How many are enough? (4 Viewers)

May 1, 2009
Easy said "I think these reissued Tiger and Panther are aimed more at the newer collectors and those who missed the versions from a couple of years ago. They look great as usual though and I'm sure there are plenty of people who would like to upgrade."

Jazzeum said "If it weren't for the fact that I already have three Panthers, I would be purchasing this one. Same thing with the Tiger, I also have three of them too"

How many is enough of Tigers, Shermans, Panthers, etc. and how do you decide. For new collectors, they can just buy the new model. But long time collectors are often faced with a tough decision - get the upgraded version, sell the old version, or just stick with the old version.

How do you decide?

Phantom warrior....

I don't know if I agree that they are primarily aimed at new collectors as I know and include myself in this, collectors have many multiple AFV's etc and, like these releases. I think they are equally accepted by new and old collectors. Now for me, I prefer the older versions of K&C for reasons I have explained on here before but, its nice for established collectors to look at changes especially, as most have developed their hobby and collection as K&C have developed.

I also think as a pure business venture you can be relatively certain that the Tigers Panthers Jagpanthers etc will do well in terms of sales to both new and old collectors. Again, this issue brings up collectors who buy to have as full a collection as possible and don't sell and, those who see it as some form of buying then selling to either get a new piece or, to refresh their collections.

I mean I have just about finished the five tigers for a collector and, he has just bought two of the desert tiger and one more SL tigers so, you can see where he is at.

I suppose the final point sums it up each collector will do what they feel best for them regardless of how others collect as, although we all discuss and bounce acceptable or not acceptable ideas of each other in the end if someone wants ten tigers or twenty shermans its their choice.


Easy said "I think these reissued Tiger and Panther are aimed more at the newer collectors and those who missed the versions from a couple of years ago. They look great as usual though and I'm sure there are plenty of people who would like to upgrade."

Jazzeum said "If it weren't for the fact that I already have three Panthers, I would be purchasing this one. Same thing with the Tiger, I also have three of them too"

How many is enough of Tigers, Shermans, Panthers, etc. and how do you decide. For new collectors, they can just buy the new model. But long time collectors are often faced with a tough decision - get the upgraded version, sell the old version, or just stick with the old version.

How do you decide?

Good question Terry,but there is not one answer fit all for me,depends on Tank an variations,for instance ;

Tigers; four is enough for me, Winter,Summer,Tunisian, Grey (hopefully;))
Panthers; I only have two so far Summer and Winter (HB) so will be getting another at some point.If when I've got the extra cash and I've got all my other wants I'll go back and upgrade to the new Panther.
Shermans; On top of Firefly I want all the funnies and then I'll be happy.Seven so far.(Calliope for eight;))


I feel your PAIN!

I have countless of these tanks from many manufacturers. I’ve sold off most (but not all) Force of Valor, 21st Century and old King and Country (except some of my custom paint jobs). I’ve decided to upgrade when the new tank is significantly better than the older and recently that’s happen frequently.

However, I’ve been keeping most of my Honour Bound and will likely never sell my customized Shermans and Tigers from them. However, I’m very curious to see the King & Country Panther and who knows maybe it will be my sixth Panther in my collection.

I agree. I am always faced with a decision to make. I work in a store that sells K&C and several other makers. When new orders arrive and I unpack them to display them I often want to purchase it! Handle 7 or 8 new Tigers, and then I want one myself! I try to stick to what I like the most and keep myself on a budget. (does not always work :) ) I am faced with the "kid in a candy shop" idea very often. As a collector it is always difficult for me to make up my mind a stick to it.


N. Baer
This was not intended as a general or theoretical question, but as a specific and personal one. How do YOU decide?

For me, it started with the Tigers and Shermans. I simply felt I had too many and couldn't display them all. So beginning with the Tigers, I literally lined them all up side by side and had a good look as to which ones I really liked and wanted to keep and to give limited shelf space to. I had 4 Tigers and after a great deal of consideration, kept 3 - Whitmann's Last Tiger didn't make the cut.


Then with all the problems collectors have with restraint etc your not working in the best environment mate. I could not do it as I would have little wages at the end of each month

I agree. I am always faced with a decision to make. I work in a store that sells K&C and several other makers. When new orders arrive and I unpack them to display them I often want to purchase it! Handle 7 or 8 new Tigers, and then I want one myself! I try to stick to what I like the most and keep myself on a budget. (does not always work :) ) I am faced with the "kid in a candy shop" idea very often. As a collector it is always difficult for me to make up my mind a stick to it.


N. Baer
I guess if I had to pin it down it would be a camo/theatre decision,if the most iconic tanks are represented in the theatres I am interested in then I'm happy.

As for getting rid of,its not on my agenda,I hope to keep them until I pass away and leave them to my wife to sell,hopefully she will make a nice little windfall,she'll really have earned it being married to me;)

Phantom warrior....

We have had similar conversations before but, I don't think with what I have that I could make that distinction about which, would go for the chop. I have over 350 1/35th scale models I built still individually boxed in the loft as I could not even get rid of these.
This was not intended as a general or theoretical question, but as a specific and personal one. How do YOU decide?

For me, it started with the Tigers and Shermans. I simply felt I had too many and couldn't display them all. So beginning with the Tigers, I literally lined them all up side by side and had a good look as to which ones I really liked and wanted to keep and to give limited shelf space to. I had 4 Tigers and after a great deal of consideration, kept 3 - Whitmann's Last Tiger didn't make the cut.

You are very right with your statement. I have this job in a retail store just to keep up my K&C addiction. It would be hard to say that it is a "job". This weekend I said to myself, "I am payed to have this much fun"?? I have a job during the week as a counselor and spend my weekend unpacking these wonderful items, what a great way to relax.

N. Baer
I think it's a question of amount you have of a particular item, the cost and the space. That is the logical part of it. However, being consumers, it's hard to dismiss the illogical: "I want it and have to have it."

For example, take the latest Desert Me 109. The cost is not prohibitive and I collect Desert (that is probably the range where I am more of a completist than anywhere else). On the other hand I don't have the space and I already have two Me 109s (wood). Accordingly, do I really need it? Probably not but I want to have it and I don't have a Desert Me 109. Therefore, I am purchasing it.

By comparison, let's look at the Hurricanes and Spits. I have two Hurricanes (one BoB and one Desert, both wood) and two Spits, both wood: one the old variety and one the new variety, the Polish Spit. Factor in the room and I decided not to get it. In my view, it is something I could live without.

Hope that gives you a glimpse into my thinking.
Yeah Terry,

I decided that no more than half my collection will remain in boxes with the rest displayed. Despite moving to a larger home in San Antonio from Los Angeles this met selling off a good chuck of my collection due to lack of space.

I've been selling for almost 2 months straight and I haven't still reached my goal. Why; because I love them all and making decisions are tought. It came down to deciding why I collect.

Again, the main criteria is replace the old with the best of the new and only keep some of the old versions you really like for whatever your reasons. Also, minimize on the number of sets you keep in boxes undisplayed and sell everything else to save $$$ and space. I'll never rent out space again to keep undisplayed sets in storage!


Sounds like you have the best off both worlds mate. Help people through the week and help yourself at the weekend.

You are very right with your statement. I have this job in a retail store just to keep up my K&C addiction. It would be hard to say that it is a "job". This weekend I said to myself, "I am payed to have this much fun"?? I have a job during the week as a counselor and spend my weekend unpacking these wonderful items, what a great way to relax.

N. Baer
Allow me one question ?

When you display your newly arrived military figures, do you keep the boxes ?

I'm doing that, but they are keeping a lot more space than my collection !
Allow me one question ?

When you display your newly arrived military figures, do you keep the boxes ?

I'm doing that, but they are keeping a lot more space than my collection !

Always keep the boxes if you can, it does take up room, but one day if you wish to sell they will be worth more with boxes.:)

That is quite true. When I went to my first big show (Chicago 2005), I saw somebody selling just Britain's boxes and remembered thinking "that's strange," until somebody told me how the box enhances value.
Allow me one question ?

When you display your newly arrived military figures, do you keep the boxes ?

I'm doing that, but they are keeping a lot more space than my collection !

Store them under the bed, on the top of wardrobes, anywhere you can but never throw them away!

How many is enough of Tigers, Shermans, Panthers, etc. and how do you decide. For new collectors, they can just buy the new model. But long time collectors are often faced with a tough decision - get the upgraded version, sell the old version, or just stick with the old version.

How do you decide?


I'm a relatively new collector, almost one year, but in that time I have acquired a nice sized collection. I have the Tunisian Tiger and two CS models. I'm waiting for a new winter version. I have the 105mm Sherman and the Figarti Fording Sherman, waiting for the Easy Eight. I have two CS Panthers, WS072 and a Barkmann's Panther from Honour Bound. The new HJ Panther was a must buy until the price rose 50%... this moved it to the back of the list. If I like a particular AFV, I will buy several. Price and level of detail play the biggest roles for me. Also, the number of new releases from different manufacturers is in the mix.
Always keep the boxes if you can, it does take up room, but one day if you wish to sell they will be worth more with boxes.:)


Actually - I have seen over the past couple of years where good retired figures have kept their price without the box !

No question a item with the original box gives you top dollar - but, at some point (where I am at) you start questioning "should I keep every box?" - or do you pick and choose which to keep or not.

Boxes will take over your life if you collect long enough - believe me !!! :eek:
A fair size proportion of my loft is filled with boxes and, I have often thought of dumping them for the recyclers but, as yet have not but agree with capitalron there a big pain when you want to keep all your collectables ad infinum.

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