my mind as to whether I'll get it yet although I'm being nagged constantly by the Missus - who really likes it (?) :confused:. I want to see it in the flesh, so to speak, before I'll finally make up my mind. I really like the look of the car. If I do purchase the set, I may not necessarily include the figures in any future display. Depends on what alternatives I might dream up, I suppose.

PS. Love the FoB & D-Day Display. Its what I was really meaning in my previous posts on this issue. For some collectors it would be blasphemy, for others (like me) the inaccuracies don't matter. Its the pleasure we get from displaying some nice figures and vehicles together that counts.
One of the many great aspects of this hobby is that its up to each individual what they want to buy and how he/she wants to display their collection. IMO.

The debate has generally been fine until now but as a reminder let's not make it personal or call each other names and let's stick to the issues. I don't want to have start pulling posts. ;)

The debate has generally been fine until now but as a reminder let's not make it personal or call each other names and let's stick to the issues. I don't want to have start pulling posts. ;)


This is my last post.

How about a group forum singalong!!!:D:D

Lets all get together and do this in Chicago over drinks in Andy's room. Its a heckuva lot more fun that way, we're a lot less likely to take offense face to face (plus there will be cool new products and dioramas to drool over while we have our discussion).
Just in case that you missed it since March 2006, the forum is about toy soldiers, not finance.

You are not the moderator on this blog. Therefore I still am free to draw on other disciplines and topics, when and if I feel they are relevant to the conversation.
This has been a fairly heated debate even by treefrog standards

Oh no it hasn't.
I've seen much more entertaining arguements in this forum in the past.....:D:D Besides, I'm certain I read somewhere (might have been Viz Comic) that Patton did in fact wear skirts, dresses, frocks, and various accessories from Victoria's did Monty. And they were best mates as well....when they visited the West End together decked out in all their finery....:D:D
Oh no it hasn't.
I've seen much more entertaining arguements in this forum in the past.....:D:D Besides, I'm certain I read somewhere (might have been Viz Comic) that Patton did in fact wear skirts, dresses, frocks, and various accessories from Victoria's did Monty. And they were best mates as well....when they visited the West End together decked out in all their finery....:D:D

Like the two 'Ladies' from little Britain!:D:D
All this is just par for the course. It's what makes my job as moderator interesting.

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